Source code for validphys.pdfgrids

High level providers for PDF and luminosity grids, formatted in such a way
to facilitate plotting and analysis.

from collections import namedtuple
import dataclasses
import logging
import numbers

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate

from reportengine import collect
from reportengine.checks import CheckError, check, check_positive, make_argcheck
from validphys.checks import check_pdf_normalize_to, check_xlimits
from validphys.core import PDF, Stats
from validphys.gridvalues import evaluate_luminosity
from validphys.pdfbases import Basis, check_basis

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _check_scale(scale):
    scales = ('linear', 'log')
    if scale not in scales:
        raise CheckError(f'Unrecognized scale {scale}.', scale, scales)

[docs] @_check_scale @check_xlimits @check_positive('npoints') def xgrid( xmin: numbers.Real = 1e-5, xmax: numbers.Real = 1, scale: str = 'log', npoints: int = 200 ): """Return a tuple ``(scale, array)`` where ``scale`` is the input scale ("linear" or "log") and ``array`` is generated from the input parameters and distributed according to scale.""" if scale == 'log': arr = np.logspace(np.log10(xmin), np.log10(xmax), npoints, endpoint=False) elif scale == 'linear': arr = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, npoints, endpoint=False) return (scale, arr)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class XPlottingGrid: """DataClass holding the value of the PDF at the specified values of x, Q and flavour. The `grid_values` attribute corresponds to a `Stats` instance in order to compute statistical estimators in a sensible manner. """ Q: float basis: (str, Basis) flavours: (list, tuple, type(None)) xgrid: np.ndarray grid_values: Stats scale: str derivative_degree: int = 0 # keep track of the degree of the derivative def __post_init__(self): """Enforce grid_values being a Stats instance""" if not isinstance(self.grid_values, Stats): raise ValueError("`XPlottingGrid` grid_values can only be instances of `Stats`")
[docs] def select_flavour(self, flindex): """Return a new grid for one single flavour""" if isinstance(flindex, str): flstr = flindex flindex = self.flavours.index(flindex) else: flstr = self.flavours[flindex] new_grid =[:, flindex] gv = self.grid_values.__class__(new_grid) return dataclasses.replace(self, grid_values=gv, flavours=[flstr])
[docs] def copy_grid(self, grid_values): """Create a copy of the grid with potentially a different set of values""" return dataclasses.replace(self, grid_values=grid_values)
[docs] def process_label(self, base_label): """Process the base_label used for plotting. For instance, for derivatives it will add d/dlogx to the base_label. """ if self.derivative_degree == 0: return base_label dgs = f"^{self.derivative_degree}" if self.derivative_degree > 1 else "" derivative_str = fr"\frac{{d{dgs}}}{{d{dgs}logx}}" return f"{derivative_str} {base_label}"
[docs] def derivative(self): """Return the derivative of the grid with respect to dlogx A call to this function will return a new ``XPlottingGrid`` instance with the derivative as grid values and with an increased ``derivative_degree`` """ new_data = np.gradient(, self.xgrid, axis=-1) * self.xgrid gv = self.grid_values.__class__(new_data) nd = self.derivative_degree + 1 return dataclasses.replace(self, grid_values=gv, derivative_degree=nd)
[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class KineticXPlottingGrid(XPlottingGrid): """Kinetic Energy version of the XPlottingGrid"""
