Tools for filtering replica sets based on criteria on the replicas.
import logging
import re
import shutil
from reportengine.checks import check, make_argcheck
from validphys.core import PDF
from validphys.renametools import rename_pdf
from validphys.utils import tempfile_cleaner, yaml_safe
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _fixup_new_replica(alphas_pdf: PDF, new_replica_file):
"""Helper function that takes in a
:py:class:`validphys.core.PDF` object as well as
the path to the central replica corresponding to the
PDF and handles the writing of the alphas values
to the header file.
alphas_mz = alphas_pdf.alphas_mz
alphas_vals = alphas_pdf.alphas_vals
with open(new_replica_file, 'rb') as in_stream:
data = in_stream.read()
with open(new_replica_file, 'wb') as out_stream:
# Add the AlphaS_MZ and AlphaS_Vals keys
out_stream.write(f"AlphaS_MZ: {alphas_mz}\nAlphaS_Vals: {alphas_vals}\n".encode())
def _check_target_name(target_name):
"""Make sure this specifies a name and not some kid of path"""
if target_name is None:
re.fullmatch(r'[\w]+', target_name),
"`target_name` must contain alphnumeric characters and underscores only",
def alpha_s_bundle_pdf(pdf, pdfs, output_path, target_name: (str, type(None)) = None):
"""Action that bundles PDFs for distributing to the LHAPDF
format. The baseline pdf is declared as the ``pdf`` key
and the PDFs from which the replica 0s are to be added is
declared as the ``pdfs`` list.
The bundled PDF set is stored inside the ``output`` directory.
pdf: :py:class:`validphys.core.PDF`
The baseline PDF to which the new replicas will be added
pdfs: list of :py:class:`validphys.core.PDF`
The list of PDFs from which replica0 will be appended
target_name: str or None
Optional argument specifying the name of the output PDF.
If ``None``, then the name of the original pdf is used
but with ``_pdfas`` appended
base_pdf_path = pdf.infopath.parent
nrep = len(pdf)
target_name = target_name or pdf.name + '_pdfas'
target_path = output_path / target_name
alphas_paths = [i.infopath.parent for i in pdfs]
alphas_replica0s = [path / f'{p}_0000.dat' for path, p in zip(alphas_paths, pdfs)]
new_nrep = nrep + len(alphas_replica0s)
alphas_values = [str(p.alphas_mz) for p in pdfs]
if target_path.exists():
log.warning(f"{target_path} already exists. Deleting contents.")
# We create a temporary directory to handle the manipulations inside.
# We move the files to the new directory at the end.
with tempfile_cleaner(
root=output_path, exit_func=shutil.rmtree, exc=KeyboardInterrupt
) as tempdir:
# Copy the base pdf into the temporary directory
temp_pdf = shutil.copytree(base_pdf_path, tempdir / pdf.name)
# Copy the alphas PDF replica0s into the new PDF
for i, (alphas_pdf, rep) in enumerate(zip(pdfs, alphas_replica0s)):
to = temp_pdf / f'{pdf.name}_{str(i + nrep).zfill(4)}.dat'
shutil.copy(rep, to)
_fixup_new_replica(alphas_pdf, to)
# Fixup the info file
info_file = (temp_pdf / temp_pdf.name).with_suffix('.info')
with open(info_file) as stream:
info_yaml = yaml_safe.load(stream)
info_yaml['NumMembers'] = new_nrep
info_yaml['ErrorType'] += '+as'
extra_desc = '; '.join(
f"mem={i} => alphas(MZ)={val}" for val, i in zip(alphas_values, range(nrep, new_nrep))
info_yaml['SetDesc'] += f"; {extra_desc}"
with open(info_file, 'w') as stream:
yaml_safe.dump(info_yaml, stream)
# Rename the base pdf to the final name
rename_pdf(temp_pdf, pdf.name, target_name)
# This is the pdf path after the above renaming
# i.e new_pdf.exists() == True
new_pdf = temp_pdf.with_name(target_name)
# Move the final pdf outside the temporary directory
new_pdf = new_pdf.rename(target_path)
log.info(f"alpha_s bundle written at {new_pdf}")
return target_name