Source code for validphys.hessian2mc


This module contains the functions that can be used to convert Hessian sets
like MSHT20 and CT18 to Monte Carlo sets.
The functions implemented here follow equations (4.3) of the paper arXiv:2203.05506

import pathlib
import lhapdf
import os
import logging
import numpy as np

from validphys.lhio import load_all_replicas, rep_matrix, write_replica
from validphys.checks import check_pdf_is_hessian

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def write_new_lhapdf_info_file_from_previous_pdf( path_old_pdfset, name_old_pdfset, path_new_pdfset, name_new_pdfset, num_members, description_set="MC representation of hessian PDF set", errortype="replicas", ): """ Writes a new LHAPDF set info file based on an existing set. """ # write LHAPDF info file for a new pdf set with open(path_old_pdfset / f"{name_old_pdfset}.info", "r") as in_stream, open( path_new_pdfset / f"{name_new_pdfset}.info", "w" ) as out_stream: for l in in_stream.readlines(): if l.find("SetDesc:") >= 0: out_stream.write(f'SetDesc: "{description_set}"\n') elif l.find("NumMembers:") >= 0: out_stream.write(f"NumMembers: {num_members+1}\n") elif l.find("ErrorType:") >= 0: out_stream.write(f"ErrorType: {errortype}\n") elif l.find("ErrorConfLevel") >= 0: # remove ErrorConfLevel line pass else: out_stream.write(l)"Info file written to {path_new_pdfset / f'{name_new_pdfset}.info'}")
[docs] def write_mc_watt_thorne_replicas(Rjk_std_normal, replicas_df, mc_pdf_path): """ Writes the Monte Carlo representation of a PDF set that is in Hessian form using the Watt-Thorne prescription described in Eq. 4.3 of arXiv:2203.05506. Parameters ---------- Rjk_std_normal: np.ndarray Array of shape (num_members, n_eig) containing random standard normal numbers. replicas_df: pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing replicas of the hessian set at all scales. mc_pdf_path: pathlib.Path Path to the new Monte Carlo PDF set. """ for i, rnd_std_norm_vec in enumerate(Rjk_std_normal): # Odd eigenvectors: negative direction, even eigenvectors: positive direction df_odd = replicas_df.loc[:, 2::2] df_even = replicas_df.loc[:, 3::2] new_column_names = range(1, len(df_even.columns) + 1) df_even.columns = new_column_names df_odd.columns = new_column_names central_member, hess_diff_cov = replicas_df.loc[:, [1]], df_even - df_odd # Eq. 4.3 of arXiv:2203.05506 mc_replica =[1]) + 0.5 * headers = f"PdfType: replica\nFormat: lhagrid1\nFromHessReplica: {i}\n" write_replica(i + 1, mc_pdf_path, headers.encode("UTF-8"), mc_replica) # Write central replica from hessian set to mc set headers = f"PdfType: replica\nFormat: lhagrid1\nFromHessReplica: {i}\n""Writing central replica to {mc_pdf_path}") write_replica(0, mc_pdf_path, headers.encode("UTF-8"), central_member)
[docs] @check_pdf_is_hessian def write_hessian_to_mc_watt_thorne(pdf, mc_pdf_name, num_members, watt_thorne_rnd_seed=1): """ Writes the Monte Carlo representation of a PDF set that is in Hessian form using the Watt-Thorne (MSHT20) prescription described in Eq. 4.3 of arXiv:2203.05506. Parameters ---------- pdf: validphys.core.PDF The Hessian PDF set that is to be converted to Monte Carlo. mc_pdf_name: str The name of the new Monte Carlo PDF set. """ hessian_set = pdf lhapdf_path = pathlib.Path(lhapdf.paths()[-1]) # path to hessian lhapdf set hessian_pdf_path = lhapdf_path / str(hessian_set) # path to new pdf set mc_pdf_path = lhapdf_path / mc_pdf_name # create new pdf set folder in lhapdf path if it does not exist if not mc_pdf_path.exists(): os.makedirs(mc_pdf_path) # write LHAPDF info file for new pdf set write_new_lhapdf_info_file_from_previous_pdf( path_old_pdfset=hessian_pdf_path, name_old_pdfset=str(hessian_set), path_new_pdfset=mc_pdf_path, name_new_pdfset=mc_pdf_name, num_members=num_members, description_set=f"MC representation of {str(hessian_set)}", errortype="replicas", ) # load replicas from basis set at all scales _, grids = load_all_replicas(hessian_set) replicas_df = rep_matrix(grids) # Eg for MSHT20, mem=0 => central value; mem=1-64 => 32 eigenvector sets (+/- directions) n_eig = int((replicas_df.shape[1] - 1) / 2) np.random.seed(watt_thorne_rnd_seed) Rjk_std_normal = np.random.standard_normal(size=(num_members, n_eig)) # write replicas to new pdf set write_mc_watt_thorne_replicas(Rjk_std_normal, replicas_df, mc_pdf_path)