n3fit.backends.keras_backend package


n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaLayer module

The class MetaLayer is an extension of the backend Layer class with a number of methods and helpers to facilitate writing new custom layers in such a way that the new custom layer don’t need to rely in anything backend-dependent

In other words, if you want to implement a new layer and need functions not included here it is better to add a new method which is just a call to the relevant backend-dependent function For instance: np_to_tensor is just a call to K.constant

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaLayer.MetaLayer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Layer

This metalayer function must contain all backend-dependent functions

In order to write a custom Keras layer you usually need to override:
  • __init__

  • call

builder_helper(name, kernel_shape, initializer, trainable=True, constraint=None)[source]

Creates a kernel that should be saved as an attribute of the caller class name: name of the kernel shape: tuple with its shape initializer: one of the initializers from this class (actually, any keras initializer) trainable: if it is constraint: one of the constraints from this class (actually, any keras constraints)

get_weight_by_name(weight_name, internal_count=0)[source]

Returns a weight of the layer by name, returns None if the layer does not include the named weight.

Note that internally weights of a layer are prefaced by the name of the layer, this should not be added to the input of this function. i.e., if the internal name is “layer/weight:0”, the argument to this method should be just “weight”.


weight_name (str) – Name of the weight

static init_constant(value)[source]
initializers = {'glorot_normal': (<class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.GlorotNormal'>, {}), 'glorot_uniform': (<class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.GlorotUniform'>, {}), 'random_uniform': (<class 'keras.src.initializers.random_initializers.RandomUniform'>, {'minval': -0.5, 'maxval': 0.5})}
static select_initializer(ini_name, seed=None, **kwargs)[source]

Selects one of the initializers (which does initialize, i.e., not constant) All of them should accept seed

weight_inits = []

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaModel module

MetaModel class

Extension of the backend Model class containing some wrappers in order to absorb other backend-dependent calls.

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaModel.MetaModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

The model wraps keras.Model and adds some custom behaviour. Most notably it allows supplying constant values for input arguments, which are used when training and making predictions with the model (note that constants need to be explicitly registered as inputs, see https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/11912). These inputs can be passed in the input_values parameter, or gathered from the tensor_content attribute of the input_tensors, which is set automatically when using the numpy_to_input function from n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.

  • input_tensors (dict[Any, tensorflow.keras.layers.Input]) – Input layer

  • output_tensors (tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer) – Output layer

  • input_values (dict[Any, array_like]) – Constant values for the input layer, to be supplied when making predictions with the model.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments to pass directly to Model

accepted_optimizers = {'Adadelta': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.adadelta.Adadelta'>, {'learning_rate': 1.0, 'clipnorm': 1.0}), 'Adagrad': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.adagrad.Adagrad'>, {'clipnorm': 1.0}), 'Adam': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.adam.Adam'>, {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'clipnorm': 1.0}), 'Adamax': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.adamax.Adamax'>, {'clipnorm': 1.0}), 'Amsgrad': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.adam.Adam'>, {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'amsgrad': True, 'clipnorm': 1.0}), 'Nadam': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.nadam.Nadam'>, {'learning_rate': 0.001, 'clipnorm': 1.0}), 'RMSprop': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.rmsprop.RMSprop'>, {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'clipnorm': 1.0}), 'SGD': (<class 'keras.src.optimizers.sgd.SGD'>, {'learning_rate': 0.01, 'momentum': 0.0, 'nesterov': False, 'clipnorm': 1.0})}

Apply the model as a layer

compile(optimizer_name='RMSprop', learning_rate=None, loss=None, target_output=None, clipnorm=None, **kwargs)[source]

Compile the model given an optimizer and a list of loss functions. The optimizer must be one of those implemented in the optimizer attribute of this class.

  • A learning rate and a list of target outpout can be defined.

    These will be passed down to the optimizer.

