
Code implementation

The code for testing theory covariance matrices against the observed NNLO-NLO shift, \(\delta\), is contained in tests.py. In order to compare these, we need to ensure that cuts are matched between the NNPDF3.1 theories 52 and 53 (NLO and NNLO respectively), and the scale-varied theories.

The action evals_nonzero_basis takes the matched theory covariance matrix and projects it from the data space into the basis of non-zero eigenvalues, dependent on point prescription. It then returns the eigenvalues and the data-space eigenvectors. These are taken as inputs by theory_shift_test, which compares them with the NNLO-NLO shift to assess the missing fraction \(\delta_{miss}\), fmiss, of the shift vector which is not covered by the theory covariance matrix, and the projections of the shift vector onto each of the eigenvectors (projectors). The various outputs are:

  1. theory_covmat_eigenvalues: returns a table of \(s = \sqrt{eval}\), the projector and the ratio of the two, ordered by largest eigenvalue

  2. efficiency: returns the efficiency with which the theory covariance matrix encapsulates the NNLO-NLO shift, \(\epsilon = 1-\frac{\delta_{miss}}{\delta}\).

  3. validation_theory_chi2: returns the theory \(\chi^2\), defined as \(\frac{1}{N_{eval}}\sum_a \bigg(\frac{\delta_a}{s_a}\bigg)^2\).

  4. projector_eigenvalue_ratio: produces a plot of the ratio between the projectors and the square roots of the corresponding eigenvalues.

  5. shift_diag_cov_comparison: produces a plot of the NLO-NNLO shift compared to an envelope given by the diagonal elements of the theory covariance matrix.


This section details the way that evals_nonzero_basis determines the non-zero eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

First we construct the differences between the theory results for shifted scales and for the central scale, diffs. These are ordered by dataset, so processes are jumbled up. We split these up into a series of vectors, splitdiffs, of which there are \(p\) for each of the diffs. They each correspond to the values for one process from one of the diffs, and zeroes everywhere else, but where the entries are ordered such that each process occupies a different space in the vector, and is gathered together. i.e.

\[\begin{split}\Delta(+;+) \to \begin{pmatrix} \Delta^1(+;+) \\ 0 \\ ...\\ 0 \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ \Delta^2(+;+) \\ ... \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}, ..., \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ ... \\ \Delta^p(+;+) \end{pmatrix},\end{split}\]

where the superscript labels the process number. This allows us to decorrelate scale variations between different processes.

The next stage is to use the splitdiffs to construct the linearly independent vectors corresponding to each prescription, which are those detailed in Sec. 5.3. Each of these is implemented in a separate function called vectors_#pt, where # is the number of points in the prescription, which is called as appropriate. The next stage is to orthonormalise these vectors (labelled xs) using the Gram-Schmidt method to produce ys. The covariance matrix is then projected into the space of these, and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are found. The eigenvectors in the dataspace are then calculated by rotating back, as detailed in Sec. 5.1.

Linearly independent vectors for each prescription

In this section we summarise for reference the linearly independent vectors contributing to the covariance matrix in each prescription.

3 point

For \((\mu_1, \mu_2, ..., \mu_p)\), where \(\mu_0\) is correlated with \(\mu_i\) variation for each process. \((+, +, +, ...)\) \((-, +, +, ...)\) + cyclic \(p+1\) vectors

5 point

For \((\mu_0; \mu_1, \mu_2, ..., \mu_p)\). \((\pm; 0, 0, 0, ...)\) \((0; +, +, +, ...)\) \((0; -, +, +, ...)\) + cyclic \(p+3\) vectors

\(\bar{5}\) point

For \((\mu_0; \mu_1, \mu_2, ..., \mu_p)\). \((\pm; +, +, +, ...)\) \((\pm; -, +, +, ...)\) + cyclic \(2p+2\) vectors

7 point

Combine 3 and 5 point \(2p+4\) vectors

9 point

For \((\mu_0; \mu_1, \mu_2, ..., \mu_p)\). \((\pm; +, +, +, ...)\) \((0; +, +, +, ...)\) \((\pm; -, +, +, ...)\) + cyclic \((0; -, +, +, ...)\) + cyclic \((\pm; 0, +, +, ...)\) + cyclic \(5p+3\) vectors