Source code for n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaModel

    MetaModel class

    Extension of the backend Model class containing some wrappers in order to absorb other
    backend-dependent calls.

from pathlib import Path
import re

from keras import optimizers as Kopt
from keras.models import Model
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import tf_utils  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

import n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations as op

# We need a function to transform tensors to numpy/python primitives
# which is not part of the official TF interface and can change with the version
if hasattr(tf_utils, "to_numpy_or_python_type"):
    _to_numpy_or_python_type = tf_utils.to_numpy_or_python_type
elif hasattr(tf_utils, "sync_to_numpy_or_python_type"):  # from TF 2.5
    _to_numpy_or_python_type = tf_utils.sync_to_numpy_or_python_type
else:  # in case of disaster
    _to_numpy_or_python_type = lambda ret: {k: i.numpy() for k, i in ret.items()}

# Define in this dictionary new optimizers as well as the arguments they accept
# (with default values if needed be)
optimizers = {
    "RMSprop": (Kopt.RMSprop, {"learning_rate": 0.01}),
    "Adam": (Kopt.Adam, {"learning_rate": 0.01}),
    "Adagrad": (Kopt.Adagrad, {}),
    "Adadelta": (Kopt.Adadelta, {"learning_rate": 1.0}),
    "Adamax": (Kopt.Adamax, {}),
    "Nadam": (Kopt.Nadam, {"learning_rate": 0.001}),
    "Amsgrad": (Kopt.Adam, {"learning_rate": 0.01, "amsgrad": True}),
    "SGD": (Kopt.SGD, {"learning_rate": 0.01, "momentum": 0.0, "nesterov": False}),


# Some keys need to work for everyone
for k, v in optimizers.items():
    v[1]["clipnorm"] = 1.0

def _default_loss(y_true, y_pred):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    """Default loss to be used when the model is compiled with loss = Null
    (for instance if the prediction of the model is already the loss"""
    return op.sum(y_pred)