  • A target_output can be defined. If done in this way

    (for instance because we know the target data will be the same for the whole fit) the data will be compiled together with the model and won’t be necessary to input it again when calling the perform_fit or compute_losses methods.

  • optimizer_name (str) – string defining the optimizer to be used

  • learning_rate (float) – learning rate of of the optimizer (if accepted as an argument, if not it will be ignored)

  • loss (list) – list of loss functions to be pass to the model

  • target_output (list) – list of outputs to compare the results to during fitting/evaluation if given further calls to fit/evaluate must be done with y = None.


This function is equivalent to the model evaluate(x,y) method of most TensorFlow models which return a dictionary of losses per output layer. The losses reported in the evaluate method for n3fit are, however, summed over replicas. Instead the loss we are interested in is usually the output of the model (i.e., predict) This function then generates a dict of partial losses of the model separated per replica. i.e., the output for experiment {‘LHC_exp’} will be an array of Nrep elements.


a dictionary with all partial losses of the model

Return type



Get all layers matching the given regular expression


Get the weights of replica i_replica.

This assumes that the only weights are in the layer types defined as the constants



i_replica (int) –


dictionary with the weights of the replica

Return type



From a single replica model, load the same weights into all replicas.

property num_replicas
perform_fit(x=None, y=None, epochs=1, **kwargs)[source]

Performs forward (and backwards) propagation for the model for a given number of epochs.

The output of this function consists on a dictionary that maps the names of the metrics of the model (the loss functions) to the partial losses.

If the model was compiled with input and output data, they will not be passed through. In this case by default the number of epochs will be set to 1


{‘loss’: [100], ‘dataset_a_loss1’ : [67], ‘dataset_2_loss’: [33]}


loss_dict – a dictionary with all partial losses of the model

Return type


predict(x=None, **kwargs)[source]

Call super().predict with the right input arguments

reset_layer_weights_to(layer_names, reference_vals)[source]

Set weights for the given layer to the given reference values

The reference_vals values list must be a list of the same size of layer_names and it must consist of numpy arrays that perfectly align to the reference layer weights. In the special case of 1-weight layers it admits a scalar as input.

  • layer_names (list) – list of names of the layers to update weights

  • reference_vals (list(float) or list(arrays)) – list of scalar or arrays to assign to each layer

Compatibility function for:
  • tf < 2.16, keras < 3: argument save format needed for h5

  • tf >= 2.16, keras >= 3: save format is deduced from the file extension

In both cases, the final weights are finally copied to the file path.

set_masks_to(names, val=0.0)[source]

Set all mask value to the selected value Masks in MetaModel should be named {name}_mask

Mask are layers with one single weight (shape=(1,)) that multiplies the input

  • names (list) – list of masks to look for

  • val (float) – selected value of the mask

set_replica_weights(weights, i_replica=0)[source]

Set the weights of replica i_replica.

This assumes that the only weights are in layers called NN_{i_replica} and preprocessing_factor_{i_replica}

  • weights (dict) – dictionary with the weights of the replica

  • i_replica (int) – the replica number to set, defaulting to 0


Split the single multi-replica model into a list of separate single replica models, maintaining the current state of the weights.


list of single replica models

Return type


n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaModel.get_layer_replica_weights(layer, i_replica: int)[source]

Get the weights for the given single replica i_replica, from a layer that contains the weights of all the replicas.

Note that the layer could be a complete NN with many separated sub_layers each of which containing weights for all replicas together. This functions separates the per-replica weights and returns the list of weight as if the input layer were made of _only_ replica i_replica.

  • layer (MetaLayer) – the layer to get the weights from

  • i_replica (int) – the replica number


weights – list of weights for the replica

Return type



Check if the layer consists of stacked single replicas (Only happens for NN layers), to determine how to extract single replica weights.


layer (MetaLayer) – the layer to check


True if the layer consists of stacked single replicas

Return type


n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaModel.set_layer_replica_weights(layer, weights, i_replica: int)[source]

Set the weights for the given single replica i_replica. When the input layer contains weights for many replicas, ensures that only those corresponding to replica i_replica are updated.

