Tools to obtain theory predictions and basic statistical estimators.
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from collections.abc import Sequence
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.linalg as la
from reportengine import collect
from reportengine.checks import check_not_empty, remove_outer, require_one
from reportengine.table import table
from validphys.calcutils import all_chi2, bootstrap_values, calc_chi2, calc_phi, central_chi2
from validphys.checks import (
from validphys.convolution import PredictionsRequireCutsError, central_predictions, predictions
from validphys.core import PDF, DataGroupSpec, DataSetSpec, Stats
from validphys.plotoptions.core import get_info
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class StatsResult(Result):
def __init__(self, stats):
self.stats = stats
def rawdata(self):
"""Returns the raw data with shape (Npoints, Npdf)"""
return self.stats.data.T
def error_members(self):
"""Returns the error members with shape (Npoints, Npdf)"""
return self.stats.error_members().T
def central_value(self):
return self.stats.central_value()
def std_error(self):
return self.stats.std_error()
def __len__(self):
"""Returns the number of data points in the result"""
return self.rawdata.shape[0]
class DataResult(StatsResult):
"""Holds the relevant information from a given dataset"""
def __init__(self, dataset, covmat, sqrtcovmat):
loaded_cd = dataset.load_commondata()
if isinstance(loaded_cd, list):
cv = np.concatenate([cd.get_cv() for cd in loaded_cd])
cv = loaded_cd.get_cv()
self._central_value = cv
stats = Stats(self._central_value)
self._covmat = covmat
self._sqrtcovmat = sqrtcovmat
self._dataset = dataset
def label(self):
return "Data"
def central_value(self):
return self._central_value
def std_error(self):
return np.sqrt(np.diag(self.covmat))
def covmat(self):
return self._covmat
def sqrtcovmat(self):
"""Lower part of the Cholesky decomposition"""
return self._sqrtcovmat
def name(self):
return self._dataset.name
class ThPredictionsResult(StatsResult):
"""Class holding theory prediction, inherits from StatsResult
When created with `from_convolution`, it keeps tracks of the PDF for which it was computed
def __init__(
self, dataobj, stats_class, datasetnames=None, label=None, pdf=None, theoryid=None
self.stats_class = stats_class
self.label = label
self._datasetnames = datasetnames
statsobj = stats_class(dataobj.T)
self._pdf = pdf
self._theoryid = theoryid
def make_label(pdf, dataset):
"""Deduce a reasonable label for the result based on pdf and dataspec"""
th = dataset.thspec
if hasattr(pdf, "label"):
if hasattr(th, "label"):
label = " ".join((pdf.label, th.label))
label = pdf.label
elif hasattr(th, "label"):
label = th.label
label = f"{pdf}@<Theory {th.id}>"
return label
def from_convolution(cls, pdf, dataset, central_only=False):
# This should work for both single dataset and whole groups
datasets = dataset.datasets
except AttributeError:
datasets = (dataset,)
if central_only:
preds = [central_predictions(d, pdf) for d in datasets]
preds = [predictions(d, pdf) for d in datasets]
th_predictions = pd.concat(preds)
except PredictionsRequireCutsError as e:
raise PredictionsRequireCutsError(
"Predictions from FKTables always require cuts, "
"if you want to use the fktable intrinsic cuts set `use_cuts: 'internal'`"
) from e
label = cls.make_label(pdf, dataset)
thid = dataset.thspec.id
datasetnames = [i.name for i in datasets]
return cls(th_predictions, pdf.stats_class, datasetnames, label, pdf=pdf, theoryid=thid)
def datasetnames(self):
return self._datasetnames
class ThUncertaintiesResult(StatsResult):
"""Class holding central theory predictions and the error bar corresponding to
the theory uncertainties considered.
The error members of this class correspond to central +- error_bar
def __init__(self, central, std_err, label=None):
# All should be (ndata, 1)
self._central = central
self._std_err = std_err
self.stats = None
self.label = label
def rawdata(self):
return self._central
def error_members(self):
upper = self._central + self._std_err
lower = self._central - self._std_err
return np.concatenate([self._central, lower, upper], axis=1)
def central_value(self):
return self._central
def std_error(self):
return self._std_err
def __len__(self):
return self._central.shape[0]
class PositivityResult(StatsResult):
def from_convolution(cls, pdf, posset):
data = predictions(posset, pdf)
stats = pdf.stats_class(data.T)
return cls(stats)
def data_index(data):
Given a core.DataGroupSpec instance, return pd.MultiIndex
with the following levels:
1. experiment
2. datasets
3. datapoints indices (cuts already applied to)
data: core.DataGroupSpec
tuples = []
for ds in data.datasets:
experiment = get_info(ds).experiment
for i in ds.cuts.load():
tp = (experiment, ds.name, i)
return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=('experiment', 'dataset', 'id'))
# TODO: finish deprecating all dependencies on this index largely in theorycovmat module
groups_data = collect("data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
experiments_data = collect("data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",))
procs_data = collect("data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_process",))
def groups_index(groups_data):
"""Return a pandas.MultiIndex with levels for group, dataset and point
respectively, the group is determined by a key in the dataset metadata, and
controlled by `metadata_group` key in the runcard.