[docs]class MetaModel(Model): """ The model wraps keras.Model and adds some custom behaviour. Most notably it allows supplying constant values for input arguments, which are used when training and making predictions with the model (note that constants need to be explicitly registered as inputs, see These inputs can be passed in the ``input_values`` parameter, or gathered from the ``tensor_content`` attribute of the ``input_tensors``, which is set automatically when using the ``numpy_to_input`` function from :py:mod:`n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations`. Parameters ---------- input_tensors: dict[Any, tensorflow.keras.layers.Input] Input layer output_tensors: tensorflow.keras.layers.Layer Output layer input_values: dict[Any, array_like] Constant values for the input layer, to be supplied when making predictions with the model. **kwargs: keyword arguments to pass directly to Model """ accepted_optimizers = optimizers def __init__(self, input_tensors, output_tensors, scaler=None, input_values=None, **kwargs): self.has_dataset = False self.required_slots = set() if input_values is None: input_values = {} if not isinstance(input_tensors, dict): raise TypeError("Expecting input_tensors to be a dict") if not isinstance(input_values, dict): raise TypeError("Expecting input_values to be a dict or None") x_in = {} # Go over the inputs. If we can deduce a constant value, either because # it is set in input_values or because it has a tensor_content, we # store it. Otherwise we mark the input as required when making # predictions. for k, v in input_tensors.items(): if k in input_values: x_in[k] = input_values[k] elif hasattr(v, "tensor_content"): x_in[k] = op.numpy_to_tensor(v.tensor_content) else: self.required_slots.add(k) super().__init__(input_tensors, output_tensors, **kwargs) self.x_in = x_in self.input_tensors = input_tensors self.single_replica_generator = None self.target_tensors = None self.compute_losses_function = None self._scaler = scaler @tf.autograph.experimental.do_not_convert def _parse_input(self, extra_input=None): """Returns the input data the model was compiled with. Introduces the extra_input in the places asigned to the placeholders. If the model was generated with a scaler, the input will be scaled accordingly """ if extra_input is None: if self.required_slots: raise ValueError(f"The following inputs must be provided: {self.required_slots}") return self.x_in if not isinstance(extra_input, dict): raise TypeError("extra_input should be a dict or None") if diff := (self.required_slots - extra_input.keys()): raise ValueError(f"The following inputs must be provided {diff}") if diff := (extra_input.keys() - (self.x_in.keys() | self.required_slots)): raise ValueError(f"The following inputs are unknown {diff}") if self._scaler is not None: extra_input = {k: self._scaler(i) for k, i in extra_input.items()} return {**self.x_in, **extra_input}
[docs] def perform_fit(self, x=None, y=None, epochs=1, **kwargs): """ Performs forward (and backwards) propagation for the model for a given number of epochs. The output of this function consists on a dictionary that maps the names of the metrics of the model (the loss functions) to the partial losses. If the model was compiled with input and output data, they will not be passed through. In this case by default the number of ``epochs`` will be set to 1 ex: {'loss': [100], 'dataset_a_loss1' : [67], 'dataset_2_loss': [33]} Returns ------- loss_dict: dict a dictionary with all partial losses of the model """ x_params = self._parse_input(x) if y is None: y = self.target_tensors history = super().fit(x=x_params, y=y, epochs=epochs, **kwargs) loss_dict = history.history return loss_dict
[docs] def predict(self, x=None, **kwargs): """Call super().predict with the right input arguments""" x = self._parse_input(x) result = super().predict(x=x, **kwargs) return result
[docs] def compute_losses(self): """ This function is equivalent to the model ``evaluate(x,y)`` method of most TensorFlow models which return a dictionary of losses per output layer. The losses reported in the ``evaluate`` method for n3fit are, however, summed over replicas. Instead the loss we are interested in is usually the output of the model (i.e., predict) This function then generates a dict of partial losses of the model separated per replica. i.e., the output for experiment {'LHC_exp'} will be an array of Nrep elements. Returns ------- dict a dictionary with all partial losses of the model """ if self.compute_losses_function is None: # If it is the first time we are passing through, compile the function and save it out_names = [f"{i}_loss" for i in self.output_names] out_names.insert(0, "loss") # Compile a evaluation function @tf.function def losses_fun(): predictions = self(self._parse_input(None)) # If we only have one dataset the output changes if len(out_names) == 2: predictions = [predictions] total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(predictions, axis=0) ret = [total_loss] + predictions return dict(zip(out_names, ret)) self.compute_losses_function = losses_fun ret = self.compute_losses_function() # The output of this function is to be used by python (and numpy) # so we need to convert the tensors return _to_numpy_or_python_type(ret)
[docs] def compile( self, optimizer_name="RMSprop", learning_rate=None, loss=None, target_output=None, clipnorm=None, **kwargs, ): """ Compile the model given an optimizer and a list of loss functions. The optimizer must be one of those implemented in the ``optimizer`` attribute of this class. Options: - A learning rate and a list of target outpout can be defined. These will be passed down to the optimizer. - A ``target_output`` can be defined. If done in this way (for instance because we know the target data will be the same for the whole fit) the data will be compiled together with the model and won't be necessary to input it again when calling the ``perform_fit`` or ``compute_losses`` methods. Parameters ---------- optimizer_name: str string defining the optimizer to be used learning_rate: float learning rate of of the optimizer (if accepted as an argument, if not it will be ignored) loss: list list of loss functions to be pass to the model target_output: list list of outputs to compare the results to during fitting/evaluation if given further calls to fit/evaluate must be done with y = None. """ try: opt_tuple = optimizers[optimizer_name] except KeyError as e: raise NotImplementedError( f"[MetaModel.select_initializer] optimizer not implemented: {optimizer_name}" ) from e if loss is None: loss = _default_loss opt_function = opt_tuple[0] opt_args = opt_tuple[1] user_selected_args = {"learning_rate": learning_rate, "clipnorm": clipnorm} # Override defaults with user provided values for key, value in user_selected_args.items(): if key in opt_args.keys() and value is not None: opt_args[key] = value # Instantiate the optimizer opt = opt_function(**opt_args) # If given target output is None, target_output is unnecesary, save just a zero per output if target_output is None: self.target_tensors = [op.numpy_to_tensor(np.zeros((1, 1))) for i in self.output_shape] else: if not isinstance(target_output, list): target_output = [target_output] self.target_tensors = target_output super().compile(optimizer=opt, loss=loss)
