.. _nnprofile: The ``nnprofile.yaml`` file ========================= The NNPDF code stores some configuration options (mostly various URLs and paths) in a ``.yaml`` file which is installed alongside the code. The default values can be consulted in ``validphys/default_nnprofile.yaml``. This configuration is used by ``validphys`` to locate, :ref:`upload ` and :ref:`download ` resources. Altering profile settings -------------------------- It is possible to set up a custom profile file in: :: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/NNPDF/nnprofile.yaml such that it will be used by every NNPDF installation (note that ``${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}`` defaults to ``~/.config``) or by defining the environment variable ``NNPDF_PROFILE_PATH`` to point to a different profile file, which will be loaded instead by the code. Specifying a custom profile could be useful to add repositories for specific projects or change the paths based on the local filesystem characteristics. If a custom profile is used, the values defined there will take precedence over the default values defined by NNPDF. Options ------- The following settings in the profile file are interpreted by different parts of the code. These should be specified in YAML format. ``nnpdf_share`` Main folder for NNPDF shared resources: theories, fits, hyperscans, etc. Ex: ``nnpdf_share: ~/.local/share/NNPDF``. All other paths are defined relative to ``nnpdf_share``. It is possible to set the special key ``RELATIVE_TO_PYTHON``, in this case the code will use as share folder the share folder of the current environment (for instance ``${CONDA_PREFIX}/share/NNPDF``). ``theories_path`` The path in the user's system where the theory files (FKtables and ekos) are to be found, and stored when :ref:`downloaded `. Defaults to ``nnpdf_share/theories``. ``results_path`` A path where completed fits are to be retrieved from, and stored when :ref:`downloaded `. Defaults to ``nnpdf_share/results``. ``validphys_cache_path`` A path where to store downloaded validphys resources. ``fit_urls`` A list of URLs where to search completed fits from. ``fit_index`` A filename that, when appended to each fit urls, points to an index with a list of fits available from that location. You shouldn't change this as it is configurable for historical reasons. ``theory_urls`` A list of URLs pointing to theory repositories. ``theory_index`` The name of the remote theory index. Shouldn't be changed. ``lhapdf_urls`` A list of URLs of LHAPDF repositories from where to download PDF sets. ``nnpdf_pdfs_urls`` A list of URLs of NNPDF repositories repositories from where to download PDF sets. ``nnpdf_pdfs_index`` The name of the remote PDF index. Shouldn't be changed. ``upload_host`` The SSH host (with user name as in ``user@host``) used to upload ``validphys`` reports and fits. ``reports_target_dir`` The file path in the server where reports are uploaded to. ``reports_root_url`` The HTTP URL where to download ``validphys`` reports from. ``fits_target_dir`` The file path in the server where fits are uploaded to. ``fits_root_url`` The HTTP URL where to download fits from.