Source code for n3fit.backends.keras_backend.operations

    This module contains the list of operations that can be used within the
    ``call`` method of the ``n3fit`` layers as well as operations that can
    act on layers.

    This includes an implementation of the NNPDF operations on fktable in the keras
    language (with the mapping ``c_to_py_fun``) into Keras ``Lambda`` layers.

    Tensor operations are compiled through the @tf.function decorator for optimization

    The rest of the operations in this module are divided into four categories:
    numpy to tensor:
        Operations that take a numpy array and return a tensorflow tensor
    layer to layer:
        Operations that take a layer and return another layer
    tensor to tensor:
        Operations that take a tensor and return a tensor
    layer generation:
        Instanciate a layer to be applied by the calling function

    Some of these are just aliases to the backend (tensorflow or Keras) operations
    Note that tensor operations can also be applied to layers as the output of a layer is a tensor
    equally operations are automatically converted to layers when used as such.

from typing import Optional

import keras
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Lambda as keras_Lambda
from tensorflow.keras.layers import multiply as keras_multiply
from tensorflow.keras.layers import subtract as keras_subtract

from validphys.convolution import OP

# Select a concatenate function depending on the tensorflow version
    # For tensorflow >= 2.16, Keras >= 3
    concatenate_function = keras.ops.concatenate
except AttributeError:
    # keras.ops was introduced in keras 3
    concatenate_function = tf.concat