  • layer (MetaLayer) – the layer to set the weights for

  • weights (list) – list of weights for the replica

  • i_replica (int) – the replica number

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.base_layers module

This module defines custom base layers to be used by the n3fit Neural Network. These layers can use the keras standard set of activation function or implement their own.

For a layer to be used by n3fit it should be contained in the layers dictionary defined below. This dictionary has the following structure:

‘name of the layer’ : ( Layer_class, {dictionary of arguments: defaults} )

In order to add custom activation functions, they must be added to the custom_activations dictionary with the following structure:

‘name of the activation’ : function

The names of the layer and the activation function are the ones to be used in the n3fit runcard.

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.base_layers.Dense(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Dense, MetaLayer


LSTM asks for a sample X timestep X features kind of thing so we need to reshape the input

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.base_layers.base_layer_selector(layer_name, **kwargs)[source]

Given a layer name, looks for it in the layers dictionary and returns an instance.

The layer dictionary defines a number of defaults but they can be overwritten/enhanced through kwargs

  • `layer_name

    str with the name of the layer

  • **kwargs – extra optional arguments to pass to the layer (beyond their defaults)

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.base_layers.dense_per_flavour(basis_size=8, kernel_initializer='glorot_normal', **dense_kwargs)[source]

Generates a list of layers which can take as an input either one single layer or a list of the same size If taking one single layer, this one single layer will be the input of every layer in the list. If taking a list of layer of the same size, each layer on the list will take as input the layer on the input list in the same position.

Note that, if the initializer is seeded, it should be a list where the seed is different for each element.

i.e., if basis_size is 3 and is taking as input one layer A the output will be:

[B1(A), B2(A), B3(A)]

if taking, instead, a list [A1, A2, A3] the output will be:

[B1(A1), B2(A2), B3(A3)]


Computes the Leaky ReLU activation function


A non-saturating version of the tanh function

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.base_layers.regularizer_selector(reg_name, **kwargs)[source]

Given a regularizer name looks in the regularizer dictionary and return an instance.

The regularizer dictionary defines defaults for regularizers but these can be overwritten by supplying kwargs

  • layer_name – str with the name of the regularizer

  • **kwargs – extra optional arguments to pass to the regularizer


Squares the input


Square the singlet sector Defined as the two first values of the NN

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.callbacks module

Callbacks to be used during training

The callbacks defined in this module can be passed to the callbacks argument of the perform_fit method as a list.

For the most typical usage: on_batch_end, they must take as input an epoch number and a log of the partial losses.

Note: the terminology used everywhere refers to a single training step as a single epoch. It turns out that to avoid tensorflow overhead, it is beneficial to write a step as a single batch instead. So callbacks must use on_batch_end.

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.callbacks.CallbackStep[source]

Bases: Callback

Wrapper around the keras Callback that keeps track of how the steps are divided between epochs and batches. The callback will call on_step_end instead of on_batch_end.

correct_logs(logs: dict) dict[source]

The logs that get computed by default are an average over batches. This converts it into the logs for the current step.

on_batch_end(batch, logs=None)[source]

A backwards compatibility alias for on_train_batch_end.

on_epoch_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]

Called at the end of an epoch.

Subclasses should override for any actions to run. This function should only be called during TRAIN mode.

  • epoch – Integer, index of epoch.

  • logs – Dict, metric results for this training epoch, and for the validation epoch if validation is performed. Validation result keys are prefixed with val_. For training epoch, the values of the Model’s metrics are returned. Example: {‘loss’: 0.2, ‘accuracy’: 0.7}.

