Loader for the pineappl-based FKTables
The FKTables for pineappl have ``pineappl.lz4`` and can be utilized
directly with the ``pineappl`` cli as well as read with ``pineappl.fk_table``
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from validphys.commondataparser import EXT, TheoryMeta
from validphys.coredata import FKTableData
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GridFileNotFound(FileNotFoundError):
"""PineAPPL file for FK table not found."""
def pineko_yaml(yaml_file, grids_folder):
"""Given a yaml_file, returns the corresponding dictionary and grids.
The dictionary contains all information and we return an extra field
with all the grids to be loaded for the given dataset.
yaml_file : pathlib.Path
path of the yaml file for the given dataset
grids_folder : pathlib.Path
path of the grids folder
check_grid_existence: bool
if True (default) checks whether the grid exists
yaml_content: dict
Metadata prepared for the FKTables
paths: list(list(path))
List (of lists) with all the grids that will need to be loaded
# TODO: the theory metadata can be found inside the commondata metadata
# however, for the time being, pineappl tables contain this information in the `yamldb` database
# they should be 100% compatible (and if they are not there is something wrong somewhere)
# so already at this stage, use TheoryMeta parser to get the metadata for pineappl theories
# Note also that we need to use this "parser" due to the usage of the name "operands" in the yamldb
theory_meta = TheoryMeta.parser(yaml_file)
member_paths = theory_meta.fktables_to_paths(grids_folder)
return theory_meta, member_paths
def _pinelumi_to_columns(pine_luminosity, hadronic):
"""Makes the pineappl luminosity into the column indices of a dataframe
These corresponds to the indices of a flattened (14x14) matrix for hadronic observables
and the non-zero indices of the 14-flavours for DIS
pine_luminosity: list(tuple(int))
list with a pair of flavours per channel
hadronic: bool
flag for hadronic / DIS observables
list(int): list of labels for the columns
evol_basis_pids = tuple(
[22, 100, 21, 200]
+ [200 + n**2 - 1 for n in range(2, 6 + 1)]
+ [100 + n**2 - 1 for n in range(2, 6 + 1)]
flav_size = len(evol_basis_pids)
columns = []
if hadronic:
for i, j in pine_luminosity:
idx = evol_basis_pids.index(i)
jdx = evol_basis_pids.index(j)
columns.append(flav_size * idx + jdx)
# The proton might come from both sides
columns = [evol_basis_pids.index(i) for _, i in pine_luminosity]
except ValueError:
columns = [evol_basis_pids.index(i) for i, _ in pine_luminosity]
return columns
def pineappl_reader(fkspec):
Receives a fkspec, which contains the path to the fktables that are to be read by pineappl
as well as metadata that fixes things like conversion factors or apfelcomb flag.
The fkspec contains also the cfactors which are applied _directly_ to each of the fktables.
The output of this function is an instance of FKTableData which can be generated from reading
several FKTable files which get concatenated on the ndata (bin) axis.
For more information on the reading of pineappl tables:
About the reader:
Each pineappl table is a 4-dimensional grid with:
(ndata, active channels, x1, x2)
for DIS grids x2 will contain one single number.
The luminosity channels are given in a (flav1, flav2) format and thus need to be converted
to the 1-D index of a (14x14) luminosity tensor in order to put in the form of a dataframe.
All grids in pineappl are constructed with the exact same xgrid,
the active channels can vary and so when grids are concatenated for an observable
the gaps are filled with 0s.
The pineappl grids are such that obs = sum_{bins} fk * f (*f) * bin_w
so in order to use them together with old-style grids (obs = sum_{bins} fk * xf (*xf))
it is necessary to remove the factor of x and the normalization of the bins.
About apfelcomb flags in yamldb files:
old commondata files and old grids have over time been through various iterations while remaining compatibility between each other,
and fixes and hacks have been incorporated in one or another
for the new theory to be compatible with old commpondata it is necessary
to keep track of said hacks (and to apply conversion factors when required)
NOTE: both conversion factors and apfelcomb flags will be eventually removed.
