Source code for validphys.lhaindex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
Created on Fri Jan 23 12:11:23 2015

@author: zah
import fnmatch
from functools import lru_cache
import glob
import os
import os.path as osp
from pathlib import Path
import re

from reportengine.compat import yaml
from validphys.lhapdf_compatibility import lhapdf

_indexes_to_names = None
_names_to_indexes = None

[docs]def expand_index_names(globstr): return fnmatch.filter(get_names_to_indexes().keys(), globstr)
[docs]def expand_local_names(globstr): paths = lhapdf.paths() return [ name for path in paths for name in glob.glob1(path, globstr) if osp.isdir(osp.join(path, name)) ]
[docs]def expand_names(globstr): """Return names of installed PDFs. If none is found, return names from index""" names = expand_local_names(globstr) if not names: names = expand_index_names(globstr) return names
[docs]def get_indexes_to_names(): global _indexes_to_names if _indexes_to_names is None: _indexes_to_names = parse_index(get_index_path()) return _indexes_to_names
[docs]def finddir(name): for path in lhapdf.paths(): d = osp.join(path, name) if osp.isdir(d): return d raise FileNotFoundError(name)
[docs]def isinstalled(name): """Check that name exists in LHAPDF dir""" return name and any(osp.isdir(osp.join(path, name)) for path in lhapdf.paths())
[docs]def get_names_to_indexes(): global _names_to_indexes if _names_to_indexes is None: _names_to_indexes = {name: index for index, name in get_indexes_to_names().items()} return _names_to_indexes
[docs]def get_pdf_indexes(name): """Get index in the amc@nlo format""" info = parse_info(name) ind = info['SetIndex'] num_members = info['NumMembers'] return { 'lhapdf_id': ind, 'lhapdf_min': ind + (num_members > 1), 'lhapdf_max': ind + num_members - 1, }
[docs]def get_pdf_name(index): return get_indexes_to_names()[str(index)]
[docs]def parse_index(index_file): d = {} name_re = r'(\d+)\s+(\S+)' with open(index_file) as localfile: for line in localfile.readlines(): m = re.match(name_re, line) index = d[index] = return d
[docs]def get_collaboration(name): try: col = name[: name.index('_')] except ValueError: col = name return col
[docs]def as_from_name(name): """Annoying function needed because this is not in the info files. as(M_z) there is actually as(M_ref).""" match ='as[_]?([^_\W]+)\_?', name) if match: return else: return name
[docs]def infofilename(name): for path in lhapdf.paths(): info = osp.join(path, name, name + '.info') if osp.exists(info): return info raise FileNotFoundError(name + ".info")
[docs]@lru_cache() def parse_info(name): with open(infofilename(name)) as infofile: result = yaml.YAML(typ='safe', pure=True).load(infofile) return result
[docs]def get_lha_datapath(): """Return an existing datapath from LHAPDF, starting from the end. If no path is found to exist, recover the old behaviour and returns the last path. The check for existence intends to solve problems where a previously filled `LHAPATH` or `LHAPDF_DATA_PATH` environment variable is pointing to a non-existent path or shared systems where LHAPDF might be compiled with hard-coded paths not available to all users. """ for lhapath in lhapdf.paths()[::-1]: if Path(lhapath).exists(): return lhapath return lhapdf.paths()[-1]
[docs]def get_index_path(folder=None): if folder: index_file = os.path.join(folder, 'pdfsets.index') if folder is None or not osp.exists(index_file): folder = get_lha_datapath() index_file = os.path.join(folder, 'pdfsets.index') return index_file