NNPDF’s dataset naming convention
Each dataset implemented in NNPDF must have a unique name, which is a string constructed following this [Backus–Naur form]:
<valid set name> ::= <experiment> "_" <process> "_" <energy>
| <experiment> "_" <process> "_" <energy> "_" <extra_information>
<valid dataset name> ::= <set name> "_" <observable name>
<experiment> ::= "ATLAS" | "BCDMS" | "CDF" | "CHORUS" | "CMS" | "D0" | "DYE605" | "DYE866"
| "DYE906" | "EMC" | "H1" | "HERA" | "LHCB" | "NMC" | "NNPDF" | "NUTEV" | "SLAC"
| "ZEUS"
<process> ::= "1JET" | "2JET" | "CC" | "DY" | "INTEG" | "NC" | "PH" | "POS" | "SHP" | "SINGLETOP"
| "TTBAR" | "WCHARM" | "WJ" | "WPWM" | "Z0" | "Z0J"
<energy> ::= <integer> <unit> | <integer> "P" <integer> <unit> | "NOTFIXED"
<extra_information> ::= <string>
ATHENA: A Totally Hermetic Electron Nucleus Apparatus proposed for IP6 at the Electron-Ion Collider
ATLAS: A Large Toroidal Aparatus
BCDMS: Muon-proton collider
CDF: Collider Detector at Fermilab
CHORUS: CERN Hybrid Oscillation Research apparatUS
CMS: Compact Muon Solenoid
COMPASS: Common Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy
DO: Tevatron collider experiment
E142: measurement of the neutron spin dependent structure function at SLAC
E143: measurement of the nucleon spin structure in the end stattion at SLAC
E154: successor of E142 using a polarized HE3 target
E155: successor of E143
E605: Fixed-target experiment at Fermilab
E866: NuSea, also Fermilab.
E906: SeaQuest, successor of E866
EMC: European Muon Collaboration
H1: HERA experiment
HERA <https://dphep.web.cern.ch/accelerators/hera>: Hadron Elektron Ring Anlage. While technically speaking this is an accelerator, this string is used for the combined analyses of H1 and ZEUS.
HERMES: HERA experiment on nucleon spin properties
E06-010: JLAB experiment
E97-110: JLAB experiment
EG1b: JLAB experiment from the CLAS collaboration
EG1-DVCS: JLAB experiment from the CLAS collaboration
NMC: New Muon Collaboration, successor of EMC.
NNPDF: This experiment name is used for two purposes: 1. for auxiliary datasets needed in the PDF fit, for instance INTEG and POS 2. for predictions used in NNPDF papers to study the impact of PDFs in processes not included in its PDF fit
NUTEV: heavy target neutrino detector
PHENIX: Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment at RHIC
SLAC: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SMC: Spin Muon Collaboration
SMCSX: Low-x Spin Muon Collaboration
STAR: Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC
ZEUS: HERA experiment
1JET: single-jet inclusive production
2JET: dijet production
CC: DIS charged-current
Z0: lepton-pair production (neutral current off-shell Drell–Yan)
H: on-shell Higgs-boson production
HVBF: production of an on-shell Higgs-boson with two jets (vector-boson fusion)
INTEG: auxiliary dataset for integrability constraints; only valid for NNPDF experiment
NC: DIS neutral-current
POS: auxiliary dataset for positivity constraints; only valid for NNPDF experiment
SHP: single hadron production
TTBAR: top–anti-top production
WM: production of a single negatively-charged lepton (charged current off-shell Drell–Yan)
WMWP: production of two opposite-sign different flavor leptons (W-diboson production)
WP: production of a single positively-charged lepton (charged current off-shell Drell–Yan)
Z0J: production of two same-flavor opposite-sign leptons with non-zero total transverse momentum (Z-boson pt spectrum)
WJ: same for W (W-boson pt spectrum)