A module that reads and writes LHAPDF grids.
import logging
import os
import os.path as osp
import pathlib
import shutil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from validphys import lhaindex
from validphys.core import PDF
from validphys.utils import yaml_safe
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def split_sep(f):
for line in f:
if line.startswith(b'---'):
yield line
def read_xqf_from_file(f):
lines = split_sep(f)
(xtext, qtext, ftext) = (next(lines) for _ in range(3))
except RuntimeError:
return None
xvals = np.fromstring(xtext, sep=" ")
qvals = np.fromstring(qtext, sep=" ")
fvals = np.fromstring(ftext, sep=" ", dtype=int)
vals = np.fromstring(b''.join(lines), sep=" ")
return pd.Series(vals, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product((xvals, qvals, fvals)))
def read_xqf_from_lhapdf(pdf, replica, kin_grids):
indexes = tuple(kin_grids.index)
# Use LHAPDF directly to avoid the insanely deranged replica 0 convention
# of libnnpdf.
# TODO: Find a way around this
import lhapdf
xfxQ = lhapdf.mkPDF(pdf.name, int(replica)).xfxQ
vals = []
for x in indexes:
# TODO: Change this for a faster grid_values call
vals += [xfxQ(x[3], x[1], x[2])]
return pd.Series(vals, index=kin_grids.index)
def read_all_xqf(f):
while True:
result = read_xqf_from_file(f)
if result is None:
yield result
def load_replica(pdf, rep, kin_grids=None):
suffix = str(rep).zfill(4)
pdf_name = str(pdf)
path = osp.join(lhaindex.finddir(pdf_name), pdf_name + "_" + suffix + ".dat")
log.debug(f"Loading replica {rep} at {path}")
with open(path, 'rb') as inn:
header = b"".join(split_sep(inn))
if kin_grids is not None:
xfqs = read_xqf_from_lhapdf(pdf, rep, kin_grids)
xfqs = list(read_all_xqf(inn))
xfqs = pd.concat(xfqs, keys=range(len(xfqs)))
return header, xfqs
# Split this to debug easily
def _rep_to_buffer(out, header, subgrids):
sep = b'---'
for _, g in subgrids.groupby(level=0):
ind = g.index.get_level_values(1).unique()
np.savetxt(out, ind, fmt='%.7E', delimiter=' ', newline=' ')
ind = g.index.get_level_values(2).unique()
np.savetxt(out, ind, fmt='%.7E', delimiter=' ', newline=' ')
# Integer format
ind = g.index.get_level_values(3).unique()
np.savetxt(out, ind, delimiter=' ', fmt="%d", newline=' ')
out.write(b'\n ')
# Reshape so printing is easy
reshaped = g.values.reshape(
(len(g.groupby(level=1)) * len(g.groupby(level=2)), len(g.groupby(level=3)))
np.savetxt(out, reshaped, delimiter=" ", newline="\n", fmt='%14.7E')
def write_replica(rep, set_root, header, subgrids):
suffix = str(rep).zfill(4)
target_file = set_root / f'{set_root.name}_{suffix}.dat'
if target_file.is_file():
log.warning(f"Overwriting replica file {target_file}")
with open(target_file, 'wb') as out:
_rep_to_buffer(out, header, subgrids)
def load_all_replicas(pdf, db=None):
if db is not None:
# removing str() will crash as it casts to unicode due to pdf name
key = str("(load_all_replicas, %s)" % pdf.get_key())
if key in db:
return db[key]
rep0headers, rep0grids = load_replica(pdf, 0)
headers, grids = zip(*[load_replica(pdf, rep, rep0grids) for rep in range(1, len(pdf))])
result = [rep0headers] + list(headers), [rep0grids] + list(grids)
if db is not None:
db[key] = result
return result
def big_matrix(gridlist):
"""Return a properly indexes matrix of the differences between each member
and the central value"""
central_value = gridlist[0]
X = pd.concat(
gridlist[1:], axis=1, keys=range(1, len(gridlist)) # avoid confusion with rep0
).subtract(central_value, axis=0)
if np.any(X.isnull()) or X.shape[0] != len(central_value):
raise ValueError("Incompatible grid specifications")
return X
def rep_matrix(gridlist):
"""Return a properly indexes matrix of all the members"""
X = pd.concat(gridlist, axis=1, keys=range(1, len(gridlist) + 1)) # avoid confusion with rep0
if np.ravel(pd.isnull(X)).any():
raise ValueError("Found null values in grid")
return X
def _index_to_path(set_folder, set_name, index):
return set_folder / ('%s_%04d.dat' % (set_name, index))
def generate_replica0(pdf, kin_grids=None, extra_fields=None):
"""Generates a replica 0 as an average over an existing set of LHAPDF
replicas and outputs it to the PDF's parent folder
pdf : validphys.core.PDF
An existing validphys PDF object from which the average replica will be
kin_grids: Grids in (x,Q) used to print replica0 upon. If None, the grids
of the source replicas are used.
