validphys.plotoptions package


validphys.plotoptions.core module

class validphys.plotoptions.core.KinLabel(*values)[source]

Bases: Enum

k1 = 1
k2 = 2
k3 = 3
class validphys.plotoptions.core.PlotInfo(kinlabels, dataset_label, *, experiment=None, x=None, extra_labels=None, func_labels=None, figure_by=None, line_by=None, result_transform=None, y_label=None, x_label=None, x_scale=None, y_scale=None, ds_metadata=None, process_description='-', nnpdf31_process, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

property experiment
classmethod from_commondata(commondata, cuts=None, normalize=False)[source]

Return a numpy array with the x column or the index as appropriate

group_label(same_vals, groupby)[source]
property process_type
property xlabel
class validphys.plotoptions.core.PlottingFile(func_labels: dict = <factory>, dataset_label: Optional[str] = None, experiment: Optional[str] = None, nnpdf31_process: Optional[str] = None, data_reference: Optional[str] = None, theory_reference: Optional[str] = None, process_description: Optional[str] = None, y_label: Optional[str] = None, x_label: Optional[str] = None, result_transform: Optional[validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.ResultTransformations] = None, x: Optional[str] = None, plot_x: Optional[str] = None, x_scale: Optional[validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.Scale] = None, y_scale: Optional[validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.Scale] = None, line_by: Optional[list] = None, figure_by: Optional[list] = None, extra_labels: Optional[Mapping[str, List]] = None, normalize: Optional[validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.PlottingOptions] = None, already_digested: Optional[bool] = False)[source]

Bases: PlottingOptions

normalize: PlottingOptions | None = None

A dictionary factory to be used in conjunction with dataclasses.asdict to remove nested None values and convert enums to their name.

validphys.plotoptions.core.get_info(data, *, normalize=False, cuts=None, use_plotfiles=True)[source]

Retrieve and process the plotting information for the input data (which could be a DatasetSpec or a CommonDataSpec).

If use_plotfiles is True (the default), the PLOTTING files will be used to retrieve the infromation. Otherwise the default configuration (which depends of the process type) will be used.

If cuts is None, the cuts of the dataset will be used, but no cuts for commondata.

If cuts is False, no cuts will be used.

If cuts is an instance of Cuts, it will be used.

If normalize is True, the specialization for ratio plots will be used to generate the PlotInfo objects.

validphys.plotoptions.core.kitable(data, info, *, cuts=None)[source]

Obtain a DataFrame with the kinematics for each data point

  • data ((DataSetSpec, CommonDataSpec, Dataset, CommonData)) – A data object to extract the kinematics from.

  • info (PlotInfo) – The description of the transformations to apply to the kinematics. See get_info()

  • cuts (Cuts or None, default=None) – An object to load the cuts from. It is an error to set this if data is a dataset. If data is a CommonData, these must be the same as those passed to get_info().


table – A DataFrame containing the kinematics for all points after cuts.

Return type:


validphys.plotoptions.core.transform_result(cv, error, kintable, info)[source]

validphys.plotoptions.labelers module

Created on Fri Mar 11 20:44:21 2016

@author: Zahari Kassabov

validphys.plotoptions.labelers.high_xq(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.labelers.jet_eta(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.labelers.k2bins10(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.labelers.k2bins5(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.labelers.k2bins6(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.labelers.pt_ratio(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.labelers.two_Q2_bins(k1, k2, k3, **kwargs)[source]

validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions module

This module is separated from other plotoptions modules to avoid circular dependencies

The class PlottingOptions is used by the commondata reader to check that the plotting options set in plotting are acceptable.

class validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.PlottingOptions(func_labels: dict = <factory>, dataset_label: Optional[str] = None, experiment: Optional[str] = None, nnpdf31_process: Optional[str] = None, data_reference: Optional[str] = None, theory_reference: Optional[str] = None, process_description: Optional[str] = None, y_label: Optional[str] = None, x_label: Optional[str] = None, result_transform: Optional[validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.ResultTransformations] = None, x: Optional[str] = None, plot_x: Optional[str] = None, x_scale: Optional[validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.Scale] = None, y_scale: Optional[validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.Scale] = None, line_by: Optional[list] = None, figure_by: Optional[list] = None, extra_labels: Optional[Mapping[str, List]] = None, normalize: Optional[dict] = None, already_digested: Optional[bool] = False)[source]

Bases: object

property all_labels
already_digested: bool | None = False
data_reference: str | None = None
dataset_label: str | None = None
experiment: str | None = None
extra_labels: Mapping[str, List] | None = None
figure_by: list | None = None
func_labels: dict
line_by: list | None = None
nnpdf31_process: str | None = None
normalize: dict | None = None
plot_x: str | None = None
process_description: str | None = None
result_transform: ResultTransformations | None = None
theory_reference: str | None = None
x: str | None = None
x_label: str | None = None
x_scale: Scale | None = None
y_label: str | None = None
y_scale: Scale | None = None
class validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.ResultTransformations(*values)

Bases: Enum

bins = 1
half = 2
qbinEMC = 3
qbindis = 4
qbindyp = 5
qbinexp = 6
qbinjets = 7
class validphys.plotoptions.plottingoptions.Scale(*values)[source]

Bases: Enum

linear = 1
log = 2
symlog = 3

validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms module

Created on Tue Apr 19 09:52:43 2016

@author: Zahari Kassabov

Transform the result (central value and error) for plotting.

The functions here receive as arguments the original cental value and error (from e.g. the convolution or commondata) as well as all the labels defined in the plotting file, as keyword arguments. They are expected to return a new central value and a new error. Therefore the signature is:

def xbinexp(cv, error, **labels):
    return newcv, newerror
exception validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms.MissingLabelError(key_error)[source]

Bases: KeyError

validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms.half(cv, error, **labels)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms.qbinEMC(cv, error, **labels)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms.qbindis(cv, error, **labels)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms.qbindyp(cv, error, **labels)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms.qbinexp(cv, error, **labels)[source]
validphys.plotoptions.resulttransforms.qbinjets(cv, error, **labels)[source]

validphys.plotoptions.utils module

Created on Tue Mar 15 12:49:39 2016

@author: Zahari Kassabov

validphys.plotoptions.utils.apply_to_all_columns(df, func)[source]

Apply a function to all columns of a dataframe at the saem time. The parameter names are the names of the column and the values are arrays containing the each column’s values.


Return bins corresponding to unique values of arr sorted by value.

bins([-3, 5, -3, -3, 0, 1,1,0])

array([0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1])
validphys.plotoptions.utils.get_subclasses(obj, base)[source]

Return the classes in obj that are subclasses of base

validphys.plotoptions.utils.new_labels(k1label, k2lebel, k3label)[source]

Module contents