TODO: add example
records = []
for group in groups_data:
for dataset in group.datasets:
if dataset.cuts:
data_id = dataset.cuts.load()
# No cuts - use all data
data_id = np.arange(dataset.commondata.ndata, dtype=int)
for idat in data_id:
dict([("group", str(group.name)), ("dataset", str(dataset.name)), ("id", idat)])
columns = ["group", "dataset", "id"]
df = pd.DataFrame(records, columns=columns)
df.set_index(columns, inplace=True)
return df.index
def experiments_index(experiments_data):
return groups_index(experiments_data)
def procs_index(procs_data):
return groups_index(procs_data)
def groups_data_values(group_result_table):
"""Returns list of data values for the input groups."""
data_central_values = group_result_table["data_central"]
return data_central_values
def procs_data_values(proc_result_table):
"""Like groups_data_values but grouped by process."""
data_central_values = proc_result_table["data_central"]
return data_central_values
def procs_data_values_experiment(proc_result_table_experiment):
"""Like groups_data_values but grouped by experiment."""
data_central_values = proc_result_table_experiment["data_central"]
return data_central_values
groups_results = collect("dataset_inputs_results", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
procs_results = collect("dataset_inputs_results_central", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_process",))
procs_results_experiment = collect(
"dataset_inputs_results_central", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",)
groups_results_central = collect(
"dataset_inputs_results_central", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",)
def group_result_central_table_no_table(groups_results_central, groups_index):
"""Generate a table containing the data central value and the central prediction"""
result_records = []
for group_results in groups_results_central:
dt, th = group_results
for dt_central, th_central in zip(dt.central_value, th.central_value):
result_records.append({"data_central": dt_central, "theory_central": th_central})
if not result_records:
log.warning("Empty records for group results")
return pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.DataFrame(result_records, columns=result_records[0].keys(), index=groups_index)
return df
def group_result_table_no_table(groups_results, groups_index):
"""Generate a table containing the data central value, the central prediction,
and the prediction for each PDF member."""
result_records = []
for group_results in groups_results:
dt, th = group_results
for index, (dt_central, th_central) in enumerate(zip(dt.central_value, th.central_value)):
replicas = (
("rep_%05d" % (i + 1), th_rep)
for i, th_rep in enumerate(th.error_members[index, :])
dict([("data_central", dt_central), ("theory_central", th_central), *replicas])
if not result_records:
log.warning("Empty records for group results")
return pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.DataFrame(result_records, columns=result_records[0].keys(), index=groups_index)
return df
def group_result_table(group_result_table_no_table):
"""Duplicate of group_result_table_no_table but with a table decorator."""
return group_result_table_no_table
def proc_result_table_no_table(procs_results, procs_index):
return group_result_table_no_table(procs_results, procs_index)
def proc_result_table(proc_result_table_no_table):
return proc_result_table_no_table
def proc_result_table_experiment(procs_results_experiment, experiments_index):
return group_result_table_no_table(procs_results_experiment, experiments_index)
experiment_result_table = collect("group_result_table", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",))
def group_result_table_68cl(groups_results, group_result_table_no_table: pd.DataFrame, pdf: PDF):
"""Generate a table containing the data central value, the data 68% confidence levels, the central prediction,
and 68% confidence level bounds of the prediction.
df = group_result_table_no_table
# replica data is every columns after central values, transpose for stats class
replica_data = df.iloc[:, 2:].values.T
# Use pdf stats class but reshape output to have each row as a data point
th_unc_array = [level.reshape(-1, 1) for level in pdf.stats_class(replica_data).errorbar68()]
# concatenate for dataframe construction
th_unc_array_reshaped = np.concatenate(th_unc_array, axis=1)
data_unc_array = np.concatenate([i[0].std_error for i in groups_results])
uncertainties_array = np.c_[data_unc_array, th_unc_array_reshaped]
df_cl = pd.DataFrame(
columns=["data uncertainty", "theory_lower", "theory_upper"],
res = pd.concat([df.iloc[:, :2], df_cl], axis=1)
return res
experiments_covmat_collection = collect(
"dataset_inputs_covariance_matrix", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",)
def experiments_covmat_no_table(experiments_data, experiments_index, experiments_covmat_collection):
"""Makes the total experiments covariance matrix, which can then
be reindexed appropriately by the chosen grouping. The covariance
matrix must first be grouped by experiments to ensure correlations
within experiments are preserved."""
