
The NNPDF collaboration employs a storage server that host various data files, meant for both public and internal consumption. It hosts the following URLs:

SSH is used to interact with the server, as described in Access below.

The NNPDF server is a virtual machine (VM) maintained by the Centro Calcolo at the physics department of the University of Milan. The machine has 2 CPUs, 4GB of RAM, 1 TB of disk and it is running CentOS7.

The full disk is backed up every week by the Centro Calcolo. We perform every Sunday a rsync from the /home/nnpdf folder to the nnpdf@lxplus account at CERN.


User access

The access to the server is provided by ssh/vp-upload with the following restrictions:

  • ssh access to root is forbidden.

  • There is a shared nnpdf user with low privileges. In order to login the user must send his public ssh key (usually in ~/.ssh/ to SC. The nnpdf is not allowed to login with password.

The nnpdf user shares a common /home/nnpdf folder where all NNPDF material is stored. Public access to data is available for all files in the /home/nnpdf/WEB folder. The validphys reports are stored in /home/nnpdf/validphys-reports and the wiki in /home/nnpdf/WEB/wiki.

Access for continuous deployment tools

The conda packages as well as the documentation are automatically uploaded to the server by the Continous Integration service (Travis), through an user called dummy which has further reduction in privileges (it uses the rssh shell) and it is only allowed to run the scp command. An accepted private key is stored securely in the Travis configuration. The packages are uploaded to /home/nnpdf/packages.

HTTP access

Tools such as conda and vp-get require access to private URLs, which are password-protected, using HTTP basic_auth. The access is granted by a /.netrc file containing the user and password for the relevant servers. The /.netrc file is typically generated at installation time. It should look similar to

    login nnpdf
	password <PASSWORD>

    login nnpdf
	password <PASSWORD>

The relevant passwords can be found here.

Web scripts

Validphys2 interacts with the NNPDF server by downloading resources and uploading results.

The server scripts live in the validphys2 repository under the serverscripts folder.

The server side infrastructure that makes this possible currently aims to be minimalistic, although it may need to be expanded to a more robust web application in time. At the moment, only thing that is done is maintaining some index files (currently for theories, fits, reports and LHAPDF sets) which essentially list the files in a given directory. The indexes are regenerated automatically when their correspondent folders are modified. This is achieved by waiting for changes using the Linux inotify API and the asynwatch module. These scripts are often controlled by cron jobs.

The report index is used to display a webpage indexing the reports. It retrieves extra information from a meta.yaml file in the top level output directory, and (with lower priority) by parsing an index.html page contained in the report folder. Properties like title, author and tags are retrieved from the HTML header of this file, and are expected to be in the same format that Pandoc would have used to write them when meta.yaml is passed as a input. To produce it, the most convenient way is setting the main flag of a report, as described in [Uploading the result].

Additionally information from the mailing list is added to the index page. Specifically we query the list for links to validphys reports and add links to the emails next to the entries of the reports that are mentioned. This is achieved with the script. It needs some authentication credentials to access the mailing list. The password is stored in a file called EMAIL_BOT_PASSWORD, which is not tracked by git. The script outputs two files in the root folder, email_mentions.json which should be used by other applications (such as the report indexer) and seen_emails_cache.pkl, which is there to avoid downloading emails that are already indexes. These files need to be deleted when the format of the index is updated.

The report index uses the DataTables JS library. It provides filtering and sorting capabilities to the indexes tables. The source file is:


in the validphys2 directory. It should be updated from time to time to highlight the most interesting reports at a given moment. This can be done by for example displaying in a separate table at the beginning the reports marked with some keyword (for example ‘nnpdf31’).

The Makefile inside will synchronize them with the server.

The report indexing script generates thumbnails in the WEB/thumbnails which are then associated to each report. This is done by looking at the image files inside the figures folder of each uploaded report (see the source of the script for more details). It is expected that the server redirects the requests for to this folder.

Cron jobs

The following cron jobs are registered for the nnpdf user:

  • every day at 4 AM run the script.

  • at every reboot run,,, and, which monitor continuously the respective folders and create indexes that can be used by various applications. The first two are homegrown scripts (see Web Scripts) and the later two use conda-index.

The following cron jobs are registered for the root user:

  • perform backup of /home/nnpdf in lxplus every Saturday at noon.

  • perform a certbot renew every Monday.

  • reboot every Sunday at 6am (in order to use new kernels).

  • perform system update every day.

Web server Configuration

We are using nginx as a lightweight and simple web server engine. The nginx initial configuration depends on the linux distribution in use. Usually debian packages provide a ready-to-go version where the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf is already set to work with server blocks (subdomains).

Other distributions like CentOS7 requires more gymnastics, here some tricks:

  • make sure the /home/nnpdf folder can be accessed by the nginx user

  • folders served by nginx must have permission 755

  • create 2 folders in /etc/nginx: sites-available and sites-enabled.

  • in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file indicate the new include path with include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; and remove all location statements.

  • for each server block create a new file in /etc/nginx/sites-available and build a symbolic link in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.

  • remember to perform a sudo service nginx restart or sudo nginx -s reload to update the server block configuration.

Finally, here an example of nginx configuration for the server block without ssl encryption:

server {
    listen  80;
    listen [::]:80;

    root /home/nnpdf/validphys-reports;
    location / {
      try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
	    auth_basic "Restricted";
	    auth_basic_user_file /home/nnpdf/validphys-reports/.htpasswd;

    location /thumbnails {
    	alias /home/nnpdf/thumbnails;
	    try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
	    auth_basic "Restricted";
      auth_basic_user_file /home/nnpdf/validphys-reports/.htpasswd;

Some URLs are password protected using the HTTP basic_auth mechanism. This is implemented by setting the corresponding configuration in nginx, as shown above (specifically with the auth_basic and auth_basic_user_file keys). The .htpasswd files mentioned in the configuration are generated with the htpasswd tool.


The domain is hosted by Namecheap, which also manages the DNS entries. For each subdomain there is an A record always pointing to the same server IP, currently The subdomains are then handled as described in Web server. For example, a DNS query for returns

 $ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.7-Ubuntu <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 26766
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 65494
;		IN	A


;; Query time: 170 msec
;; WHEN: Tue May 28 14:26:53 BST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 67

SSL encryption

SSL encription is provided by Let’s Encrypt. The certificates are created using the certbot program with the nginx module.

In order to create new ssl certificates, first prepare the nginx server block configuration file and then run the interactive command:

sudo certbot --nginx -d <domain>

This will ask you several questions, including if you would like to automatically update the nginx server block file. We fully recommend this approach.

The certificate is automatically renewed by a cron job.