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.callbacks.LagrangeCallback(datasets, multipliers, update_freq=100)[source]

Bases: CallbackStep

Updates the given datasets with its respective multipliers each update_freq epochs

  • datasets (list(str)) – List of the names of the datasets to be trained

  • multipliers (list(float)) – List of multipliers to be applied

  • update_freq (int) – each how many epochs the positivity lambda is updated

on_step_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]

Function to be called at the end of every epoch


Save an instance of all relevant layers

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.callbacks.StoppingCallback(stopping_object, log_freq=100)[source]

Bases: CallbackStep

Given a stopping_object, the callback will monitor the validation chi2 and will stop the training model when the conditions given by stopping_object are met.

  • stopping_object (Stopping) – instance of Stopping which controls when the fit should stop

  • log_freq (int) – each how many epochs the print_stats argument of stopping_object will be set to true

on_step_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]

Function to be called at the end of every epoch Every log_freq number of epochs, the monitor_chi2 method of the stopping_object will be called and the validation loss (broken down by experiment) will be logged. For the training model only the total loss is logged during the training.


The training can be finished by the stopping or by Tensorflow when the number of epochs reaches the maximum. In this second case the stopping has to be manually set

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.callbacks.TimerCallback(count_range=100)[source]

Bases: CallbackStep

Callback to be used during debugging to time the fit

on_step_end(epoch, logs=None)[source]

At the end of every epoch it checks the time


Print the results

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.callbacks.gen_tensorboard_callback(log_dir, profiling=False, histogram_freq=0)[source]

Generate tensorboard logging details at log_dir. Metrics of the system are saved each epoch. If the profiling flag is set to True, it will also attempt to save profiling data.

Note the usage of this callback can hurt performance At the moment can only be used with TensorFlow: https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/19121

  • log_dir (str) – Directory in which to save tensorboard details

  • profiling (bool) – Whether or not to save profiling information (default False)

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.constraints module

Implementations of weight constraints for initializers

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.constraints.MinMaxWeight(min_value, max_value, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MinMaxNorm

Small override to the MinMaxNorm Keras class to not look at the absolute value This version looks at the sum instead of at the norm

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.internal_state module

Library of functions that modify the internal state of Keras/Tensorflow


Clears the state of the backend. Internally it cleans the Keras/TF internal state, liberating the layer names and unused memory.


Retrieve a list of all physical GPU devices available in the system.



Return type

A list of TensorFlow physical devices of type ‘GPU’.


Set eager mode on or off for a very slow but fine grained debugging call this function as early as possible ideally after the first tf import

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.internal_state.set_initial_state(debug=False, external_seed=None, max_cores=None, double_precision=False)[source]

This function sets the initial internal state for the different components of n3fit.

In debug mode it seeds all seedable libraries, which include:
  • numpy

  • hyperopt

  • python random

  • tensorflow

The tensorflow/keras part is based on Keras’ own [guide](https://keras.io/getting_started/faq/#how-can-i-obtain-reproducible-results-using-keras-during-development) Note that you might also need PYTHONHASHSEED=0 (outside the program) for full reproducibility.

To ensure reproducibility in debug mode, if the number of cores is not given, it will be set to 1 (with 1 thread per core)

  • debug (bool) – If this is a debug run, the initial seeds are fixed

  • external_seed (int) – Force a seed into numpy, random and tf

  • max_cores (int) – Maximum number of cores (as many as physical cores by default)

  • double_precision (bool) – If set, use float64 as the default float type

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.internal_state.set_number_of_cores(max_cores=None, max_threads=None)[source]

Set the maximum number of cores and threads per core to be used by TF. It defaults to the number of physical cores (and will never surpass it even if max_cores is above)


max_cores (int) – Maximum number of cores to be used

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.internal_state.set_threading(threads, cores)[source]

Set the Tensorflow inter and intra parallelism options

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.multi_initializer module

Extend the Initializer from Keras to initialize an arbitrary number of replicas, with a behaviour equal to initiailizing a bunch of replicas and then stacking them.

class n3fit.backends.keras_backend.multi_initializer.MultiInitializer(single_initializer: Initializer, replica_seeds: list[int], base_seed: int)[source]

Bases: Initializer

Multi replica initializer that exactly replicates a stack of single replica initializers.

