Adding to the Documentation

The NNPDF documentation is produced by the sphinx resource. To generate the sphinx documentation, navigate to the nnpdf/doc/sphinx/ directory and execute the command make html, ensuring one is inside the appropriate nnpdf conda environment. This produces the documentation in the build/index/ directory. The index.html can be viewed with any appropriate browser.

New documentation can be added in markdown, naming the source files with the .md suffix, or restructured text, with the .rst suffix formats.


The md format is now deprecated and only supported for legacy reasons. The reStructured Text format natively supports equation displaying as well as directives such as this note and is thus the preferred format for NNPDF documentation. Despite this, it is possible to evaluate inline rst in a md file using the eval_rst command in legacy files written in markdown.

To add a new section to the documentation, create an appropriately named directory in the sphinx/source/ directory. Inside the new directory, add all relevant documentation in the markdown or restructured text formats. In addition to these files, create an index.rst file containing:

Chapter Name

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1


ensuring that the number of = signs is the same as the number of characters in Chapter Name.

The next step is to reference the newly made index.rst in the main sphinx/source/index.rst file:

.. NNPDF documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Mon Oct 29 10:53:50 2018.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

NNPDF documentation

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

   <NEW CHAPTER>/index

Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

Useful Markdown and Restructured Text Tools

Various markdown and restructured text cheatsheets exist online.

In restructured text, a \(\LaTeX\) block can be generated using

.. math::


while inline maths is generated using


with attention being brought to the backticks. Note: the markdown interpreter being used here does not support inline maths, so if formula dense documentation is being implemented, it is advised to use restructured text instead.

One can cross reference various parts of their markdown file using anchors, which provide clickable pieces of text which transport the reader to a particular part of the document.

To do this: add an anchor point in the text. This may look like the following:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet <a name="label"</a> consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do

we can then jump to label from an arbitrary point in the text by using [text](#label)

As an example, clicking this will take the reader to the top of the page.

This was done by having the following lines of code:

For example, clicking [this](#top) will take the reader to the top of the page.

as well as

# NNPDF code and standards documentation <a name="top"></a>

at the top of this file.

In addition, one can link to other pages within the documentation by [text](<relative-path-to-md-or-rst-file>.<extension>).

One can define “labels” for RestructuredText, which can be referred to from anywhere, like this:

.. _my-reference-label:

Section to cross-reference

This is the text of the section.

It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.

Such labels can also be defined in Markdown by using rst syntax embedded in code markers in markdown:

.. _my-reference-label:

Labels can be linked to from anywhere using the syntax

[link text](my-reference-label)

for Markdown and


for RestructuredText, as described in its documentation.

Adding BibTeX references

The documentation build supports BibTeX references via the sphinxcontrib-bibtex extension. Citations in the BibTeX format are added to the references.bib file in the Sphinx source directory. For example a citation like

    author = "Carrazza, Stefano and Forte, Stefano and Kassabov, Zahari and Rojo, Juan",
    title = "{Specialized minimal PDFs for optimized LHC calculations}",
    eprint = "1602.00005",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "hep-ph",
    reportNumber = "CERN-PH-TH-2015-243, TIF-UNIMI-2015-13, OUTP-15-24P",
    doi = "10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4042-8",
    journal = "Eur. Phys. J. C",
    volume = "76",
    number = "4",
    pages = "205",
    year = "2016"

can be appended to the refererences.bib file.

References can be added to RST documents using some variation of the cite role. For example :cite:p:`<BibTeX ID>` adds a parenthetical reference, and the above article can be cited using :cite:p:`Carrazza:2016htc`.

Adding indices for modules

Sphinx has the capability of automatically documenting any python package. It produces these under the index and module index sections. The functions and modules are documented using their corresponding docstrings.

To add a new module to document, add a new line in sphinx/Makefile under:

%: Makefile
    @if test $@ != "clean"; then
            sphinx-apidoc -o ./source/modules/validphys ../../validphys2/src/validphys/ ; \
            sphinx-apidoc -o ./source/modules/<MODULE-NAME> <PATH-TO-MODULE>  ;\