How to plot PDFs, distances and luminosities

Plotting any number of PDFs can be done using validphys. There are several kinds of plots which can be made using the actions in the module The runcards in this section can be found here.

Runcard basics

First we review key aspects of the runcards.




PDFs to be plotted. For each PDF, id is specified alongside a label chosen by the user. If no label is provided, the PDF id will be displayed on the plots instead.


One or more PDF sets to be plotted as a central value only (i.e. without an uncertainty band). A list of strings corresponding to PDF ids, integers (starting from 1) of the index of the PDF in pdfs, or a mixture of the two.

show_mc_errors (bool)

Specifies whether to plot 1\(\sigma\) bands in addition to 68% Monte Carlo uncertainties.


Plotting scale.


If specified, PDFs are displayed as ratios to one of the PDFs (normalize_to: x, where x is the index (starting from 1) of the PDF in pdfs or is the name of the PDF).


The basis for plotting, two popular choices being the flavour and evolution bases. For information on custom bases see here.


The scale on the x-axis, e.g. Log or Linear.


Flag for plotting specific flavours only. The chosen flavours should be provided as a list, where the name of flavour or PDG value (listed in this section) can be used.

xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax

Plot axes limits.

Plotting PDFs, uncertainties and replicas

  title: PDF plot example
  author: Rosalyn Pearson
  keywords: [example]

    - {id: "NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118", label: "3.1 NLO"}
    - {id: "NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118", label: "3.1 NNLO"}
    - {id: "NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_DISonly", label: "3.1 DIS only NNLO"}

pdfs_noband: ["NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_DISonly"] # Equivalently ["3"]

show_mc_errors: True

Q: 10

    - normtitle: Absolute  # normalize_to default is None
    - normalize_to: 1      # Specify index in list of PDFs or name of PDF
      normtitle: Ratio

    - basis: flavour
      basistitle: Flavour basis
    - basis: evolution
      basistitle: Evolution basis

    - xscale: log
      xscaletitle: Log
    - xscale: linear
      xscaletitle: Linear

template_text: |
  {@with PDFscalespecs@}
  {@with Basespecs@}
  {@with PDFnormalize@}

  - report(main=True)
  • Here the Basespecs namespace specifies the two bases to be plotted.

  • Here the PDFscalespecs namespace specifies two x-scales to be plotted.

  • The actions are called: plot_pdfs, plot_uncertainties and plot_pdfreplicas. Their output is fairly self-evident!

  • PDF plotting routines allow to perform the derivative of the PDFs with respect to logx by using the derivative: N flag, where N is the degree of the desired derivative. [Example](

Plotting PDF distances

    title: I didn't change the title
    keywords: [Guilty]
    author: Lazy Person

    - NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118
    - NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_DISonly

pdf: NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118

    Q: 2
    flavours: [up, down, gluon, 4]

    Q: 100
    scale: linear
    flavours: [up, down, gluon, 4]

normalize_to: 1

template_text: |

  Log scale, low Q
  {@First plot_pdfdistances@}
  {@First plot_pdfvardistances@}

  Linear scale, high Q
  {@Second plot_pdfdistances@}
  {@Second plot_pdfvardistances@}

  - report(main=true)
  • The actions plot_pdfdistances and plot_pdfvardistances plot the distances of the PDFs and the variances of these distances with respect to the PDF specalised by normalize_to.

Plotting PDF flavours on the same axis

  title: PDF flavours plot example
  author: Rosalyn Pearson
  keywords: [example]

pdf:  {id: "NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118", label: "3.1 NLO"}

Q: 10

basis: pdg      # [g/10, u_v, d_v, s, ubar, dbar, c] plots well on same axis
xmin: 0.002

ymin: 0
ymax: 0.6

xscale: log

template_text: |

  - report(main=True)
  • plot_flavours is the action used to plot PDF flavours on the same axes.

  • Note that the basis has been set to pdg, which is a configuration that plots the various flavours well on the same axis as the gluon PDF is divided by 10. More on PDF bases here.

Luminosity plots

  title: Luminosity plot example
  author: Rosalyn Pearson
  keywords: [example]

  - {id: "NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118", label: "3.1 NLO"}
  - {id: "NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118", label: "3.1 NNLO"}
  - {id: "NNPDF31_nnlo_as_0118_DISonly", label: "3.1 DIS only NNLO"}

pdf: {id: "NNPDF31_nlo_as_0118", label: "3.1 NLO"}

sqrts: 13000 # GeV

lumi_channel: "gg" # one of [gg, gq, qqbar, qq, ddbar, uubar, ssbar,
                   #         ccbar, bbbar, dubar, udbar, scbar, csbar, pp, gp]

y_cut: 2.5

  - xscale: log
    Xscaletitle: Log
  - xscale: linear
    Xscaletitle: Linear

template_text: |
  {@with PDFscalespecs@}
  {@Xscaletitle@} scale

  - report(main=True)
  • Luminosity plots can be made using the actions in the above runcard.

  • The 1D plots show the luminosity as a function of the invariant mass of the final state X, while the 2D plots show it as a function of the invariant mass X and the rapidity y of the final state.

  • A choice of lumi_channel must be provided, which is a string in one of [gg, gq, qqbar, qq, ddbar, uubar, ssbar, ccbar, bbbar, dubar, udbar, scbar, csbar, pp, gp]. Note that p represents the photon and q and qbar represent all six quark flavours, i.e. [u, d, s, c, b, t] or [ubar, dbar, sbar, cbar, bbar, tbar], respectively. The exact definitions of the channels in the code can be found here. Note further that a set of channels can be given by specifying lumi_channels followed by a list of channels.

  • The square root of centre of mass energy, √s, in GeV must also be provided via sqrts. This is instead of Q.

  • The options ymin and ymax can be supplied to control the vertical range of the plot, while mxmin and mxmax (in GeV) control the horizontal axis of invariant masses.

  • The option y_cut can be supplied to define a rapidity cut (|y|<y_cut) on the integration range of 1D plots.

  • Other options for the band plots, such as pdfs_noband and show_mc_errors work for plot_lumi1d.