[docs] def process_label(self, base_label): """Wraps the base_label inside the kinetic energy formula""" # Ask the parent class for the derivative degree dlabel = super().process_label(base_label) return rf"\sqrt{{ 1 + ({dlabel})^2}}"
[docs] def derivative(self): raise NotImplementedError("""The Kinetic energy does not allow further derivatives""")
[docs] @make_argcheck(check_basis) def xplotting_grid( pdf: PDF, Q: (float, int), xgrid=None, basis: (str, Basis) = 'flavour', flavours: (list, tuple, type(None)) = None, derivative: int = 0, ): """Return an object containing the value of the PDF at the specified values of x and flavour. basis: Is one of the bases defined in This includes 'flavour' and 'evolution'. flavours: A set of elements from the basis. If None, the defaults for that basis will be selected. Q: The PDF scale in GeV. derivative (int): how many derivtives of the PDF should be taken (default=0) """ # Make usable outside reportengine checked = check_basis(basis, flavours) basis = checked['basis'] flavours = checked['flavours'] if xgrid is None: # Call the function that is shadowed xgrid = globals()['xgrid']() if isinstance(xgrid, tuple) and len(xgrid) == 2: scale, xgrid = xgrid elif isinstance(xgrid, np.ndarray): scale = 'unknown' else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid xgrid {xgrid!r}") gv = basis.grid_values(pdf, flavours, xgrid, Q) # Eliminante Q axis stats_gv = pdf.stats_class(gv.reshape(gv.shape[:-1])) res = XPlottingGrid(Q, basis, flavours, xgrid, stats_gv, scale) for _ in range(derivative): res = res.derivative() return res
[docs] @make_argcheck(check_basis) def boundary_xplotting_grid( unpolarized_bc: PDF, Q: (float, int), xgrid=None, basis: (str, Basis) = 'flavour', flavours: (list, tuple, type(None)) = None, ): r"""A wrapper around `xplotting_grid` to compute instead `unpolarized_bcs`.""" return xplotting_grid(pdf=unpolarized_bc, Q=Q, xgrid=xgrid, basis=basis, flavours=flavours)
[docs] @make_argcheck(check_basis) def kinetic_xplotting_grid( pdf: PDF, Q: (float, int), xgrid=None, basis: (str, Basis) = 'flavour', flavours: (list, tuple, type(None)) = None, ): r"""Returns an object containing the value of the kinetic energy of the PDF at the specified values of x and flavour for a given Q. Utilizes ``xplotting_grid`` The kinetic energy of the PDF is defined as: .. math:: k = \sqrt{1 + (d/dlogx f)^2} """ # Get the pdf derived wrt logx xpg = xplotting_grid(pdf=pdf, Q=Q, xgrid=xgrid, basis=basis, flavours=flavours, derivative=1) # Compute the kinetic energy kinen_rawdata = np.sqrt(1 +**2) kinen_gv = pdf.stats_class(kinen_rawdata) tmp_grid = xpg.copy_grid(kinen_gv) return KineticXPlottingGrid(**tmp_grid.__dict__)
xplotting_grids = collect(xplotting_grid, ('pdfs',)) boundary_xplotting_grids = collect(boundary_xplotting_grid, ('unpolarized_bcs',)) kinetic_xplotting_grids = collect(kinetic_xplotting_grid, ('pdfs',)) Lumi2dGrid = namedtuple('Lumi2dGrid', ['y', 'm', 'grid_values'])
