validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest package


validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.inconsistent_ct module

This module contains the InconsistentCommonData class which is meant to have all the methods needed in order to introduce an inconsistency within a Closure Test.

class validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.inconsistent_ct.InconsistentCommonData(setname: str, ndata: int, commondataproc: str, nkin: int, nsys: int, commondata_table: DataFrame, systype_table: DataFrame, legacy: bool = False, systematics_table: DataFrame = None, legacy_names: list | None = None, kin_variables: list | None = None)[source]

Bases: CommonData

Class that inherits all of the methods of coredata.CommonData class.

This class is meant to have all the methods needed in order to introduce an inconsistency within a Closure Test.

commondata_table: DataFrame
commondataproc: str

Same as the export_uncertainties method of the CommonData class. The only difference is that systematic_errors is now a property of the class and not a method.

ndata: int
nkin: int
nsys: int
process_commondata(treatment_names, names_uncertainties, sys_rescaling_factor, inconsistent_datasets)[source]

returns a commondata instance with modified systematics. Note that if commondata.setname is not within the inconsistent_datasets or if both ADD and MULT are False, then the commondata object will not be modified.

  • treatment_names (list) – list of the names of the treatments that should be rescaled possible values are: MULT, ADD

  • names_uncertainties (list) – list of the names of the uncertainties that should be rescaled possible values are: CORR, UNCORR, THEORYCORR, THEORYUNCORR, SPECIAL SPECIAL is used for intra-dataset systematics

  • sys_rescaling_factor (float, int)

  • inconsistent_datasets (list) – list of the datasets for which an inconsistency should be introduced

Return type:


rescale_systematics(treatment_names, names_uncertainties, sys_rescaling_factor)[source]

Rescale the columns of the systematic_errors() that are included in the the names_uncertainties list. And return the rescaled table.

  • treatment_names (list) – list of the names of the treatments that should be rescaled possible values are: MULT, ADD

  • names_uncertainties (list) – list of the names of the uncertainties that should be rescaled possible values are: CORR, UNCORR, THEORYCORR, THEORYUNCORR, SPECIAL SPECIAL is used for intra-dataset systematics

  • sys_rescaling_factor (float) – factor by which the systematics should be rescaled



Return type:


select_systype_table_indices(treatment_names, names_uncertainties)[source]

Is used to get the indices of the systype_table that correspond to the intersection of the treatment_names and names_uncertainties lists.

  • treatment_names (list) – list of the names of the treatments that should be selected possible values are: MULT, ADD

  • names_uncertainties (list) – list of the names of the uncertainties that should be selected possible values are: CORR, UNCORR, THEORYCORR, THEORYUNCORR, SPECIAL SPECIAL is used for intra-dataset systematics



Return type:


setname: str
property systematic_errors

Overrides the systematic_errors method of the CommonData class.

This is done in order to allow the systematic_errors to be a property and hence to be able to assign values to it (setter).

systematics_table: DataFrame = None
systype_table: DataFrame

validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.multiclosure_inconsistent_output module


Module containing the actions which produce some output in validphys reports i.e figures or tables for (inconsistent) multiclosure estimators in the space of data


Compute the bias, variance, ratio and sqrt(ratio) for a Datagroup and return a DataFrame with the results. Uncertainty on ratio and sqrt ratio is computed by Gaussian error propagation of the bootstrap uncertainty on bias and variance.


Compute the bias, variance, ratio and sqrt(ratio) for each dataset and return a DataFrame with the results. Uncertainty on ratio and sqrt ratio is computed by Gaussian error propagation of the bootstrap uncertainty on bias and variance.

validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.multiclosure_inconsistent_output.delta_histogram(principal_components_normalized_delta_data, title, label_hist=None)[source]

Plot histogram of normalized delta regularized with PCA.

  • principal_components_normalized_delta_data (tuple)

  • title (str) – description of multiclosure

  • label_hist (str) – summary description of multiclosure


Figure object

Return type:


validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.multiclosure_inconsistent_output.plot_l2_condition_number(each_dataset, internal_multiclosure_data_collected_loader, evr_min=0.9, evr_max=0.995, evr_n=20)[source]

Plot the L2 condition number of the covariance matrix as a function of the explained variance ratio. The plot gives an idea of the stability of the covariance matrix as a function of the exaplained variance ratio and hence the number of principal components used to reduce the dimensionality.

The ideal explained variance ratio is chosen based on a threshold L2 condition number, in general this threshold number (and the derived explained variance ratio) should be chosen so that

relative error in output (inverse covmat) <= relative error in input (covmat) * condition number Note that in a closure test the relative error in the covariance matrix is very small and only numerical.

  • each_dataset (list) – List of datasets

  • internal_multiclosure_data_loader (list) – list of internal_multiclosure_dataset_loader objects


fig – Figure object

validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.multiclosure_inconsistent_output.plot_lambdavalues_bias_variance_values(lambdavalues_bootstrapped_table_bias_variance_datasets, lambdavalues, each_dataset)[source]

Plot sqrt of ratio bias variance as a function of lambda for each dataset.

  • lambdavalues_table_bias_variance_datasets (list) – list of data frames computed as per table_bias_variance_datasets.

  • lambdavalues (list) – list specified in multiclosure_analysis.yaml

  • each_dataset (list) – list of datasets



validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.multiclosure_inconsistent_output.plot_lambdavalues_bias_variance_values_full_data(lambdavalues_bootstrapped_table_bias_variance_data, lambdavalues)[source]

Plot sqrt of ratio bias variance as a function of lambda for each dataset.

  • lambdavalues_bootstrapped_table_bias_variance_data (list) – list of data frames computed as per table_bias_variance_data.

  • lambdavalues (list) – list specified in multiclosure_analysis.yaml

Return type:



Same as table_bias_variance_datasets but for all the data, meaning that the correlations between the datasets are taken into account.

  • principal_components_bias_variance_data (list) – Same of principal_components_bias_variance_datasets but for all the data

  • each_dataset (list) – List of validphys.core.DataSetSpec


DataFrame containing the bias, variance, ratio and sqrt(ratio) for each dataset

Return type:


validphys.closuretest.inconsistent_closuretest.multiclosure_inconsistent_output.table_bias_variance_datasets(principal_components_bias_variance_datasets, each_dataset)[source]

Compute the bias, variance, ratio and sqrt(ratio) for each dataset and return a DataFrame with the results.

  • principal_components_bias_variance_datasets (list) – List of tuples containing the values of bias, variance and number of degrees of freedom

  • each_dataset (list) – List of validphys.core.DataSetSpec


DataFrame containing the bias, variance, ratio and sqrt(ratio) for each dataset

Return type:



Computes the bootstrap average and std of the indicator function for the data.


bootstrapped_indicator_function_data (tuple)


DataFrame containing the average and std of the indicator function for the data.

Return type:


Module contents