Source code for validphys.scripts.vp_list


Script which lists available resources locally and remotely


import argparse
import fnmatch
from functools import partial
import logging
import re

from reportengine import colors
from validphys.loader import FallbackLoader as L

log = logging.getLogger()

REMOTE_TOKEN = "downloadable_"
LOCAL_TOKEN = "available_"

[docs]def atoi(text): """convert string to integer, if possible""" return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
[docs]def natural_keys(text): """ sort a list according to natural ordering taken directly from """ return [atoi(c) for c in re.split(r"(\d+)", text)]
def _get_filter(*, glob_pattern=None, re_pattern=None): """Returns ``func`` which applies some filter to a list based on either a regular expression or glob pattern. It is expected that only ``re_pattern`` or ``glob_pattern`` will be supplied but this assumption is not checked and instead ``glob_pattern`` takes precedence. """ if glob_pattern is not None: return partial(fnmatch.filter, pat=glob_pattern) if re_pattern is not None: re_filter = re.compile(re_pattern) return partial(filter, re_filter.match) # else just return identity func return lambda x: x
[docs]def main(command_line=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) attrs = dir(L) available = [attr.removeprefix(LOCAL_TOKEN) for attr in attrs if attr.startswith(LOCAL_TOKEN)] downloadable = [ attr.removeprefix(REMOTE_TOKEN) for attr in attrs if attr.startswith(REMOTE_TOKEN) ] # set metavar and print choices in help string - otherwise looks ugly. parser.add_argument( "resource", type=str, choices={*available, *downloadable}, help=( "The type of resource to check availability for (locally and/or remotely). " + "Choose from: " + ", ".join(list({*available, *downloadable})) + "." ), metavar="resource", ) location_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() location_group.add_argument( "-r", "--remote-only", dest="remote", action="store_true", default=False, help="Only list remote resources", ) location_group.add_argument( "-l", "--local-only", dest="local", action="store_true", default=False, help="Only list local resources", ) pattern_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() pattern_group.add_argument( "-g", "--glob", type=str, default=None, help=( "Filter search using Unix shell-style wildcards, only list " "resources which match pattern." ), ) pattern_group.add_argument( "--regex", type=str, default=None, help="Filter search using regular expression, only list resources which match pattern.", ) args = parser.parse_args(command_line) results_filter = _get_filter(glob_pattern=args.glob, re_pattern=args.regex) # sane ordering is quite expensive and only really required with theories. if args.resource == "theories": sane_order = partial(sorted, key=natural_keys) else: sane_order = sorted l = L() if not args.remote: local_res = getattr(l, LOCAL_TOKEN + args.resource, None) local_res = results_filter(local_res) if args.resource in available and local_res:"The following %s are available locally:", args.resource) print("- " + "\n- ".join(sane_order(local_res))) else:"No %s are available locally.", args.resource) if not args.local: remote_res = getattr(l, REMOTE_TOKEN + args.resource, None) remote_res = results_filter(remote_res) if args.resource in downloadable and remote_res:"The following %s are downloadable:", args.resource) print("- " + "\n- ".join(sane_order(remote_res))) else:"No %s are available to download.", args.resource)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()