data = np.zeros((len(experiments_index), len(experiments_index)))
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=experiments_index, columns=experiments_index)
for experiment, experiment_covmat in zip(experiments_data, experiments_covmat_collection):
name = experiment.name
df.loc[[name], [name]] = experiment_covmat
return df
def relabel_experiments_to_groups(input_covmat, groups_index):
"""Takes a covmat grouped by experiments and relabels
it by groups. This allows grouping over experiments to
preserve experimental correlations outwith the chosen
# Sorting along dataset axis so we can apply the groups index directly
input_covmat = input_covmat.sort_index(axis=0, level=1)
input_covmat = input_covmat.sort_index(axis=1, level=1)
sorted_groups_index = groups_index.sortlevel(1)[0]
df = pd.DataFrame(input_covmat.values, index=sorted_groups_index, columns=sorted_groups_index)
# Reindexing to fit with groups_index
df = df.reindex(groups_index, axis=0)
df = df.reindex(groups_index, axis=1)
return df
def groups_covmat_no_table(experiments_covmat_no_table, groups_index):
"""Export the covariance matrix for the groups. It exports the full
(symmetric) matrix, with the 3 first rows and columns being:
- group name
- dataset name
- index of the point within the dataset.
return relabel_experiments_to_groups(experiments_covmat_no_table, groups_index)
def groups_covmat(groups_covmat_no_table):
"""Duplicate of groups_covmat_no_table but with a table decorator."""
return groups_covmat_no_table
def procs_covmat_no_table(experiments_covmat_no_table, procs_index):
return relabel_experiments_to_groups(experiments_covmat_no_table, procs_index)
def procs_covmat(procs_covmat_no_table):
return procs_covmat_no_table
experiments_sqrt_covmat = collect(
"dataset_inputs_sqrt_covmat", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",)
def experiments_sqrtcovmat(experiments_data, experiments_index, experiments_sqrt_covmat):
"""Like experiments_covmat, but dump the lower triangular part of the
Cholesky decomposition as used in the fit. The upper part indices are set
to zero.
data = np.zeros((len(experiments_index), len(experiments_index)))
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=experiments_index, columns=experiments_index)
for experiment, experiments_sqrt_covmat in zip(experiments_data, experiments_sqrt_covmat):
name = experiment.name
experiments_sqrt_covmat[np.triu_indices_from(experiments_sqrt_covmat, k=1)] = 0
df.loc[[name], [name]] = experiments_sqrt_covmat
return df
def groups_sqrtcovmat(experiments_sqrtcovmat, groups_index):
"""Like experiments_sqrtcovmat but relabelled to the chosen grouping."""
return relabel_experiments_to_groups(experiments_sqrtcovmat, groups_index)
def experiments_invcovmat(experiments_data, experiments_index, experiments_covmat_collection):
"""Compute and export the inverse covariance matrix.
Note that this inverts the matrices with the LU method which is
data = np.zeros((len(experiments_index), len(experiments_index)))
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=experiments_index, columns=experiments_index)
for experiment, experiment_covmat in zip(experiments_data, experiments_covmat_collection):
name = experiment.name
# Improve this inversion if this method tuns out to be important
invcov = la.inv(experiment_covmat)
df.loc[[name], [name]] = invcov
return df
def groups_invcovmat(experiments_invcovmat, groups_index):
"""Like experiments_invcovmat but relabelled to the chosen grouping."""
return relabel_experiments_to_groups(experiments_invcovmat, groups_index)
def groups_normcovmat(groups_covmat, groups_data_values):
"""Calculates the grouped experimental covariance matrix normalised to data."""
df = groups_covmat
index = df.index
# Reindexing data so that it is aligned with the covmat
groups_data_values = groups_data_values.reindex(index)
groups_data_array = np.array(groups_data_values)
mat = df / np.outer(groups_data_array, groups_data_array)
return mat
def procs_normcovmat(procs_covmat, procs_data_values):
return groups_normcovmat(procs_covmat, procs_data_values)
def groups_corrmat(groups_covmat):
"""Generates the grouped experimental correlation matrix with groups_covmat as input"""
df = groups_covmat
covmat = df.values
diag_minus_half = (np.diagonal(covmat)) ** (-0.5)
mat = diag_minus_half[:, np.newaxis] * df * diag_minus_half
return mat
def procs_corrmat(procs_covmat):
return groups_corrmat(procs_covmat)
def results(dataset: DataSetSpec, pdf: PDF, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat):
"""Tuple of data and theory results for a single pdf. The data will have an associated
covariance matrix, which can include a contribution from the theory covariance matrix which
is constructed from scale variation.
