Source code for n3fit.backends.keras_backend.multi_dense

    Extend the ``Dense`` layer from Keras to act on an arbitrary number of replicas.
    This extension provides a performance improvement with respect to the original
    Dense layer from Keras even in the single replica case.
"""  # Tested last: Feb 2024

from typing import List

from keras.initializers import Initializer
from keras.layers import Dense
import tensorflow as tf

# Note for developers:
# This class plays with fire as it exploits the internals of Keras
# In particular, when saving the weights of the model, the current version (3.2)
# will rely on the existence of Dense being formed by two weights: a kernel and a bias
# the kernel variable is saved in the `_kernel` attribute while the bias  in `bias`.
# These should, in addition, correspond to weights "0" and "1" (and are saved as such).
# but this is not a public interface and so it could change at any point.
# In addition, from 3.2 the only accepted filename is `<name>.weight.h5`

[docs]class MultiDense(Dense): """ Dense layer for multiple replicas at the same time. For the first layer in the network, (for which ``is_first_layer`` should be set to True), the input shape is (batch_size, gridsize, features), still without a replica axis. In this case this layer acts as a stack of single dense layers, with their own kernel and bias, acting on the same input. For subsequent layers, the input already contains multiple replicas, and the shape is (batch_size, replicas, gridsize, features). In this case, the input for each replica is multiplied by its own slice of the kernel. Weights are initialized using a `replica_seeds` list of seeds, and are identical to the weights of a list of single dense layers with the same `replica_seeds`. Parameters ---------- replica_seeds: List[int] List of seeds per replica for the kernel initializer. kernel_initializer: Initializer Initializer class for the kernel. is_first_layer: bool (default: False) Whether this is the first MultiDense layer in the network, and so the input shape does not contain a replica axis. base_seed: int (default: 0) Base seed for the single replica initializer to which the replica seeds are added. """ def __init__( self, replica_seeds: List[int], kernel_initializer: Initializer, is_first_layer: bool = False, base_seed: int = 0, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.replicas = len(replica_seeds) self.replica_seeds = replica_seeds self.kernel_initializer = MultiInitializer( single_initializer=kernel_initializer, replica_seeds=replica_seeds, base_seed=base_seed ) self.bias_initializer = MultiInitializer( single_initializer=self.bias_initializer, replica_seeds=replica_seeds, base_seed=base_seed, ) self.is_first_layer = is_first_layer # Definition of the convolution between the input of the layer and the kernel parameters # it is defined during the build stage. self.matmul = None # See note above self._kernel = None self.bias = None
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): input_dim = input_shape[-1] self._kernel = self.add_weight( name="kernel", shape=(self.replicas, input_dim, self.units), initializer=self.kernel_initializer, regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint, ) if self.use_bias: self.bias = self.add_weight( name="bias", shape=(self.replicas, 1, self.units), initializer=self.bias_initializer, regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint, ) else: self.bias = None self.input_spec.axes = {-1: input_dim} self.built = True # Using tensordot here for numerical stability with 4.0 fits # TODO: benchmark against the replica-agnostic einsum below and make that default # see if self.replicas == 1: matmul = lambda inputs: tf.tensordot(inputs, self._kernel[0], [[-1], [0]]) if self.is_first_layer: # Manually add replica dimension self.matmul = lambda x: tf.expand_dims(matmul(x), axis=1) else: self.matmul = matmul else: einrule = "bnf,rfg->brng" if self.is_first_layer else "brnf,rfg->brng" self.matmul = lambda inputs: tf.einsum(einrule, inputs, self._kernel)
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """ Compute output of shape (batch_size, replicas, gridsize, units). For the first layer, this is equivalent to applying each replica separately and concatenating along the last axis. If the input already contains multiple replica outputs, it is equivalent to applying each replica to its corresponding input. """ # cast always inputs = tf.cast(inputs, dtype=self.compute_dtype) outputs = self.matmul(inputs) # Reshape the output back to the original ndim of the input. if not tf.executing_eagerly(): output_shape = self.compute_output_shape(inputs.shape.as_list()) outputs.set_shape(output_shape) if self.use_bias: outputs = outputs + self.bias if self.activation is not None: outputs = self.activation(outputs) return outputs
[docs] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): if not self.is_first_layer: # Remove the replica axis from the input shape. input_shape = input_shape[:1] + input_shape[2:] output_shape = super().compute_output_shape(input_shape) # Add back the replica axis to the output shape. output_shape = output_shape[:1] + (self.replicas,) + output_shape[1:] return output_shape
[docs] def get_config(self): config = super().get_config() config.update({"is_first_layer": self.is_first_layer, "replica_seeds": self.replica_seeds}) return config
[docs]class MultiInitializer(Initializer): """ Multi replica initializer that exactly replicates a stack of single replica initializers. Weights are stacked on the first axis, and per replica seeds are added to a base seed of the given single replica initializer. Parameters ---------- single_initializer: Initializer Initializer class for the kernel. replica_seeds: List[int] List of seeds per replica for the kernel initializer. base_seed: int Base seed for the single replica initializer to which the replica seeds are added. """ def __init__(self, single_initializer: Initializer, replica_seeds: List[int], base_seed: int): self.initializer_class = type(single_initializer) self.initializer_config = single_initializer.get_config() self.base_seed = base_seed self.replica_seeds = replica_seeds def __call__(self, shape, dtype=None, **kwargs): shape = shape[1:] # Remove the replica axis from the shape. per_replica_weights = [] for replica_seed in self.replica_seeds: if "seed" in self.initializer_config: self.initializer_config["seed"] = self.base_seed + replica_seed single_initializer = self.initializer_class.from_config(self.initializer_config) per_replica_weights.append(single_initializer(shape, dtype, **kwargs)) return tf.stack(per_replica_weights, axis=0)