Development installation on Linux or macOS
To contribute to the NNPDF code, you will need to install a development version of the code.
Code development is carried out using Github, see Git and GitHub.
While we recommend that you install nnpdf
in the most comfortable way for your workflow,
installing some of the dependencies such as LHAPDF might be challenging.
Below we describe how to prepare a development environment using conda.
Setup a conda environment with a recent python version supported by NNPDF (see here).
conda create -n nnpdf_dev lhapdf pandoc python==3.12 -c conda-forge
Clone the repository
git clone
cd nnpdf
Install NNPDF packages and its dependencies (make sure the conda environment is activated)
conda activate nnpdf_dev
python -m pip install -e .
Following the installation steps above will set up a development environment that makes it possible to run and work on the nnpdf code. One may wish to install additional, optional, dependencies. Depending on the specific needs for an environment this can be dependencies that enable the running of the CI test, building the documentations, or performing a QED fit.
python -m pip install -e .[tests,docs,qed]