The theory is specified as part of the dataset (a remnant of the old C++ layout)
A group of datasets is also allowed.
return (
DataResult(dataset, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat),
ThPredictionsResult.from_convolution(pdf, dataset),
def results_central(dataset: DataSetSpec, pdf: PDF, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat):
"""Same as :py:func:`results` but only calculates the prediction for replica0."""
return (
DataResult(dataset, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat),
ThPredictionsResult.from_convolution(pdf, dataset, central_only=True),
def results_without_covmat(dataset: DataSetSpec, pdf: PDF):
"""Return a results object with a diagonal covmat so that it can be used to generate
results-depending covmats elsewhere. Uses :py:funct:`results` under the hook"""
loaded_cd = dataset.load_commondata()
if isinstance(loaded_cd, list):
ndata = np.sum([cd.ndata for cd in loaded_cd])
ndata = loaded_cd.ndata
diag = np.eye(ndata)
return results(dataset, pdf, diag, diag)
def results_with_theory_covmat(dataset, results, theory_covmat_dataset):
"""Returns results with a modfy ``DataResult`` such that the covariance matrix includes
also the theory covmat.
This can be used to make use of results that consider scale variations without including
the theory covmat as part of the covariance matrix used by other validphys function.
Most notably, this can be used to compute the chi2 including theory errors while plotting
data theory covariance in which the experimental uncertainties are not stained by the thcovmat
# TODO: in principle this function could be removed, and `results` could automagically include
# the theory covmat when a certain key (to be introduced) is set to True by changing the nodes in
# `config.py` however at the moment config.py _loads_ theory covmats and we need to compute it
# on the fly
from .covmats import sqrt_covmat
data_result, central_th_result = results
total_covmat = theory_covmat_dataset + data_result.covmat
data_result = DataResult(dataset, total_covmat, sqrt_covmat(total_covmat))
return (data_result, central_th_result)
def results_with_scale_variations(results, theory_covmat_dataset):
"""Use the theory covariance matrix to generate a ThPredictionsResult-compatible object
modified so that its uncertainties correspond to a combination of
the PDF and theory (scale variations) errors added in quadrature.
This allows to plot results including scale variations
By doing this we lose all information about prediction for the individual replicas or theories
data_result, central_th_result = results
# Use the central value and PDF error from the central theory
cv = central_th_result.central_value
pdf_error = central_th_result.std_error
sv_error_sq = np.diag(theory_covmat_dataset)
total_error = np.sqrt(pdf_error**2 + sv_error_sq)
theory_error_result = ThUncertaintiesResult(cv, total_error, label=central_th_result.label)
return (data_result, theory_error_result)
# It's better to duplicate a few lines than to complicate the logic of
# ``results`` to support this.
# TODO: The above comment doesn't make sense after adding T0. Deprecate this
def pdf_results(
dataset: (DataSetSpec, DataGroupSpec), pdfs: Sequence, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat
"""Return a list of results, the first for the data and the rest for
each of the PDFs."""
th_results = [ThPredictionsResult.from_convolution(pdf, dataset) for pdf in pdfs]
return (DataResult(dataset, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat), *th_results)
@require_one("pdfs", "pdf")
@remove_outer("pdfs", "pdf")
def one_or_more_results(
dataset: (DataSetSpec, DataGroupSpec),
pdfs: (type(None), Sequence) = None,
pdf: (type(None), PDF) = None,
"""Generate a list of results, where the first element is the data values,
and the next is either the prediction for pdf or for each of the pdfs.
Which of the two is selected intelligently depending on the namespace,
when executing as an action."""
if pdf is not None:
return results(dataset, pdf, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat)
return pdf_results(dataset, pdfs, covariance_matrix, sqrt_covmat)
Chi2Data = namedtuple("Chi2Data", ("replica_result", "central_result", "ndata"))
def abs_chi2_data(results):
"""Return a tuple (member_chi², central_chi², numpoints) for a
given dataset"""
data_result, th_result = results
chi2s = all_chi2(results)
central_result = central_chi2(results)
return Chi2Data(th_result.stats_class(chi2s[:, np.newaxis]), central_result, len(data_result))
def abs_chi2_data_thcovmat(results_with_theory_covmat):
"""The same as ``abs_chi2_data`` but considering as well the theory uncertainties"""
return abs_chi2_data(results_with_theory_covmat)
def phi_data(abs_chi2_data):
"""Calculate phi using values returned by `abs_chi2_data`.
Returns tuple of (float, int): (phi, numpoints)
For more information on how phi is calculated see Eq.(24) in
alldata, central, npoints = abs_chi2_data
return (np.sqrt((alldata.error_members().mean() - central) / npoints), npoints)
experiments_phi_data = collect("dataset_inputs_phi_data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",))
def total_phi_data_from_experiments(experiments_phi_data):
"""Like :py:func:`dataset_inputs_phi_data` except calculate phi for
each experiment and then sum the contributions. Note that since
the definition of phi is
phi = sqrt( (<chi2[T_k]> - chi2[<T_k>]) / n_data ),
where k is the replica index, the total phi is
sqrt( sum(n_data*phi**2) / sum(n_data) )
where the sums run over experiment
This is only a valid method of calculating total phi provided that there are
no inter-experimental correlations.