an FKTableData object containing all necessary information to compute predictions
from pineappl.fk_table import FkTable
pines = []
for fk_path in fkspec.fkpath:
except BaseException as e:
# Catch absolutely any error coming from pineappl, give some info and immediately raise
log.error(f"Fatal error reading {fk_path}")
raise e
cfactors = fkspec.load_cfactors()
# Extract metadata from the first grid
pine_rep = pines[0]
# Is it hadronic? (at the moment only hadronic and DIS are considered)
parton1 = pine_rep.key_values()["convolution_particle_1"]
parton2 = pine_rep.key_values()["convolution_particle_2"]
except KeyError:
# Old pineappl FKTables used `initial_state` instead of `convolution_particle`
parton1 = pine_rep.key_values()["initial_state_1"]
parton2 = pine_rep.key_values()["initial_state_2"]
hadronic = parton1 == parton2
# NOTE: while the following can accept any number of convolutions, at the moment only
# 1 (DIS) or 2 (hadronic) are implemented.
# In the case of DIS grids, convolution 1 refers to the hadron
conv_types = [pine_rep.key_values().get("convolution_type_1", "UnpolPDF")]
if hadronic:
# Sanity check (in case at some point we start fitting things that are not protons)
if parton1 != "2212":
raise ValueError("vp can only read hadronic fktables with 2 protons!")
conv_types.append(pine_rep.key_values().get("convolution_type_2", "UnpolPDF"))
Q0 = np.sqrt(pine_rep.muf2())
xgrid = np.array([])
for pine in pines:
xgrid = np.union1d(xgrid, pine.x_grid())
xi = np.arange(len(xgrid))
protected = False
# Process the shifts and normalizations (if any),
# shifts is a dictionary with {fktable_name: shift_value}
# normalization instead {fktable_name: normalization to apply}
# since this parser doesn't know about operations, we need to convert it to a list
# then we just iterate over the fktables and apply the shift in the right order
shifts = fkspec.metadata.shifts
normalization_per_fktable = fkspec.metadata.normalization
fknames = [i.name.replace(f".{EXT}", "") for i in fkspec.fkpath]
if cfactors is not None:
cfactors = dict(zip(fknames, cfactors))
# fktables in pineapplgrid are for obs = fk * f while previous fktables were obs = fk * xf
# prepare the grid all tables will be divided by
if hadronic:
xdivision = np.prod(np.meshgrid(xgrid, xgrid), axis=0)
xdivision = xgrid[:, np.newaxis]
partial_fktables = []
ndata = 0
for fkname, p in zip(fknames, pines):
# Start by reading possible cfactors if cfactor is not empty
cfprod = 1.0
if cfactors is not None:
for cfac in cfactors.get(fkname, []):
cfprod *= cfac.central_value
# Read the table, remove bin normalization and apply cfactors
raw_fktable = (cfprod * p.table().T / p.bin_normalizations()).T
n = raw_fktable.shape[0]
# Apply possible per-fktable fixes
if shifts is not None:
ndata += shifts.get(fkname, 0)
if normalization_per_fktable is not None:
raw_fktable = raw_fktable * normalization_per_fktable.get(fkname, 1.0)
# Add empty points to ensure that all fktables share the same x-grid upon convolution
missing_x_points = np.setdiff1d(xgrid, p.x_grid(), assume_unique=True)
for x_point in missing_x_points:
miss_index = list(xgrid).index(x_point)
raw_fktable = np.insert(raw_fktable, miss_index, 0.0, axis=2)
if hadronic:
raw_fktable = np.insert(raw_fktable, miss_index, 0.0, axis=3)
# Check conversion factors and remove the x* from the fktable
raw_fktable *= fkspec.metadata.conversion_factor / xdivision
# Create the multi-index for the dataframe
# for optimized pineappls different grids can potentially have different indices
# so they need to be indexed separately and then concatenated only at the end
lumi_columns = _pinelumi_to_columns(p.channels(), hadronic)
lf = len(lumi_columns)
data_idx = np.arange(ndata, ndata + n)
if hadronic:
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([data_idx, xi, xi], names=["data", "x1", "x2"])
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([data_idx, xi], names=["data", "x"])
# Now concatenate (data, x1, x2) and move the flavours to the columns
df_fktable = raw_fktable.swapaxes(0, 1).reshape(lf, -1).T
partial_fktables.append(pd.DataFrame(df_fktable, columns=lumi_columns, index=idx))
ndata += n
# Finallly concatenate all fktables, sort by flavours and fill any holes
sigma = pd.concat(partial_fktables, sort=True, copy=False).fillna(0.0)
# Check whether this is a 1-point normalization fktable and, if that's the case, protect!
if fkspec.metadata.operation == "RATIO" and len(pines) == 1:
# it _might_ be, check whether it is the divisor fktable
divisor = fkspec.metadata.FK_tables[-1][0]
name = fkspec.fkpath[0].name.replace(f".{EXT}", "")
if np.allclose(sigma.loc[1:], 0.0):
# Old denominator fktables were filled with 0s beyond the first point
# and they needed to be post-processed to repeat the same point many time
# Instead, drop everything beyond the 1st point (used 0:0 to keep the same kind of df)
sigma = sigma.loc[0:0]
ndata = 1
if ndata == 1:
# There's no doubt
protected = divisor == name
return FKTableData(