[docs] def lumigrid2d( pdf: PDF, lumi_channel, sqrts: numbers.Real, y_lim: numbers.Real = 5, nbins_m: int = 100, nbins_y: int = 50, ): """ Return the differential luminosity in a grid of (nbins_m x nbins_y) points, for the allowed values of invariant mass and rpidity for given (proton-proton) collider energy ``sqrts`` (given in GeV). ``y_lim`` specifies the maximum rapidy. The grid is sampled linearly in rapidity and logarithmically in mass. The results are computed for all relevant PDF members and wrapped in a stats class, to compute statistics regardless of the error_type. """ s = sqrts * sqrts mxs = np.logspace(1, np.log10(sqrts), nbins_m) ys = np.linspace(0, y_lim, nbins_y) y_kinlims = -np.log(mxs / sqrts) ys_max = np.searchsorted(ys, y_kinlims) # TODO: Write this in something fast lpdf = pdf.load() nmembers = pdf.get_members() weights = np.full(shape=(nmembers, nbins_m, nbins_y), fill_value=np.nan) for irep in range(nmembers): for im, mx in enumerate(mxs): masked_ys = ys[: ys_max[im]] for iy, y in enumerate(masked_ys): # TODO: Fill this from lpdf.grid_values? x1 = mx / sqrts * np.exp(y) x2 = mx / sqrts * np.exp(-y) res = evaluate_luminosity(lpdf, irep, s, mx, x1, x2, lumi_channel) weights[irep, im, iy] = res return Lumi2dGrid(ys, mxs, pdf.stats_class(weights))
lumigrids2d = collect('lumigrid2d', ['lumi_channels']) Lumi1dGrid = namedtuple('Lumi1dGrid', ['m', 'grid_values']) def _default_mxmax(sqrts): return sqrts / 3 @make_argcheck def _check_mx(mxmin, mxmax, sqrts): if mxmax is None: mxmax = _default_mxmax(sqrts) check( 0 <= mxmin < mxmax <= sqrts, ( "mxmin and mxmax not consistent: Should be 0 <= mxmin < mxmax <= sqrts, " f"but mxmin={mxmin} GeV, mxmax={mxmax} GeV and sqrts={sqrts} GeV." ), )
[docs] @_check_mx @check_positive("sqrts") @_check_scale @check_positive("nbins_m") def lumigrid1d( pdf: PDF, lumi_channel, sqrts: numbers.Real, y_cut: (type(None), numbers.Real) = None, nbins_m: int = 50, mxmin: numbers.Real = 10, mxmax: (type(None), numbers.Real) = None, scale="log", ): """ Return the integrated luminosity in a grid of nbins_m points, for the values of invariant mass given (proton-proton) collider energy ``sqrts`` (given in GeV). A rapidity cut on the integration range (if specified) is taken into account. By default, the grid is sampled logarithmically in mass. The limits are given by ``mxmin`` and ``mxmax``, given in GeV. By default ``mxmin`` is 10 GeV and ``mxmax`` is set based on ``sqrts``. The results are computed for all relevant PDF members and wrapped in a stats class, to compute statistics regardless of the error_type. """ s = sqrts * sqrts if mxmax is None: mxmax = _default_mxmax(sqrts) if scale == "log": mxs = np.logspace(np.log10(mxmin), np.log10(mxmax), nbins_m) elif scale == "linear": mxs = np.linspace(mxmin, mxmax, nbins_m) else: raise ValueError("Unknown scale") sqrt_taus = mxs / sqrts # TODO: Write this in something fast lpdf = pdf.load() nmembers = pdf.get_members() weights = np.full(shape=(nmembers, nbins_m), fill_value=np.nan) for im, (mx, sqrt_tau) in enumerate(zip(mxs, sqrt_taus)): y_min = -np.log(1 / sqrt_tau) y_max = np.log(1 / sqrt_tau) if y_cut is not None: if -y_cut > y_min and y_cut < y_max: y_min = -y_cut y_max = y_cut for irep in range(nmembers): # Eq.(3) in arXiv:1607.01831 f = lambda y: evaluate_luminosity( lpdf, irep, s, mx, sqrt_tau * np.exp(y), sqrt_tau * np.exp(-y), lumi_channel ) res = integrate.quad(f, y_min, y_max, epsrel=5e-4, limit=50)[0] weights[irep, im] = res return Lumi1dGrid(mxs, pdf.stats_class(weights))
lumigrids1d = collect('lumigrid1d', ['lumi_channels']) pdfs_lumis = collect('lumigrid1d', ('pdfs',))
