Providers which prepare the data ready for
from collections import defaultdict
import functools
import hashlib
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from reportengine import collect
from reportengine.table import table
from validphys.core import IntegrabilitySetSpec, TupleComp
from validphys.n3fit_data_utils import validphys_group_extractor
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def replica_trvlseed(replica, trvlseed, same_trvl_per_replica=False):
"""Generates the ``trvlseed`` for a ``replica``."""
# TODO: move to the new infrastructure
# https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/index.html#introduction
if same_trvl_per_replica:
return np.random.randint(0, pow(2, 31))
for _ in range(replica):
res = np.random.randint(0, pow(2, 31))
return res
def replica_nnseed(replica, nnseed):
"""Generates the ``nnseed`` for a ``replica``."""
for _ in range(replica):
res = np.random.randint(0, pow(2, 31))
return res
def replica_mcseed(replica, mcseed, genrep):
"""Generates the ``mcseed`` for a ``replica``."""
if not genrep:
return None
for _ in range(replica):
res = np.random.randint(0, pow(2, 31))
return res
def replica_luxseed(replica, luxseed):
"""Generate the ``luxseed`` for a ``replica``.
Identical to replica_nnseed but used for a different purpose.
return replica_nnseed(replica, luxseed)
class _TrMasks(TupleComp):
"""Class holding the training validation mask for a group of datasets
If the same group of dataset receives the same trvlseed then the mask
will be the same.
This class holds said information so it can be reused easily, i.e.,
``group_name`` and ``seed`` define the ``masks``.
def __init__(self, group_name, seed, masks=None):
self.masks = masks
super().__init__(group_name, seed)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.masks
def tr_masks(data, replica_trvlseed, parallel_models=False, replica=1, replicas=(1,)):
"""Generate the boolean masks used to split data into training and
validation points. Returns a list of 1-D boolean arrays, one for each
dataset. Each array has length equal to N_data, the datapoints which
will be included in the training are ``True`` such that
tr_data = data[tr_mask]
nameseed = int(hashlib.sha256(str(data).encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % 10**8
nameseed += replica_trvlseed
# TODO: update this to new random infrastructure.
rng = np.random.Generator(np.random.PCG64(nameseed))
trmask_partial = []
for dataset in data.datasets:
# TODO: python commondata will not require this rubbish.
# all data if cuts are None
cuts = dataset.cuts
ndata = len(cuts.load()) if cuts else dataset.commondata.ndata
frac = dataset.frac
# We do this so that a given dataset will always have the same number of points masked
trmax = int(ndata * frac)
if trmax == 0:
if parallel_models:
if replica == replicas[0]:
f'Single-datapoint dataset {dataset.name} encountered in parallel multi-replica fit: '
'all replicas will include it in their training data'
trmax = 1
# If that number is 0, then get 1 point with probability frac
trmax = int(rng.random() < frac)
mask = np.concatenate([np.ones(trmax, dtype=bool), np.zeros(ndata - trmax, dtype=bool)])
return _TrMasks(str(data), replica_trvlseed, trmask_partial)
def kfold_masks(kpartitions, data):
"""Collect the masks (if any) due to kfolding for this data.
These will be applied to the experimental data before starting
the training of each fold.
kpartitions: list[dict]
list of partitions, each partition dictionary with key-value pair
`datasets` and a list containing the names of all datasets in that
partition. See n3fit/runcards/Basic_hyperopt.yml for an example
runcard or the hyperopt documentation for an expanded discussion on
k-fold partitions.
data: validphys.core.DataGroupSpec
full list of data which is to be partitioned.
kfold_masks: list[np.array]
A list containing a boolean array for each partition. Each array is
a 1-D boolean array with length equal to the number of cut datapoints
in ``data``. If a dataset is included in a particular fold then the
mask will be True for the elements corresponding to those datasets
such that data.load().get_cv()[kfold_masks[i]] will return the
datapoints in the ith partition. See example below.
