The nnprofile.yaml file

The NNPDF code stores some configuration options (mostly various URLs and paths) in a .yaml file which is installed alongside the code. The default values can be consulted in validphys/default_nnprofile.yaml.

This configuration is used by validphys to locate, upload and download resources.

Altering profile settings

It is possible to set up a custom profile file in:


such that it will be used by every NNPDF installation (note that ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME} defaults to ~/.config) or by defining the environment variable NNPDF_PROFILE_PATH to point to a different profile file, which will be loaded instead by the code. Specifying a custom profile could be useful to add repositories for specific projects or change the paths based on the local filesystem characteristics.

If a custom profile is used, the values defined there will take precedence over the default values defined by NNPDF.


The following settings in the profile file are interpreted by different parts of the code. These should be specified in YAML format.


Main folder for NNPDF shared resources: theories, fits, hyperscans, etc. Ex: nnpdf_share: ~/.local/share/NNPDF. All other paths are defined relative to nnpdf_share. It is possible to set the special key RELATIVE_TO_PYTHON, in this case the code will use as share folder the share folder of the current environment (for instance ${CONDA_PREFIX}/share/NNPDF).


The path in the user’s system where the theory files (FKtables and ekos) are to be found, and stored when downloaded. Defaults to nnpdf_share/theories.


A path where completed fits are to be retrieved from, and stored when downloaded. Defaults to nnpdf_share/results.


A path where to store downloaded validphys resources.


A list of URLs where to search completed fits from.


A filename that, when appended to each fit urls, points to an index with a

list of fits available from that location. You shouldn’t change this as it is configurable for historical reasons.


A list of URLs pointing to theory repositories.


The name of the remote theory index. Shouldn’t be changed.


A list of URLs of LHAPDF repositories from where to download PDF sets.


A list of URLs of NNPDF repositories repositories from where to download PDF sets.


The name of the remote PDF index. Shouldn’t be changed.


The SSH host (with user name as in user@host) used to upload validphys reports and fits.


The file path in the server where reports are uploaded to.


The HTTP URL where to download validphys reports from.


The file path in the server where fits are uploaded to.


The HTTP URL where to download fits from.