unnorm_phi_squared, ndata = np.sum(
[(ndata * phi**2, ndata) for phi, ndata in experiments_phi_data], axis=0
return np.sqrt(unnorm_phi_squared / ndata), ndata
def predictions_by_kinematics_table(results, kinematics_table_notable):
"""Return a table combining the output of
:py:func:`validphys.kinematics.kinematics_table`` with the data and theory
central values."""
tb = kinematics_table_notable.copy()
data, theory = results
tb['data'] = data.central_value
tb['prediction'] = theory.central_value
return tb
groups_each_dataset_chi2 = collect("each_dataset_chi2", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
groups_chi2_by_process = collect(
"dataset_inputs_abs_chi2_data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_process",)
groups_each_dataset_chi2_by_process = collect(
"each_dataset_chi2", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_process",)
def groups_chi2_table(groups_data, pdf, groups_chi2, groups_each_dataset_chi2):
"""Return a table with the chi² to the groups and each dataset in
the groups, grouped by metadata."""
records = []
for group, groupres, dsresults in zip(groups_data, groups_chi2, groups_each_dataset_chi2):
for dataset, dsres in zip(group, dsresults):
stats = chi2_stats(dsres)
stats["dataset"] = dataset.name
stats["group"] = str(group)
stats = chi2_stats(groupres)
stats["group"] = str(group)
stats["dataset"] = "Group Total"
return pd.DataFrame(records)
experiments_chi2_table = collect("groups_chi2_table", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",))
def procs_chi2_table(procs_data, pdf, groups_chi2_by_process, groups_each_dataset_chi2_by_process):
"""Same as groups_chi2_table but by process"""
return groups_chi2_table(
procs_data, pdf, groups_chi2_by_process, groups_each_dataset_chi2_by_process
def positivity_predictions_data_result(pdf, posdataset):
"""Return an object containing the values of the positivuty observable."""
return PositivityResult.from_convolution(pdf, posdataset)
positivity_predictions_for_pdfs = collect(positivity_predictions_data_result, ("pdfs",))
dataspecs_positivity_predictions = collect(positivity_predictions_data_result, ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_posdataset = collect("posdataset", ("dataspecs",))
def count_negative_points(possets_predictions):
"""Return the number of replicas with negative predictions for each bin
in the positivity observable."""
return np.sum([(r.error_members < 0).sum(axis=0) for r in possets_predictions], axis=0)
chi2_stat_labels = {
"central_mean": r"$\chi^2_{rep0}$",
"npoints": r"$N_{data}$",
"perreplica_mean": r"$\left< \chi^2 \right>_{rep}$",
"perreplica_std": r"$std_{rep}(\chi^2)$",
"chi2_per_data": r"$\chi^2 / N_{data}$",
def experiments_chi2_stats(total_chi2_data):
"""Compute several estimators from the chi² for an
aggregate of experiments:
- central_mean
- npoints
- perreplica_mean
- perreplica_std
- chi2_per_data
rep_data, central_result, npoints = total_chi2_data
m = central_result.mean()
rep_mean = rep_data.error_members().mean()
return OrderedDict(
("central_mean", m),
("npoints", npoints),
("chi2_per_data", m / npoints),
("perreplica_mean", rep_mean),
("perreplica_std", rep_data.std_error().mean()),
def chi2_stats(abs_chi2_data):
"""Compute several estimators from the chi²:
- central_mean
- npoints
- perreplica_mean
- perreplica_std
- chi2_per_data
rep_data, central_result, npoints = abs_chi2_data
m = central_result.mean()
rep_mean = rep_data.error_members().mean()
return OrderedDict(
("central_mean", m),
("npoints", npoints),
("chi2_per_data", m / npoints),
("perreplica_mean", rep_mean),
("perreplica_std", rep_data.std_error().mean()),
def dataset_chi2_table(chi2_stats, dataset):
"""Show the chi² estimators for a given dataset"""
return pd.DataFrame(chi2_stats, index=[dataset.name])
groups_chi2 = collect("dataset_inputs_abs_chi2_data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
procs_chi2 = collect("dataset_inputs_abs_chi2_data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_process",))
fits_groups_chi2_data = collect("groups_chi2", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
fits_groups = collect("groups_data", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
# TODO: Possibly get rid of the per_point_data parameter and have separate
# actions for absolute and relative tables.
def fits_groups_chi2_table(
fits_name_with_covmat_label, fits_groups, fits_groups_chi2_data, per_point_data: bool = True
"""A table with the chi2 computed with the theory corresponding to each fit
for all datasets in the fit, grouped according to a key in the metadata, the
grouping can be controlled with `metadata_group`.
If points_per_data is True, the chi² will be shown divided by ndata.