>>> from validphys.api import API
>>> partitions=[
... {"datasets": ["HERACOMBCCEM", "HERACOMBNCEP460", "NMC", "NTVNBDMNFe"]},
... {"datasets": ["HERACOMBCCEP", "HERACOMBNCEP575", "NMCPD", "NTVNUDMNFe"]}
... ]
>>> ds_inputs = [{"dataset": ds} for part in partitions for ds in part["datasets"]]
>>> kfold_masks = API.kfold_masks(dataset_inputs=ds_inputs, kpartitions=partitions, theoryid=53, use_cuts="nocuts")
>>> len(kfold_masks) # one element for each partition
>>> kfold_masks[0] # mask which splits data into first partition
array([False, False, False, ..., True, True, True])
>>> data = API.data(dataset_inputs=ds_inputs, theoryid=53, use_cuts="nocuts")
>>> fold_data = data.load().get_cv()[kfold_masks[0]]
>>> len(fold_data)
>>> kfold_masks[0].sum()
list_folds = []
if kpartitions is not None:
for partition in kpartitions:
data_fold = partition.get("datasets", [])
mask = []
for dataset in data.datasets:
# TODO: python commondata will not require this rubbish.
# all data if cuts are None
cuts = dataset.cuts
ndata = len(cuts.load()) if cuts else dataset.commondata.ndata
# If the dataset is in the fold, its mask is full of 0s
if str(dataset) in data_fold:
mask.append(np.zeros(ndata, dtype=bool))
# otherwise of ones
mask.append(np.ones(ndata, dtype=bool))
return list_folds
def fittable_datasets_masked(data, tr_masks):
"""Generate a list of :py:class:`validphys.n3fit_data_utils.FittableDataSet`
from a group of dataset and the corresponding training/validation masks
# This is separated from fitting_data_dict so that we can cache the result
# when the trvlseed is the same for all replicas (great for parallel replicas)
return validphys_group_extractor(data.datasets, tr_masks.masks)
def fitting_data_dict(
Provider which takes the information from validphys ``data``.
all_dict_out: dict
Containing all the information of the experiment/dataset
for training, validation and experimental With the following keys:
list of dictionaries for each of the datasets contained in ``data``
name of the ``data`` - typically experiment/group name
non-replica data
full covmat
inverse of the covmat (non-replica)
mask for the training data
inverse of the covmat for the training data
number of datapoints for the training data
experimental data (replica'd) for training
(same as above for validation)
(same as above for validation)
(same as above for validation)
(same as above for validation)
bool - is this a positivity set?
should this be counted towards the chi2
# TODO: Plug in the python data loading when available. Including but not
# limited to: central values, ndata, replica generation, covmat construction
expdata_true = np.concatenate([d.central_values for d in dataset_inputs_loaded_cd_with_cuts])
expdata = make_replica
tr_masks = tr_masks.masks
covmat = dataset_inputs_fitting_covmat # t0 covmat, or theory covmat or whatever was decided by the runcard
inv_true = np.linalg.inv(covmat)
fittable_datasets = fittable_datasets_masked
if diagonal_basis:
log.info("working in diagonal basis.")
eig, v = np.linalg.eigh(covmat)
dt_trans = v.T
dt_trans = None
dt_trans_tr = None
dt_trans_vl = None
tr_mask = np.concatenate(tr_masks)
vl_mask = ~tr_mask
if diagonal_basis:
expdata = np.matmul(dt_trans, expdata)
# make a 1d array of the diagonal
covmat_tr = eig[tr_mask]
invcovmat_tr = 1.0 / covmat_tr
covmat_vl = eig[vl_mask]
invcovmat_vl = 1.0 / covmat_vl
# prepare a masking rotation
dt_trans_tr = dt_trans[tr_mask]
dt_trans_vl = dt_trans[vl_mask]
covmat_tr = covmat[tr_mask].T[tr_mask]
invcovmat_tr = np.linalg.inv(covmat_tr)
covmat_vl = covmat[vl_mask].T[vl_mask]
invcovmat_vl = np.linalg.inv(covmat_vl)
ndata_tr = np.count_nonzero(tr_mask)
expdata_tr = expdata[tr_mask].reshape(1, ndata_tr)
ndata_vl = np.count_nonzero(vl_mask)
expdata_vl = expdata[vl_mask].reshape(1, ndata_vl)
# Now save a dictionary of training/validation/experimental folds
# for training and validation we need to apply the tr/vl masks
# for experimental we need to negate the mask
folds = defaultdict(list)
for fold in kfold_masks:
# This dictionary contains a list of fittable datasets
# which contains the instructions on how to generate each observable for the fit
# plus the information that glue all of them together (covmat, ndata, etc)
# TODO: for consistency with the rest of validphys a FittableGroup should be created
dict_out = {
"datasets": fittable_datasets,
"name": str(data),
"expdata_true": expdata_true.reshape(1, -1),
"invcovmat_true": inv_true,
"covmat": covmat,
"trmask": tr_mask,
"invcovmat": invcovmat_tr,
"ndata": ndata_tr,
"expdata": expdata_tr,
"vlmask": vl_mask,
"invcovmat_vl": invcovmat_vl,
"ndata_vl": ndata_vl,
"expdata_vl": expdata_vl,
"positivity": False,
"count_chi2": True,
"folds": folds,
"data_transformation_tr": dt_trans_tr,
"data_transformation_vl": dt_trans_vl,
"data_transformation": dt_trans,
return dict_out
exps_fitting_data_dict = collect("fitting_data_dict", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_metadata",))
def replica_nnseed_fitting_data_dict(replica, exps_fitting_data_dict, replica_nnseed):
"""For a single replica return a tuple of the inputs to this function.
