Callbacks to be used during training
The callbacks defined in this module can be passed to the ``callbacks`` argument
of the ``perform_fit`` method as a list.
For the most typical usage: ``on_batch_end``,
they must take as input an epoch number and a log of the partial losses.
Note: the terminology used everywhere refers to a single training step as a single epoch.
It turns out that to avoid tensorflow overhead, it is beneficial to write a step as a
single batch instead. So callbacks must use ``on_batch_end``.
import logging
from time import time
from keras.callbacks import Callback, TensorBoard
import numpy as np
from .operations import decorator_compiler
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CallbackStep(Callback):
Wrapper around the keras Callback that keeps track of how the steps are divided
between epochs and batches.
The callback will call ``on_step_end`` instead of ``on_batch_end``.
def __init__(self):
self.steps_in_epoch = 0
self.epochs_finished = 0
self.steps_per_epoch = 0 # will be defined in the first epoch
self._previous_logs = {}
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
if self.steps_per_epoch == 0:
self.steps_per_epoch = self.steps_in_epoch
self.steps_in_epoch = 0
self.epochs_finished += 1
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
step_number = self.steps_in_epoch + self.epochs_finished * self.steps_per_epoch
self.on_step_end(step_number, logs)
self.steps_in_epoch += 1
def correct_logs(self, logs: dict) -> dict:
The logs that get computed by default are an average over batches.
This converts it into the logs for the current step.
corrected_logs = {}
for k in logs.keys():
previous_total = self._previous_logs.get(k, 0.0) * self.steps_in_epoch
current_total = logs[k] * (self.steps_in_epoch + 1)
corrected_logs[k] = current_total - previous_total
self._previous_logs = logs
return corrected_logs
class TimerCallback(CallbackStep):
"""Callback to be used during debugging to time the fit"""
def __init__(self, count_range=100):
self.all_times = []
self.every_x = []
self.x_count = count_range
self.starting_time = None
self.last_time = 0
def on_step_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
"""At the end of every epoch it checks the time"""
new_time = time()
if epoch == 0:
# The first epoch is only useful for starting
self.starting_time = new_time
cur_dif = new_time - self.last_time
if (epoch + 1) % self.x_count == 0:
ave = np.mean(self.all_times[-100:])
log.info(f" > Latest 100 average: {ave:.5} s")
self.last_time = new_time
def on_train_end(self, logs=None):
"""Print the results"""
total_time = time() - self.starting_time
n_times = len(self.all_times)
# Skip the first 100 epochs to avoid fluctuations due to compilations of part of the code
# by epoch 100 all parts of the code have usually been called so it's a good compromise
mean = np.mean(self.all_times[min(110, n_times - 1) :])
std = np.std(self.all_times[min(110, n_times - 1) :])
log.info(f"> > Average time per epoch: {mean:.5} +- {std:.5} s")
log.info(f"> > > Total time: {total_time/60:.5} min")
class StoppingCallback(CallbackStep):
Given a ``stopping_object``, the callback will monitor the validation chi2
and will stop the training model when the conditions given by ``stopping_object``
are met.
stopping_object: Stopping
instance of Stopping which controls when the fit should stop
log_freq: int
each how many epochs the ``print_stats`` argument of ``stopping_object``
will be set to true
def __init__(self, stopping_object, log_freq=100):
self.log_freq = log_freq
self.stopping_object = stopping_object
def on_step_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
"""Function to be called at the end of every epoch
Every ``log_freq`` number of epochs, the ``monitor_chi2`` method of the ``stopping_object``
will be called and the validation loss (broken down by experiment) will be logged.
For the training model only the total loss is logged during the training.
print_stats = ((epoch + 1) % self.log_freq) == 0
# Note that the input logs correspond to the fit before the weights are updated
logs = self.correct_logs(logs)
self.stopping_object.monitor_chi2(logs, epoch, print_stats=print_stats)
if self.stopping_object.stop_here():
self.model.stop_training = True
def on_train_end(self, logs=None):
"""The training can be finished by the stopping or by
Tensorflow when the number of epochs reaches the maximum.
In this second case the stopping has to be manually set
class LagrangeCallback(CallbackStep):
Updates the given datasets
with its respective multipliers each ``update_freq`` epochs
datasets: list(str)
List of the names of the datasets to be trained
multipliers: list(float)
List of multipliers to be applied
update_freq: int
each how many epochs the positivity lambda is updated
def __init__(self, datasets, multipliers, update_freq=100):
if len(multipliers) != len(datasets):
raise ValueError("The number of datasets and multipliers do not match")
self.update_freq = update_freq
self.datasets = datasets
self.multipliers = multipliers
self.updateable_weights = []
def on_train_begin(self, logs=None):
"""Save an instance of all relevant layers"""
for layer_name in self.datasets:
layer = self.model.get_layer(layer_name)
def _update_weights(self):
"""Update all the weight with the corresponding multipliers
Wrapped with tf.function to compensate the for loops as both weights variables
and multipliers are known upon first call
for ws, multiplier in zip(self.updateable_weights, self.multipliers):
for w in ws:
w.assign(w * multiplier)
def on_step_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
"""Function to be called at the end of every epoch"""
if (epoch + 1) % self.update_freq == 0:
def gen_tensorboard_callback(log_dir, profiling=False, histogram_freq=0):
Generate tensorboard logging details at ``log_dir``.
Metrics of the system are saved each epoch.
If the profiling flag is set to True, it will also attempt
to save profiling data.
Note the usage of this callback can hurt performance
At the moment can only be used with TensorFlow: https://github.com/keras-team/keras/issues/19121
log_dir: str
Directory in which to save tensorboard details
profiling: bool
Whether or not to save profiling information (default False)
profile_batch = 1 if profiling else 0
clb = TensorBoard(
return clb