Otherwise chi² values will be absolute.
dfs = []
cols = ("ndata", r"$\chi^2/ndata$") if per_point_data else ("ndata", r"$\chi^2$")
for label, groups, groups_chi2 in zip(
fits_name_with_covmat_label, fits_groups, fits_groups_chi2_data
records = []
for group, group_chi2 in zip(groups, groups_chi2):
mean_chi2 = group_chi2.central_result.mean()
npoints = group_chi2.ndata
records.append(dict(group=str(group), npoints=npoints, mean_chi2=mean_chi2))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
records, columns=("group", "npoints", "mean_chi2"), index=("group",)
if per_point_data:
df["mean_chi2"] /= df["npoints"]
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(([label], cols))
res = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
return res
def fits_groups_nsigma_table(fits_groups_chi2_table):
Similar to fits_groups_chi2_table but for nsigma.
nsigma is defined as (chi2 - 1) / sqrt(2/ndata), when the chi2 is normalized by ndata.
df = fits_groups_chi2_table
df = df.rename(columns={'ndata': 'ndata', r'$\chi^2/ndata$': 'nsigma'})
for level_0 in df.columns.levels[0]:
ndata_col = (level_0, 'ndata')
nsigma_ndata_col = (level_0, 'nsigma')
# Apply the transformation and add the new column to the DataFrame
df[nsigma_ndata_col] = df.apply(
lambda row: (row[nsigma_ndata_col] - 1) / np.sqrt(2 / row[ndata_col]), axis=1
return df
groups_phi = collect("dataset_inputs_phi_data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
fits_groups_phi = collect("groups_phi", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
def fits_groups_phi_table(fits_name_with_covmat_label, fits_groups, fits_groups_phi):
"""For every fit, returns phi and number of data points for each group of
datasets, which are grouped according to a key in the metadata. The behaviour
of the grouping can be controlled with `metadata_group` runcard key.
dfs = []
cols = ("ndata", r"$\phi$")
for label, groups, groups_phi in zip(fits_name_with_covmat_label, fits_groups, fits_groups_phi):
records = []
for group, (group_phi, npoints) in zip(groups, groups_phi):
records.append(dict(group=str(group), npoints=npoints, phi=group_phi))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
records, columns=("group", "npoints", "phi"), index=("group",)
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(([label], cols))
res = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
return res
def dataspecs_groups_chi2_table(
dataspecs_speclabel, dataspecs_groups, dataspecs_groups_chi2_data, per_point_data: bool = True
"""Same as fits_groups_chi2_table but for an arbitrary list of dataspecs."""
return fits_groups_chi2_table(
def dataspecs_groups_nsigma_table(dataspecs_groups_chi2_table):
"""Same as fits_groups_nsigma_table but for an arbitrary list of dataspecs."""
return fits_groups_nsigma_table(dataspecs_groups_chi2_table)
# we need this to reorder the datasets correctly, a potentially more satisfactory
# method could be to make a datasets chi2 table which gets collected and concatenated
groups_datasets_chi2_data = collect("each_dataset_chi2", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
fits_datasets_chi2_data = collect("groups_datasets_chi2_data", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
def fits_datasets_chi2_table(
fits_name_with_covmat_label, fits_groups, fits_datasets_chi2_data, per_point_data: bool = True
"""A table with the chi2 for each included dataset in the fits, computed
with the theory corresponding to the fit. The result are indexed in two
levels by experiment and dataset, where experiment is the grouping of datasets according to the
`experiment` key in the PLOTTING info file. If points_per_data is True, the chi² will be shown
divided by ndata. Otherwise they will be absolute."""
cols = ("ndata", r"$\chi^2/ndata$") if per_point_data else ("ndata", r"$\chi^2$")
dfs = []
for label, groups, groups_dsets_chi2 in zip(
fits_name_with_covmat_label, fits_groups, fits_datasets_chi2_data
records = []
for group, dsets_chi2 in zip(groups, groups_dsets_chi2):
for dataset, chi2 in zip(group.datasets, dsets_chi2):
ndata = chi2.ndata
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
columns=("group", "dataset", "npoints", "mean_chi2"),
index=("group", "dataset"),
if per_point_data:
df["mean_chi2"] /= df["npoints"]
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(([label], cols))
return pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
def fits_datasets_nsigma_table(fits_datasets_chi2_table):
A table with nsigma values for each dataset included in the fit.
nsigma is defined as (chi2 - 1) / sqrt(2/ndata), when the chi2 is normalized by ndata.
df = fits_datasets_chi2_table
df = df.rename(columns={'ndata': 'ndata', r'$\chi^2/ndata$': 'nsigma'})
for level_0 in df.columns.levels[0]:
ndata_col = (level_0, 'ndata')
nsigma_ndata_col = (level_0, 'nsigma')
# Apply the transformation and add the new column to the DataFrame
df[nsigma_ndata_col] = df.apply(
lambda row: (row[nsigma_ndata_col] - 1) / np.sqrt(2 / row[ndata_col]), axis=1
return df
dataspecs_datasets_chi2_data = collect("groups_datasets_chi2_data", ("dataspecs",))
def dataspecs_datasets_chi2_table(
dataspecs_speclabel, dataspecs_groups, dataspecs_datasets_chi2_data, per_point_data: bool = True
"""Same as fits_datasets_chi2_table but for arbitrary dataspecs."""