[docs] def set_masks_to(self, names, val=0.0): """Set all mask value to the selected value Masks in MetaModel should be named {name}_mask Mask are layers with one single weight (shape=(1,)) that multiplies the input Parameters ---------- names: list list of masks to look for val: float selected value of the mask """ mask_val = [val] for name in names: mask_name = f"{name}_mask" mask_w = self.get_layer(mask_name).weights[0] mask_w.assign(mask_val)
[docs] def reset_layer_weights_to(self, layer_names, reference_vals): """Set weights for the given layer to the given reference values The ``reference_vals`` values list must be a list of the same size of ``layer_names`` and it must consist of numpy arrays that perfectly align to the reference layer weights. In the special case of 1-weight layers it admits a scalar as input. Parameters ---------- layer_names: list list of names of the layers to update weights reference_vals: list(float) or list(arrays) list of scalar or arrays to assign to each layer """ for layer_name, values in zip(layer_names, reference_vals): if np.isscalar(values): values = np.array([[values]]) layer = self.get_layer(layer_name) all_w = layer.weights for w, v in zip(all_w, values): w.assign(v)
[docs] def apply_as_layer(self, x): """Apply the model as a layer""" all_input = {**self.input_tensors, **x} return all_input, super().__call__(all_input)
[docs] def get_layer_re(self, regex): """Get all layers matching the given regular expression""" check = lambda x: re.match(regex, return list(filter(check, self.layers))
[docs] def get_replica_weights(self, i_replica): """ Get the weights of replica i_replica. This assumes that the only weights are in the layer types defined as the constants NN_LAYER_ALL_REPLICAS & PREPROCESSING_LAYER_ALL_REPLICAS Parameters ---------- i_replica: int Returns ------- dict dictionary with the weights of the replica """ weights = {} for layer_type in [NN_LAYER_ALL_REPLICAS, PREPROCESSING_LAYER_ALL_REPLICAS]: layer = self.get_layer(layer_type) weights[layer_type] = get_layer_replica_weights(layer, i_replica) return weights
[docs] def set_replica_weights(self, weights, i_replica=0): """ Set the weights of replica i_replica. This assumes that the only weights are in layers called ``NN_{i_replica}`` and ``preprocessing_factor_{i_replica}`` Parameters ---------- weights: dict dictionary with the weights of the replica i_replica: int the replica number to set, defaulting to 0 """ for layer_type in [NN_LAYER_ALL_REPLICAS, PREPROCESSING_LAYER_ALL_REPLICAS]: layer = self.get_layer(layer_type) set_layer_replica_weights(layer=layer, weights=weights[layer_type], i_replica=i_replica)
[docs] def split_replicas(self): """ Split the single multi-replica model into a list of separate single replica models, maintaining the current state of the weights. Returns ------- list list of single replica models """ if self.single_replica_generator is None: raise ValueError("Trying to generate single replica models with no generator set.") replicas = [] for i_replica in range(self.num_replicas): replica = self.single_replica_generator() replica.set_replica_weights(self.get_replica_weights(i_replica)) replicas.append(replica) return replicas
@property def num_replicas(self): return self.output.shape[1]
[docs] def load_identical_replicas(self, model_file): """ From a single replica model, load the same weights into all replicas. """ model_file = Path(model_file) single_replica = self.single_replica_generator() single_replica.load_weights(model_file) weights = single_replica.get_replica_weights(0) for i_replica in range(self.num_replicas): self.set_replica_weights(weights, i_replica)
[docs] def save_weights(self, file): """ Compatibility function for: - tf < 2.16, keras < 3: argument save format needed for h5 - tf >= 2.16, keras >= 3: save format is deduced from the file extension In both cases, the final weights are finally copied to the ``file`` path. """ try: # Keras 2, tf < 2.16 super().save_weights(file, save_format="h5") except TypeError: # Newer versions of keras (>=3) drop the ``save_format`` argument # and instead take the format from the extension of the file # Also, from Keras 3.2 weights files must be suffixed as .weights.h5 # for both saving and loading! if".weights.h5"): new_file = file else: new_file = file.with_suffix(f".weights.h5") super().save_weights(new_file)
[docs]def is_stacked_single_replicas(layer): """ Check if the layer consists of stacked single replicas (Only happens for NN layers), to determine how to extract single replica weights. Parameters ---------- layer: MetaLayer the layer to check Returns ------- bool True if the layer consists of stacked single replicas """ if not isinstance(layer, MetaModel): return False return f"{NN_PREFIX}_0" in [ for sublayer in layer.layers]
[docs]def get_layer_replica_weights(layer, i_replica: int): """ Get the weights for the given single replica ``i_replica``, from a ``layer`` that contains the weights of all the replicas. Note that the layer could be a complete NN with many separated sub_layers each of which containing weights for all replicas together. This functions separates the per-replica weights and returns the list of weight as if the input ``layer`` were made of _only_ replica ``i_replica``. Parameters ---------- layer: MetaLayer the layer to get the weights from i_replica: int the replica number Returns ------- weights: list list of weights for the replica """ if is_stacked_single_replicas(layer): weights_ref = layer.get_layer(f"{NN_PREFIX}_{i_replica}").weights weights = [tf.Variable(w, for w in weights_ref] else: weights = [tf.Variable(w[i_replica : i_replica + 1], for w in layer.weights] return weights
[docs]def set_layer_replica_weights(layer, weights, i_replica: int): """ Set the weights for the given single replica ``i_replica``. When the input ``layer`` contains weights for many replicas, ensures that only those corresponding to replica ``i_replica`` are updated. Parameters ---------- layer: MetaLayer the layer to set the weights for weights: list list of weights for the replica i_replica: int the replica number """ if is_stacked_single_replicas(layer): layer.get_layer(f"{NN_PREFIX}_{i_replica}").set_weights(weights) return full_weights = [w.numpy() for w in layer.weights] for w_old, w_new in zip(full_weights, weights): w_old[i_replica : i_replica + 1] = w_new layer.set_weights(full_weights)