if extra_fields is not None:
raise NotImplementedError()
set_info = pdf.infopath
set_root = set_info.parent
if not set_root.exists():
raise RuntimeError(f"Target directory {set_root} does not exist")
loaded_grids = {}
grids = []
for irep in range(1, len(pdf)):
if irep in loaded_grids:
grid = loaded_grids[irep]
_header, grid = load_replica(pdf, irep, kin_grids=kin_grids)
loaded_grids[irep] = grid
# This takes care of failing if headers don't match
M = rep_matrix(grids)
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(
"Null values found in replica grid matrix. "
"This may indicate that the headers don't match"
"If this is intentional try using use_rep0grid=True"
) from e
header = b'PdfType: central\nFormat: lhagrid1\n'
write_replica(0, set_root, header, M.mean(axis=1))
def new_pdf_from_indexes(
"""Create a new PDF set from by selecting replicas from another one.
pdf : validphys.core.PDF
An existng validphys PDF object from which the indexes will be
indexes : Iterable[int]
An iterable with integers corresponding to files in the LHAPDF set.
Note that replica 0 will be calculated for you as the mean of the
selected replicas.
set_name : str
The name of the new PDF set.
folder : str, bytes, os.PathLike
The path where the LHAPDF set will be written. Must exsist.
installgrid: bool, optional, default=``False``.
Whether to copy the grid to the LHAPDF path.
use_rep0grid: bool, optional, default=``False``
Whether to fill the original replica 0 grid when computing replica 0,
instead of relying that all grids are the same and averaging the
files directly. It is slower and will call LHAPDF to fill the grids,
but works for sets where the replicas have different grids.
import lhapdf
if extra_fields is not None:
raise NotImplementedError()
if folder is None:
folder = pathlib.Path()
set_root = folder / set_name
if set_root.exists():
log.warning("Target directory for new PDF already exists %s. Deleting contents.", set_root)
if set_root.is_dir():
original_info = pdf.infopath
original_folder = original_info.parent
new_info = set_root / (set_name + '.info')
new_len = len(indexes) + 1
with original_info.open() as orig_file, new_info.open('w') as new_file:
for line in orig_file:
if line.find('SetDesc') >= 0:
new_file.write('SetDesc: "Reweighted set from %s"\n' % pdf)
elif line.find('NumMembers') >= 0:
new_file.write('NumMembers: %d\n' % new_len)
if use_rep0grid:
_, rep0grid = load_replica(pdf, 0)
rep0grid = None
for newindex, oldindex in enumerate(indexes, 1):
original_path = _index_to_path(original_folder, pdf, oldindex)
new_path = _index_to_path(set_root, set_name, newindex)
shutil.copy(original_path, new_path)
# Generate replica 0
oldpaths = lhapdf.paths()
generatedPDF = PDF(set_name)
generate_replica0(generatedPDF, rep0grid)
if installgrid:
newpath = pathlib.Path(lhaindex.get_lha_datapath()) / set_name
log.info(f"Installing new PDF set at {newpath}")
shutil.copytree(set_root, newpath)
def hessian_from_lincomb(pdf, V, set_name=None, folder=None, extra_fields=None):
"""Construct a new LHAPDF grid from a linear combination of members"""
# preparing output folder
neig = V.shape[1]
base = pathlib.Path(lhaindex.get_lha_datapath()) / pdf.name
if set_name is None:
set_name = pdf.name + "_hessian_" + str(neig)
if folder is None:
folder = ''
set_root = pathlib.Path(folder) / set_name
# In case a Hessian PDF of the same name already exists, we first remove it. Not doing this
# can lead to the wrong result if Neig is not the same between both PDF sets.
if os.path.exists(set_root):
"Target directory for new PDF, %s, already exists. Removing contents.", set_root
# copy replica 0
shutil.copy(base / f'{pdf}_0000.dat', set_root / f"{set_name }_0000.dat")
with open(base / f'{pdf}.info') as inn, open(set_root / f'{set_name }.info', 'w') as out:
for l in inn.readlines():
if l.find("SetDesc:") >= 0:
out.write(f"SetDesc: \"Hessian {pdf}_hessian\"\n")
elif l.find("NumMembers:") >= 0:
out.write(f"NumMembers: {neig+1}\n")
elif l.find("ErrorType: replicas") >= 0:
out.write("ErrorType: symmhessian\n")
if extra_fields is not None:
yaml_safe.default_flow_style = False
yaml_safe.dump(extra_fields, out)
_headers, grids = load_all_replicas(pdf)
result = (big_matrix(grids).dot(V)).add(grids[0], axis=0)
hess_header = b"PdfType: error\nFormat: lhagrid1\n"
for column in result.columns:
write_replica(column + 1, set_root, hess_header, result[column])
log.info("Hessian PDF stored at %s", set_root)
return set_root