return fits_datasets_chi2_table(
def dataspecs_datasets_nsigma_table(dataspecs_datasets_chi2_table):
Same as dataspecs_datasets_chi2_table but for nsigma.
return fits_datasets_nsigma_table(dataspecs_datasets_chi2_table)
fits_total_chi2_data = collect("total_chi2_data", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
dataspecs_total_chi2_data = collect("total_chi2_data", ("dataspecs",))
# TODO: Decide what to do with the horrible totals code.
def fits_chi2_table(
fits_total_chi2_data, fits_datasets_chi2_table, fits_groups_chi2_table, show_total: bool = False
"""Show the chi² of each and number of points of each dataset and experiment
of each fit, where experiment is a group of datasets according to the `experiment` key in
the PLOTTING info file, computed with the theory corresponding to the fit. Dataset that are not
included in some fit appear as `NaN`
lvs = fits_groups_chi2_table.index
# The explicit call to list is because pandas gets confused otherwise
expanded_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((list(lvs), ["Total"]))
edf = fits_groups_chi2_table.set_index(expanded_index)
ddf = fits_datasets_chi2_table
dfs = []
for lv in lvs:
dfs.append(pd.concat((edf.loc[lv], ddf.loc[lv]), copy=False, axis=0))
if show_total:
total_points = np.array([total_chi2_data.ndata for total_chi2_data in fits_total_chi2_data])
total_chi = np.array(
[total_chi2_data.central_result for total_chi2_data in fits_total_chi2_data]
total_chi /= total_points
row = np.zeros(len(total_points) * 2)
row[::2] = total_points
row[1::2] = total_chi
df = pd.DataFrame(
np.atleast_2d(row), columns=fits_groups_chi2_table.columns, index=["Total"]
keys = [*lvs, "Total"]
keys = lvs
res = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, keys=keys)
return res
def fits_nsigma_table(
show_total: bool = False,
"""Show the nsigma of each and number of points of each dataset and experiment for each fit,
computed with the theory corresponding to the fit.
Datasets that are not included in one of the fit appear as `NaN`
lvs = fits_groups_nsigma_table.index
# The explicit call to list is because pandas gets confused otherwise
expanded_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((list(lvs), ["Total"]))
edf = fits_groups_nsigma_table.set_index(expanded_index)
ddf = fits_datasets_nsigma_table
dfs = []
for lv in lvs:
dfs.append(pd.concat((edf.loc[lv], ddf.loc[lv]), copy=False, axis=0))
if show_total:
total_points = np.array([])
total_chi = np.array([])
for total_chi2_data in fits_total_chi2_data:
total_points = np.append(total_points, total_chi2_data.ndata)
total_chi = np.append(
(total_chi2_data.central_result - total_chi2_data.ndata)
/ np.sqrt(2.0 * total_chi2_data.ndata),
row = np.zeros(len(total_points) * 2)
row[::2] = total_points
row[1::2] = total_chi
df = pd.DataFrame(
np.atleast_2d(row), columns=fits_groups_nsigma_table.columns, index=["Total"]
keys = [*lvs, "Total"]
keys = lvs
res = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, keys=keys)
return res
def dataspecs_chi2_table(
show_total: bool = False,
"""Same as fits_chi2_table but for an arbitrary list of dataspecs"""
return fits_chi2_table(
def dataspecs_nsigma_table(
show_total: bool = False,
"""Same as fits_nsigma_table but for an arbitrary list of dataspecs"""
return fits_nsigma_table(
def dataspecs_chi2_differences_table(dataspecs, dataspecs_chi2_table):
"""Given two dataspecs, print the chi² (using dataspecs_chi2_table)
and the difference between the first and the second."""
df = dataspecs_chi2_table.copy()
# TODO: Make this mind the number of points somehow
diff = df.iloc[:, 1] - df.iloc[:, 3]
df["difference"] = diff
return df
experiments_chi2_data = collect(
"dataset_inputs_abs_chi2_data", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",)
def total_chi2_data_from_experiments(experiments_chi2_data, pdf):
"""Like :py:func:`dataset_inputs_abs_chi2_data`, except sums the contribution
from each experiment which is more efficient in the case that the total
covariance matrix is block diagonal in experiments.