Used with `collect` over replicas to avoid having to perform multiple
See Also
replicas_nnseed_fitting_data_dict - the result of collecting this function
over replicas.
return (replica, exps_fitting_data_dict, replica_nnseed)
replicas_nnseed_fitting_data_dict = collect("replica_nnseed_fitting_data_dict", ("replicas",))
groups_replicas_indexed_make_replica = collect(
"indexed_make_replica", ("replicas", "group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment")
def pseudodata_table(groups_replicas_indexed_make_replica, replicas):
"""Creates a pandas DataFrame containing the generated pseudodata. The
index is :py:func:`validphys.results.experiments_index` and the columns
are the replica numbers.
Whilst running ``n3fit``, this action will only be called if
`fitting::savepseudodata` is `true` (as per the default setting) and
replicas are fitted one at a time. The table can be found in the replica
folder i.e. <fit dir>/nnfit/replica_*/
# groups_replicas_indexed_make_replica is collected over both replicas and dataset_input groups,
# in that order. What this means is that groups_replicas_indexed_make_replica is a list of size
# number_of_replicas x number_of_data_groups. Where the ordering inside the list is as follows:
# [data1_rep1, data2_rep1, ..., datan_rep1, ..., data1_repn, data2_repn, ..., datan_repn].
# To correctly put this into a single dataframe, we first need to know the number of
# dataset_input groups there are for each replica
groups_per_replica = len(groups_replicas_indexed_make_replica) // len(replicas)
# then we make a list of pandas dataframes, each containing the pseudodata of all datasets
# generated for a single replica
df = [
pd.concat(groups_replicas_indexed_make_replica[i : i + groups_per_replica])
for i in range(0, len(groups_replicas_indexed_make_replica), groups_per_replica)
# then we concatentate the pseudodata of all replicas into a single dataframe
df = pd.concat(df, axis=1)
# and finally we add as column titles the replica name
df.columns = [f"replica {rep}" for rep in replicas]
return df
def training_pseudodata(pseudodata_table, training_mask):
"""Save the training data for the given replica.
Deactivate by setting ``fitting::savepseudodata: False``
from within the fit runcard.
See Also
return pseudodata_table.loc[training_mask.values]
def validation_pseudodata(pseudodata_table, training_mask):
"""Save the training data for the given replica.
Deactivate by setting ``fitting::savepseudodata: False``
from within the fit runcard.
See Also
return pseudodata_table.loc[~training_mask.values]
exps_tr_masks = collect("tr_masks", ("group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment",))
replicas_exps_tr_masks = collect("exps_tr_masks", ("replicas",))
def replica_training_mask_table(replica_training_mask):
"""Same as ``replica_training_mask`` but with a table decorator."""
return replica_training_mask
def replica_training_mask(exps_tr_masks, replica, experiments_index):
"""Save the boolean mask used to split data into training and validation
for a given replica as a pandas DataFrame, indexed by
:py:func:`validphys.results.experiments_index`. Can be used to reconstruct
the training and validation data used in a fit.
exps_tr_masks: list[list[np.array]]
Result of :py:func:`tr_masks` collected over experiments, which creates
the nested structure. The outer list is
len(group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment) and the inner-most list has an
array for each dataset in that particular experiment - as defined by the
metadata. The arrays should be 1-D boolean arrays which can be used as
replica: int
The index of the replica.
experiments_index: pd.MultiIndex
Index returned by :py:func:`validphys.results.experiments_index`.
>>> from validphys.api import API
>>> ds_inp = [
... {'dataset': 'NMC', 'frac': 0.75},
... {'dataset': 'ATLASTTBARTOT', 'cfac':['QCD'], 'frac': 0.75},
... {'dataset': 'CMSZDIFF12', 'cfac':('QCD', 'NRM'), 'sys':10, 'frac': 0.75}
... ]
>>> API.replica_training_mask(dataset_inputs=ds_inp, replica=1, trvlseed=123, theoryid=162, use_cuts="nocuts", mcseed=None, genrep=False)
replica 1
group dataset id
NMC NMC 0 True
1 True
2 False
3 True
4 True
... ...