[docs] @check_pdf_normalize_to def distance_grids(pdfs, xplotting_grids, normalize_to: (int, str, type(None)) = None): """Return an object containing the value of the distance PDF at the specified values of x and flavour. The parameter ``normalize_to`` identifies the reference PDF set with respect to the distance is computed. This method returns distance grids where the relative distance between both PDF set is computed. At least one grid will be identical to zero. """ gr2_stats = xplotting_grids[normalize_to].grid_values cv2 = gr2_stats.central_value() sg2 = gr2_stats.std_error() N2 = pdfs[normalize_to].get_members() newgrids = [] for grid, pdf in zip(xplotting_grids, pdfs): if pdf == pdfs[normalize_to]: # Zero the PDF we are normalizing against pdf_zero = pdf.stats_class(np.zeros_like([0:1])) newgrid = grid.copy_grid(grid_values=pdf_zero) newgrids.append(newgrid) continue g_stats = grid.grid_values cv1 = g_stats.central_value() sg1 = g_stats.std_error() N1 = pdf.get_members() # Wrap the distance into a Stats (1, flavours, points) distance = Stats([np.sqrt((cv1 - cv2) ** 2 / (sg1**2 / N1 + sg2**2 / N2))]) newgrid = grid.copy_grid(grid_values=distance) newgrids.append(newgrid) return newgrids
[docs] @check_pdf_normalize_to def pull_grids(pdfs, xplotting_grids, normalize_to: (int, str, type(None)) = None): """Return an object containing the value of the pull between the two PDFs at the specified values of x and flavour. The parameter ``normalize_to`` identifies the reference PDF set with respect to the pull is computed. This method returns pull grids where the relative pull between both PDF sets, defined as the distance in terms of the standard deviations of the reference PDF, is computed. At least one grid will be identical to zero. """ gr2_stats = xplotting_grids[normalize_to].grid_values cv2 = gr2_stats.central_value() sg2 = gr2_stats.std_error() newgrids = [] for grid, pdf in zip(xplotting_grids, pdfs): if pdf == pdfs[normalize_to]: # Zero the PDF we are normalizing against pdf_zero = pdf.stats_class(np.zeros_like([0:1])) newgrid = grid.copy_grid(grid_values=pdf_zero) newgrids.append(newgrid) continue g_stats = grid.grid_values cv1 = g_stats.central_value() sg1 = g_stats.std_error() # Wrap the pull into a Stats (1, flavours, points) pull = Stats([np.sqrt((cv1 - cv2) ** 2 / (sg1**2 + sg2**2))]) newgrid = grid.copy_grid(grid_values=pull) newgrids.append(newgrid) return newgrids
pull_grids_list = collect(pull_grids, ('pdfs_list',))
[docs] @check_pdf_normalize_to def variance_distance_grids(pdfs, xplotting_grids, normalize_to: (int, str, type(None)) = None): """Return an object containing the value of the variance distance PDF at the specified values of x and flavour. The parameter ``normalize_to`` identifies the reference PDF set with respect to the distance is computed. This method returns distance grids where the relative distance between both PDF set is computed. At least one grid will be identical to zero. """ gr2_stats = xplotting_grids[normalize_to].grid_values sg2 = gr2_stats.std_error() mo2 = gr2_stats.moment(4) N2 = pdfs[normalize_to].get_members() s2 = (mo2 - (N2 - 3) / (N2 - 1) * sg2**4) / N2 newgrids = [] for grid, pdf in zip(xplotting_grids, pdfs): if pdf == pdfs[normalize_to]: # Zero the PDF we are normalizing against pdf_zero = pdf.stats_class(np.zeros_like([0])) newgrid = grid.copy_grid(grid_values=pdf_zero) newgrids.append(newgrid) continue g_stats = grid.grid_values sg1 = g_stats.std_error() mo1 = g_stats.moment(4) N1 = pdf.get_members() s1 = (mo1 - (N1 - 3) / (N1 - 1) * sg1**4) / N1 # Wrap the distance into a Stats (1, flavours, points) variance_distance = Stats([np.sqrt((sg1**2 - sg2**2) ** 2 / (s1 + s2))]) newgrid = grid.copy_grid(grid_values=variance_distance) newgrids.append(newgrid) return newgrids