Weights are stacked on the first axis, and per replica seeds are added to a base seed of the given single replica initializer.

  • single_initializer (Initializer) – Initializer class for the kernel.

  • replica_seeds (List[int]) – List of seeds per replica for the kernel initializer.

  • base_seed (int) – Base seed for the single replica initializer to which the replica seeds are added.

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations module

This module contains the list of operations that can be used within the call method of the n3fit layers as well as operations that can act on layers.

This includes an implementation of the NNPDF operations on fktable in the keras language (with the mapping c_to_py_fun) into Keras Lambda layers.

The rest of the operations in this module are divided into four categories: numpy to tensor:

Operations that take a numpy array and return a tensorflow tensor

layer to layer:

Operations that take a layer and return another layer

tensor to tensor:

Operations that take a tensor and return a tensor

layer generation:

Instanciate a layer to be applied by the calling function

Most of the operations in this module are just aliases to the backend (Keras in this case) so that, when implementing new backends, it is clear which operations may need to be overwritten. For a few selected operations, a more complicated wrapper to e.g., make them into layers or apply some default, is included.

Note that tensor operations can also be applied to layers as the output of a layer is a tensor equally operations are automatically converted to layers when used as such.

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.as_layer(operation, op_args=None, op_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Wrap any operation as a keras layer

Note that a layer call argument takes only one argument, therefore all extra arguments defining the operation must be given as part of op_args (a list) and op_kwargs (a dict) and will be compiled together with the operation

  • operation (function) – opertion to compute (its first argument must be for a tensor)

  • op_args (list) – list of positional arguments for the operation

  • op_kwargs (dict) – dict of optional arguments for the operation


op_layer – a keras layer that applies the operation upon call

Return type


n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.batchit(x, batch_dimension=0, **kwarg)[source]

Add a batch dimension to tensor x

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.c_to_py_fun(op_name, name='dataset')[source]

Map the NNPDF operations to Keras layers NNPDF operations are defined in validphys.convolution.OP()


op_name (str) – A string defining the operation name

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.concatenate(tensor_list, axis=-1, target_shape=None, name=None)[source]

Concatenates a list of numbers or tensor into a bigger tensor If the target shape is given, the output is reshaped to said shape

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.elu(x, alpha=1.0, **kwargs)[source]

Flatten tensor x

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.numpy_to_input(numpy_array, name=None)[source]

Takes a numpy array and generates an Input layer with the same shape, but with a batch dimension (of size 1) added.

  • numpy_array (np.ndarray) –

  • name (str) – name to give to the layer

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.numpy_to_tensor(ival, **kwargs)[source]

Make the input into a tensor

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.op_gather_keep_dims(tensor, indices, axis=0, **kwargs)[source]

A convoluted way of providing x[:, indices, :]

From TF 2.4 onwards tensorflow is able to understand the syntax above for both eager and non-eager tensors

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.scatter_to_one(values, indices, output_shape)[source]

Like scatter_nd initialized to one instead of zero see full docs

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.stack(tensor_list, axis=0, **kwargs)[source]

Stack a list of tensors see full docs

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.swapaxes(tensor, source, destination)[source]

Moves the axis of the tensor from source to destination, as in numpy.swapaxes. see full docs

n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations.tensor_splitter(ishape, split_sizes, axis=2, name='splitter')[source]

Generates a Lambda layer to apply the split operation to a given tensor shape. This wrapper cannot split along the batch index (axis=0).

  • ishape (list(int)) – input shape of the tensor that will be split

  • split_sizes (list(int)) – size of each chunk

  • axis (int) – axis along which the split will be applied

  • name (str) – name of the layer


sp_layer – a keras layer that applies the split operation upon call

Return type



Module contents