46 True
47 True
48 False
49 True
[345 rows x 1 columns]
all_masks = np.concatenate([ds_mask for exp_masks in exps_tr_masks for ds_mask in exp_masks])
return pd.DataFrame(all_masks, columns=[f"replica {replica}"], index=experiments_index)
replicas_training_mask = collect("replica_training_mask", ("replicas",))
def training_mask_table(training_mask):
"""Same as ``training_mask`` but with a table decorator"""
return training_mask
def training_mask(replicas_training_mask):
"""Save the boolean mask used to split data into training and validation
for each replica as a pandas DataFrame, indexed by
:py:func:`validphys.results.experiments_index`. Can be used to reconstruct
the training and validation data used in a fit.
replicas_exps_tr_masks: list[list[list[np.array]]]
Result of :py:func:`replica_tr_masks` collected over replicas
>>> from validphys.api import API
>>> from reportengine.namespaces import NSList
>>> # create namespace list for collects over replicas.
>>> reps = NSList(list(range(1, 4)), nskey="replica")
>>> ds_inp = [
... {'dataset': 'NMC', 'frac': 0.75},
... {'dataset': 'ATLASTTBARTOT', 'cfac':['QCD'], 'frac': 0.75},
... {'dataset': 'CMSZDIFF12', 'cfac':('QCD', 'NRM'), 'sys':10, 'frac': 0.75}
... ]
>>> API.training_mask(dataset_inputs=ds_inp, replicas=reps, trvlseed=123, theoryid=162, use_cuts="nocuts", mcseed=None, genrep=False)
replica 1 replica 2 replica 3
group dataset id
NMC NMC 0 True False False
1 True True True
2 False True True
3 True True False
4 True True True
... ... ... ...
CMS CMSZDIFF12 45 True True True
46 True False True
47 True True True
48 False True True
49 True True True
[345 rows x 3 columns]
return pd.concat(replicas_training_mask, axis=1)
def _fitting_lagrange_dict(lambdadataset):
"""Loads a generic lambda dataset, often used for positivity and integrability datasets
For more information see :py:func:`validphys.n3fit_data_utils.positivity_reader`.
lambdadataset: validphys.core.LagrangeSetSpec
Positivity (or integrability) set which is to be loaded.
>>> from validphys.api import API
>>> posdataset = {"dataset": "POSF2U", "maxlambda": 1e6}
>>> pos = API.fitting_pos_dict(posdataset=posdataset, theoryid=162)
>>> len(pos)
integrability = isinstance(lambdadataset, IntegrabilitySetSpec)
mode = "integrability" if integrability else "positivity"
log.info("Loading %s dataset %s", mode, lambdadataset)
positivity_datasets = validphys_group_extractor([lambdadataset], [])
ndata = positivity_datasets[0].ndata
return {
"datasets": positivity_datasets,
"trmask": np.ones(ndata, dtype=bool),
"name": lambdadataset.name,
"expdata": np.zeros((1, ndata)),
"ndata": ndata,
"positivity": True,
"lambda": lambdadataset.maxlambda,
"count_chi2": False,
"integrability": integrability,
def posdatasets_fitting_pos_dict(posdatasets=None):
"""Loads all positivity datasets. It is not allowed to be empty.
integdatasets: list[validphys.core.PositivitySetSpec]
list containing the settings for the positivity sets. Examples of
these can be found in the runcards located in n3fit/runcards. They have
a format similar to ``dataset_input``.
if posdatasets is not None:
return [_fitting_lagrange_dict(i) for i in posdatasets]
log.warning("Not using any positivity datasets.")
return None
# can't use collect here because integdatasets might not exist.
def integdatasets_fitting_integ_dict(integdatasets=None):
"""Loads the integrability datasets. Calls same function as
:py:func:`fitting_pos_dict`, except on each element of
``integdatasets`` if ``integdatasets`` is not None.
integdatasets: list[validphys.core.IntegrabilitySetSpec]
list containing the settings for the integrability sets. Examples of
these can be found in the runcards located in n3fit/runcards. They have
a format similar to ``dataset_input``.
>>> from validphys.api import API
>>> integdatasets = [{"dataset": "INTEGXT3", "maxlambda": 1e2}]
>>> res = API.integdatasets_fitting_integ_dict(integdatasets=integdatasets, theoryid=53)
>>> len(res), len(res[0])
(1, 9)
>>> res = API.integdatasets_fitting_integ_dict(integdatasets=None)
>>> print(res)
if integdatasets is not None:
return [_fitting_lagrange_dict(i) for i in integdatasets]
log.warning("Not using any integrability datasets.")
return None