This is valid as long as there are no cross experiment correlations from
e.g. theory covariance matrices.
central_result = np.sum(
[exp_chi2_data.central_result for exp_chi2_data in experiments_chi2_data]
# we sum data, not error_members here because we feed it back into the stats
# class, the stats class error_members cuts off the CV if needed
data_sum = np.sum(
[exp_chi2_data.replica_result.data for exp_chi2_data in experiments_chi2_data], axis=0
ndata = np.sum([exp_chi2_data.ndata for exp_chi2_data in experiments_chi2_data])
return Chi2Data(pdf.stats_class(data_sum), central_result, ndata)
def total_chi2_per_point_data(total_chi2_data):
return dataset_inputs_chi2_per_point_data(total_chi2_data)
def perreplica_chi2_table(groups_data, groups_chi2, total_chi2_data):
"""Chi² per point for each replica for each group.
Also outputs the total chi² per replica.
The columns come in two levels: The first is the name of the group,
and the second is the number of points."""
chs = groups_chi2
total_chis = np.zeros((len(groups_data) + 1, 1 + len(chs[0].replica_result.error_members())))
ls = []
for i, ch in enumerate(chs, 1):
th, central, l = ch
total_chis[i] = np.concatenate([[central], *th.error_members()])
total_rep, total_central, total_n = total_chi2_data
total_chis[0] = np.concatenate([[total_central], *total_rep.error_members()])
total_chis[0] /= total_n
total_chis[1:, :] /= np.array(ls)[:, np.newaxis]
columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
(["Total", *[str(exp) for exp in groups_data]], [total_n, *ls]), names=["name", "npoints"]
return pd.DataFrame(total_chis.T, columns=columns)
def theory_description(theoryid):
"""A table with the theory settings."""
return pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(theoryid.get_description()), columns=[theoryid])
def groups_central_values_no_table(group_result_central_table_no_table):
"""Returns a theoryid-dependent list of central theory predictions
for a given group."""
central_theory_values = group_result_central_table_no_table["theory_central"]
return central_theory_values
def groups_central_values(group_result_central_table_no_table):
"""Duplicate of groups_central_values_no_table but takes
group_result_table rather than groups_central_values_no_table,
and has a table decorator."""
central_theory_values = group_result_central_table_no_table["theory_central"]
return central_theory_values
def procs_central_values_no_table(proc_result_table_no_table):
central_theory_values = proc_result_table_no_table["theory_central"]
return central_theory_values
def procs_central_values(procs_central_values_no_table):
return procs_central_values_no_table
dataspecs_each_dataset_chi2 = collect("each_dataset_chi2", ("dataspecs",))
each_dataset = collect("dataset", ("data",))
dataspecs_each_dataset = collect("each_dataset", ("dataspecs",))
def dataspecs_dataset_chi2_difference_table(
dataspecs_each_dataset, dataspecs_each_dataset_chi2, dataspecs_speclabel
r"""Returns a table with difference between the chi2 and the expected chi2
in units of the expected chi2 standard deviation, given by
chi2_diff = (\chi2 - N)/sqrt(2N)
for each dataset for each dataspec.
dfs = []
cols = [r"$(\chi^2 - N)/\sqrt{2N}$"]
for label, datasets, chi2s in zip(
dataspecs_speclabel, dataspecs_each_dataset, dataspecs_each_dataset_chi2
records = []
for dataset, chi2 in zip(datasets, chi2s):
ndata = chi2.ndata
chi2_stat=(chi2.central_result.mean() - ndata) / np.sqrt(2 * ndata),
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
records, columns=("dataset", "chi2_stat"), index=("dataset",)
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(([label], cols))
return pd.concat(dfs, axis=1)
each_dataset_chi2 = collect(abs_chi2_data, ("data",))
pdfs_total_chi2 = collect(total_chi2_per_point_data, ("pdfs",))
# These are convenient ways to iterate and extract various data from fits
fits_chi2_data = collect(abs_chi2_data, ("fits", "fitcontext", "dataset_inputs"))
fits_total_chi2 = collect("total_chi2_per_point_data", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
fits_total_chi2_for_groups = collect("total_chi2_per_point_data", ("fits", "fittheoryandpdf"))
fits_pdf = collect("pdf", ("fits", "fitpdf"))
groups_data_phi = collect(dataset_inputs_phi_data, ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
fits_groups_data_phi = collect("groups_data_phi", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
groups_bootstrap_phi = collect(
dataset_inputs_bootstrap_phi_data, ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",)
fits_groups_chi2 = collect("groups_chi2", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
fits_groups_data = collect("groups_data", ("fits", "fitcontext"))
# Collections over dataspecs
dataspecs_groups = collect("groups_data", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_groups_chi2_data = collect("groups_chi2", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_groups_bootstrap_phi = collect("groups_bootstrap_phi", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_results = collect("results", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_results_with_scale_variations = collect("results_with_scale_variations", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_total_chi2 = collect("total_chi2_per_point_data", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_speclabel = collect("speclabel", ("dataspecs",), element_default=None)
dataspecs_cuts = collect("cuts", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_experiments = collect("experiments", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_dataset = collect("dataset", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_commondata = collect("commondata", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_pdf = collect("pdf", ("dataspecs",))
dataspecs_fit = collect("fit", ("dataspecs",))