[docs]def evaluate(tensor): """Evaluate input tensor using the backend""" return K.eval(tensor)
[docs]def as_layer(operation, op_args=None, op_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Wrap any operation as a keras layer Note that a layer call argument takes only one argument, therefore all extra arguments defining the operation must be given as part of `op_args` (a list) and `op_kwargs` (a dict) and will be compiled together with the operation Parameters ---------- operation: function opertion to compute (its first argument must be for a tensor) op_args: list list of positional arguments for the operation op_kwargs: dict dict of optional arguments for the operation Returns ------- op_layer: layer a keras layer that applies the operation upon call """ if op_args is None: op_args = [] if op_kwargs is None: op_kwargs = {} def apply_op(x): return operation(x, *op_args, **op_kwargs) op_layer = keras_Lambda(apply_op, **kwargs) return op_layer
# NNPDF operations
[docs]def c_to_py_fun(op_name, name="dataset"): """ Map the NNPDF operations to Keras layers NNPDF operations are defined in :py:func:`validphys.convolution.OP` Parameters ---------- op_name: str A string defining the operation name """ try: operation = OP[op_name] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"Operation {op_name} not recognised") from e @tf.function def operate_on_tensors(tensor_list): return operation(*tensor_list) return operate_on_tensors
# f(x: numpy) -> y: tensor
[docs]def numpy_to_tensor(ival, **kwargs): """ Make the input into a tensor """ if kwargs.get("dtype", None) is not bool: kwargs["dtype"] = tf.keras.backend.floatx() return K.constant(ival, **kwargs)
# f(x: tensor) -> y: tensor
[docs]def batchit(x, batch_dimension=0, **kwarg): """Add a batch dimension to tensor x""" return tf.expand_dims(x, batch_dimension, **kwarg)
# layer generation
[docs]def numpy_to_input(numpy_array: npt.NDArray, name: Optional[str] = None): """ Takes a numpy array and generates an Input layer with the same shape, but with a batch dimension (of size 1) added. Parameters ---------- numpy_array: np.ndarray name: str name to give to the layer """ batched_array = np.expand_dims(numpy_array, 0) shape = list(numpy_array.shape) # set the number of gridpoints to None, otherwise shapes don't show in model.summary shape[0] = None input_layer = Input(batch_size=1, shape=shape, name=name) input_layer.tensor_content = numpy_to_tensor(batched_array) return input_layer
# # Layer to Layer operations #
[docs]def op_multiply(o_list, **kwargs): """ Receives a list of layers of the same output size and multiply them element-wise """ return keras_multiply(o_list, **kwargs)
[docs]def op_multiply_dim(o_list, **kwargs): """ Bypass in order to multiply two layers with different output dimension for instance: (10000 x 14) * (14) as the normal keras multiply don't accept it (but somewhow it does accept it doing it like this) """ if len(o_list) != 2: raise ValueError( "The number of observables is incorrect,, expected 2, received {}".format( len(o_list) ) ) layer_op = as_layer(lambda inputs: inputs[0] * inputs[1]) return layer_op(o_list)
[docs]def op_gather_keep_dims(tensor, indices, axis=0, **kwargs): """A convoluted way of providing ``x[:, indices, :]`` From TF 2.4 onwards tensorflow is able to understand the syntax above for both eager and non-eager tensors """ if indices == -1: indices = tensor.shape[axis] - 1 def tmp(x): y = tf.gather(x, indices, axis=axis, **kwargs) return tf.expand_dims(y, axis=axis) layer_op = as_layer(tmp) return layer_op(tensor)
[docs]def gather(*args, **kwargs): """ Gather elements from a tensor along an axis """ return tf.gather(*args, **kwargs)
# # Tensor operations # f(x: tensor[s]) -> y: tensor # # Generation operations # generate tensors of given shape/content
[docs]@tf.function def tensor_ones_like(*args, **kwargs): """ Generates a tensor of ones of the same shape as the input tensor See full `docs <>`_ """ return K.ones_like(*args, **kwargs)
# Property operations # modify properties of the tensor like the shape or elements it has
[docs]@tf.function def flatten(x): """Flatten tensor x""" return tf.reshape(x, (-1,))
[docs]@tf.function def reshape(x, shape): """reshape tensor x""" return tf.reshape(x, shape)
[docs]def boolean_mask(*args, **kwargs): """ Applies a boolean mask to a tensor Relevant parameters: (tensor, mask, axis=None) see full `docs <>`_. """ return tf.boolean_mask(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@tf.function def transpose(tensor, **kwargs): """ Transpose a layer, see full `docs <>`_ """ return K.transpose(tensor, **kwargs)
[docs]def stack(tensor_list, axis=0, **kwargs): """Stack a list of tensors see full `docs <>`_ """ return tf.stack(tensor_list, axis=axis, **kwargs)
[docs]def concatenate(tensor_list, axis=-1, target_shape=None, name=None): """ Concatenates a list of numbers or tensor into a bigger tensor If the target shape is given, the output is reshaped to said shape """ concatenated_tensor = concatenate_function(tensor_list, axis=axis) if target_shape is None: return concatenated_tensor return K.reshape(concatenated_tensor, target_shape)
[docs]def einsum(equation, *args, **kwargs): """ Computes the tensor product using einsum See full `docs <>`_ """ return tf.einsum(equation, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def tensor_product(*args, **kwargs): """ Computes the tensordot product between tensor_x and tensor_y See full `docs <>`_ """ return tf.tensordot(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@tf.function def pow(tensor, power): """ Computes the power of the tensor """ return tf.pow(tensor, power)
[docs]@tf.function(reduce_retracing=True) def op_log(o_tensor, **kwargs): """ Computes the logarithm of the input """ return K.log(o_tensor)
[docs]@tf.function def sum(*args, **kwargs): """ Computes the sum of the elements of the tensor see full `docs <>`_ """ return K.sum(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def split(*args, **kwargs): """ Splits the tensor on the selected axis see full `docs <>`_ """ return tf.split(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def scatter_to_one(values, indices, output_shape): """ Like scatter_nd initialized to one instead of zero see full `docs <>`_ """ ones = numpy_to_tensor(np.ones(output_shape)) return tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(ones, indices, values)
[docs]def op_subtract(inputs, **kwargs): """ Computes the difference between two tensors. see full `docs <>`_ """ return keras_subtract(inputs, **kwargs)
[docs]def swapaxes(tensor, source, destination): """ Moves the axis of the tensor from source to destination, as in numpy.swapaxes. see full `docs <>`_ """ indices = list(range(tensor.shape.rank)) if source < 0: source += tensor.shape.rank if destination < 0: destination += tensor.shape.rank indices[source], indices[destination] = indices[destination], indices[source] return tf.transpose(tensor, indices)
[docs]@tf.function def backend_function(fun_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper to call non-explicitly implemented backend functions by name: (``fun_name``) see full `docs <>`_ for some possibilities """ fun = getattr(K, fun_name) return fun(*args, **kwargs)