How to run a PDF fit
The user should perform the steps documented below in order to obtain a complete
PDF fit using the latest release of the NNPDF fitting code: n3fit
The fitting methodology is detailed in Methodology overview.
The three main points in this tutorial are:
Preparing a fit runcard
The runcard is written in YAML. The runcard is the unique identifier of a fit
and contains all required information to perform and reproduce a fit, which includes the
experimental data, the theory setup and the fitting setup.
A detailed explanation on the parameters accepted by the n3fit
can be found in the n3fit detailed guide.
For newcomers, it is recommended to start from an already existing runcard, example runcards (and runcard used in NNPDF releases) are available at n3fit/runcards.
While we aim for the code to be both backwards and forwards compatible with respect to runcards, by setting sensible defaults when introducing new features, make sure that you are using a runcard tagged with the same version of the code you are using to avoid any surprises.
The runcards are mostly self explanatory, see for instance below an
example of the parameter
dictionary that defines the Machine Learning methodology.
# runcard example
nodes_per_layer: [15, 10, 8]
activation_per_layer: ['sigmoid', 'sigmoid', 'linear']
initializer: 'glorot_normal'
optimizer_name: 'RMSprop'
learning_rate: 0.01
clipnorm: 1.0
epochs: 900
multiplier: 1.05
threshold: 1e-5
stopping_patience: 0.30 # Ratio of the number of epochs
layer_type: 'dense'
dropout: 0.0
The runcard system is designed such that the user can utilize the program
without having to tinker with the codebase.
One can simply modify the options in parameters
to specify the
desired architecture of the Neural Network as well as the settings for the optimization algorithm.
Running the fitting code
After successfully installing the n3fit
package and preparing a runcard
following the points presented above you can proceed with a fit.
Prepare the fit using
. This command will generate a folder with the same name as the runcard (minus the file extension) in the current directory, which will contain a copy of the original YAML runcard. The required resources will be downloaded, which includes:The t0 PDF set (an LHAPDF object).
The FastKernel tables in the form of a
fileThe postfit evolution operator
If the runcard requires to precompute some heavy objects shared among replicas, such as the theory covariance matrix, it will be done during this step.
vp-setupfit <runcard>.yml
Run the fit using
. Then3fit
program takes aruncard.yml
as input and a replica number, e.g.n3fit runcard.yml replica
goes from 1-n where n is the maximum number of desired replicas. Note that if you desire, for example, a 100 replica fit you should launch more than 100 replicas (e.g. 120) since not all of them will necessarily converge. While by default the code runs each replica separately, it is possible to run many replicas in parallel, see Running fits in parallel.
for i in {1..120} ; do
n3fit <runcard>.yml $i
Once all replicas have finished, you need to run the
program in order to evolve the PDF from the fitting scale to the whole range of scales needed to create an LHAPDF grid. This is done using the EKO library to perform DGLAP evolution.
evolven3fit evolve <runcard>
Finally, use
to finalize the PDF set by applying post selection criteria and compute the central replica. This will produce a set ofnumber_of_replicas
error replicas and one mean replica for a total ofnumber_of_replicas+1
. The number of replicas should be that which you desire in the final fit (e.g., 100). Note that the standard behaviour ofpostfit
can be modified by using various flags. More information can be found at Processing a fit.
postfit <number of desired replicas> <runcard>
Output of the fit
Every time a replica is finalized, the output is saved to the `runcard/nnfit/replica_$replica`
folder, which contains a number of files:
: a json log file with the χ² of the training every 100 epochs.runcard.exportgrid
: a file containing the PDF grid.runcard.json
: Includes information about the fit (metadata, parameters, times) in json format.
The reported χ² refers always to the actual χ², i.e., without positivity loss or other penalty terms.
Upload and analyse the fit
After obtaining the fit you can proceed with the fit upload and analysis by:
For members of NNPDF, it is possible to upload the results to the nnpdf server using
vp-upload runcard_folder
then install the fitted set withvp-get fit fit_name
. Otherwise, copy or link to the results to theshare/NNPDF/results/
folder (usually under~/.local/share
.It is recommended to iterate a fit to achieve a higher degree of convergence/stability in the fit. To read more about this, see How to run an iterated fit.
Analysing the results with
, see the vp-guide. Consider using thevp-comparefits
Advanced topics
Fit performance
The n3fit
framework is currently based on Keras
and it is tested to run with the Tensorflow
and pytorch backends.
This also means that anything that make any of these packages faster will also
make n3fit
Note that at the time of writing, TensorFlow
is approximately 4 times faster than pytorch
The default backend for keras
is tensorflow
In order to change the backend, the environment variable KERAS_BACKENDD
need to be set (e.g., KERAS_BACKEND=torch
The best results are obtained with tensorflow[and-cuda]
installed from pip
and running n3fit
in GPU, see Running fits in parallel.
QED fit
In order to run a QED fit see How to run a QED fit.
Hyperparameter optimization
An important feature of n3fit
is the ability to perform hyperparameter scans,
for this we have also introduced a hyperscan_config
key which specifies
the trial ranges for the hyperparameter scan procedure.
See the following self-explanatory example:
stopping: # setup for stopping scan
min_epochs: 5e2 # minimum number of epochs
max_epochs: 40e2 # maximum number of epochs
min_patience: 0.10 # minimum stop patience
max_patience: 0.40 # maximum stop patience
positivity: # setup for the positivity scan
min_multiplier: 1.04 # minimum lagrange multiplier coeff.
max_multiplier: 1.1 # maximum lagrange multiplier coeff.
min_initial: 1.0 # minimum initial penalty
max_initial: 5.0 # maximum initial penalty
optimizer: # setup for the optimizer scan
- optimizer_name: 'Adadelta'
min: 0.5
max: 1.5
- optimizer_name: 'Adam'
min: 0.5
max: 1.5
architecture: # setup for the architecture scan
initializers: 'ALL' # Use all implemented initializers from keras
max_drop: 0.15 # maximum dropout probability
n_layers: [2,3,4] # number of layers
min_units: 5 # minimum number of nodes
max_units: 50 # maximum number of nodes
activations: ['sigmoid', 'tanh'] # list of activation functions
It is also possible to take the configuration of the hyperparameter scan from a previous
run in the NNPDF server by using the key from_hyperscan
from_hyperscan: 'some_previous_hyperscan'
or to directly take the trials from said hyperscan:
use_tries_from: 'some_previous_hyperscan'
If you are planning to perform a hyperparameter scan just perform exactly the
same steps as in Running the fitting code by adding the --hyperopt number_of_trials
argument to n3fit
where number_of_trials
is the maximum allowed value of trials required by the
fit. Usually when running hyperparameter scan we switch-off the MC replica
generation so different replicas will correspond to different initial points for
the scan, this approach provides faster results. We provide the vp-hyperoptplot
script to analyse the output of the hyperparameter scan.