Source code for validphys.tableloader


Load from file some of the tables that validphys produces.
Contrary to `validphys.loader` this module consists of functions that take
absolute paths, and return mostly dataframes.
import functools
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# NOTE:Considering the first columns as index by default (the index_col=0)
# is not particularly sane, but  turns out that it is advantageous for backward
# compatibility with the older DataFrame.from_csv method, that was employed
# previously.
sane_load = functools.partial(pd.read_csv, sep='\t', index_col=0)

[docs]class TableLoaderError(Exception): """Errors in the tableloader module.""" pass
[docs]def fixup_header(df, head_index, dtype): """Set the type of the column index in place""" oldcols = df.columns good = oldcols.levels[head_index].map(dtype) newcols = oldcols.set_levels( [*oldcols.levels[:head_index], good, *oldcols.levels[head_index + 1 :]] ) df.columns = newcols
[docs]def parse_data_cv(filename): """Useful for reading DataFrames with just one column.""" df = sane_load(filename, index_col=[0, 1, 2]) return df
[docs]def parse_exp_mat(filename): """Parse a dump of a matrix like experiments_covmat.""" df = sane_load(filename, header=[0, 1, 2], index_col=[0, 1, 2]) fixup_header(df, 2, int) return df
load_experiments_covmat = parse_exp_mat load_experiments_invcovmat = parse_exp_mat
[docs]def load_perreplica_chi2_table(filename): """Load the output of ``perreplica_chi2_table``.""" df = sane_load(filename, index_col=0, header=[0, 1]) fixup_header(df, 1, int) return df
[docs]def load_fits_computed_pseudoreplicas_chi2(filename): """Load the output of ``fits_computed_psedorreplicas_chi2``""" return sane_load(filename, index_col=[0, 1, 2, 3], header=[0, 1])
[docs]def load_fits_chi2_table(filename): """Load the result of fits_chi2_tavle or similar.""" return sane_load(filename, header=[0, 1], index_col=[0, 1])
[docs]def load_adapted_fits_chi2_table(filename): """Load the fits_chi2_table and adapt it in the way that suits the ``paramfits`` module. That is, return a table with the total chiĀ² and another with the number of points.""" df = load_fits_chi2_table(filename) ndatalabel = df.columns[0][1] dns = df.sort_index(axis=1).loc[:, pd.IndexSlice[:, ndatalabel]] if not (dns.apply(pd.Series.nunique, axis=1) == 1).all(): raise TableLoaderError("Expecting all entries to have the same ndata") ndatas = dns.iloc[:, 0] f = lambda x: x[x.columns[0]] * x[x.columns[1]] df = df.groupby(axis=1, level=0).apply(f) df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list(df.columns), ['chi2']]) return ndatas, df
[docs]def set_actual_column_level0(df, new_levels): """Set the first level of the index to new_levels. Note: This is a separate function mostly because it breaks in every patch update of pandas.""" cols = df.columns df.columns = cols.set_levels(new_levels, level=0)
# TODO: Find a better place for this function
[docs]def combine_pseudoreplica_tables( dfs, combined_names, *, blacklist_datasets=None, min_points_required=2 ): """Return a table in the same format as perreplica_chi2_table with th e minimum value of the chiĀ² for each batch of fits.""" for df in dfs: set_actual_column_level0(df, combined_names) if blacklist_datasets: m = np.ones(df.shape[0], dtype=bool) for it in blacklist_datasets: dsmask = df.index.get_level_values(1) != it m &= dsmask if m.all(): log.warning(f"Did not blacklist any dataset from the list {blacklist_datasets}") else: df = df.loc[m] together = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1, keys=range(len(dfs))) total = together.loc[(slice(None), 'Total'), :] total_chis = total.groupby(level=3).sum(min_count=1) def fixup_min_points(df): m = (~df.isnull()).sum(axis=1, min_count=1) >= min_points_required df[df[m].isnull()] = np.inf return df # The idea is: Set to inf the nans of the valid curves, so that we select # the minimum (which is not infinite). Leave the bad nans as nans, so we # write nan always for those. total_chis = total_chis.groupby(axis=1, level=1, group_keys=False).apply(fixup_min_points) # Note, asarray is needed because it ignores NANs otherwise. argmin = lambda x: pd.Series(np.argmin(np.asarray(x), axis=1), index=x.index) best_replicas = total_chis.groupby(axis=1, level=1).apply(argmin) gb = together.groupby(axis=1, level=1) def inner_select(df, indexes): return df.iloc[:, indexes[]] def select_best_replicas(df): indexes = best_replicas[] return df.groupby(level=3).apply(inner_select, indexes=indexes) res = gb.apply(select_best_replicas) res.index = res.index.droplevel(0) res.sort_index(inplace=True) # TODO: Why in earth did I decide to keep this?! res.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((res.columns, ['chi2'])) return res
[docs]def get_extrasum_slice(df, components): """Extract a slice of a table that has the components in the format that extra_sums expects.""" df = pd.DataFrame(df) df.sort_index(inplace=True) total_token = ' Total' keys = [ (c[: -len(total_token)], 'Total') if c.endswith(total_token) else (slice(None), c) for c in components ] locs = [flat for key in keys for flat in df.index.get_locs(key)] return df.iloc[locs, :]
# Define aliases for functions with spelling mistakes in their names which have now been corrected # Do this so that old runcards still work load_fits_computed_psedorreplicas_chi2 = load_fits_computed_pseudoreplicas_chi2 combine_pseudorreplica_tables = combine_pseudoreplica_tables