Module for the determination of passing fit replicas.
Current active vetoes:
Positivity - Replicas with FitInfo.is_positive == False
ChiSquared - Replicas with ChiSquared > nsigma_discard_chi2*StandardDev + Average
ArclengthX - Replicas with ArcLengthX > nsigma_discard_arclength*StandardDev + Average
Integrability - Replicas with IntegrabilityNumbers < integ_threshold
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Default thresholds for distribution vetos in units of standard deivations
[docs]def distribution_veto(dist, prior_mask, nsigma_threshold):
"""For a given distribution (a list of floats), returns a boolean mask
specifying the passing elements. The result is a new mask of the elements that
value <= mean + nsigma_threshold*standard_deviation
Only points passing the prior_mask are
considered in the average or standard deviation."""
if sum(prior_mask) <= 1:
return prior_mask
dist = np.asarray(dist)
passing = dist[prior_mask]
average_pass = np.mean(passing)
stderr_pass = np.std(passing)
# NOTE that this has always not been abs
# i.e replicas that are lower than the average by more than 4std pass
return (dist - average_pass) <= nsigma_threshold * stderr_pass
[docs]def integrability_veto(dist, integ_threshold):
"""For a given distribution (a list of floats), returns a boolean mask
specifying the passing elements. The result is a new mask of the elements that
value <= integ_threshold
dist = np.asarray(dist)
return dist <= integ_threshold
[docs]def determine_vetoes(
fitinfos: list,
nsigma_discard_chi2: float,
nsigma_discard_arclength: float,
integ_threshold: float,
"""Assesses whether replica fitinfo passes standard NNPDF vetoes
Returns a dictionary of vetoes and their passing boolean masks.
Included in the dictionary is a 'Total' veto.
# Setup distributions to veto upon: Make a dictionary {name: (values, threshold)}, where
# values and threshold are to be filtered recusively as per ``distribution_veto``.
# TODO ensure that all replicas have the same amount of arclengths
distributions = {"ChiSquared": ([i.chi2 for i in fitinfos], nsigma_discard_chi2)}
for i in range(0, len(fitinfos[0].arclengths)):
distributions["ArcLength_" + str(i)] = (
[j.arclengths[i] for j in fitinfos],
# Positivity veto
posmask = np.array([replica.is_positive for replica in fitinfos], dtype=bool)
vetoes = {"Positivity": posmask}
total_mask = posmask.copy()
# Integrability veto
if len(fitinfos[0].integnumbers) == 0:
log.warning(f"No integrability numbers in the fitinfo file")
for i in range(0, len(fitinfos[0].integnumbers)):
values = [j.integnumbers[i] for j in fitinfos]
key = "IntegNumber_" + str(i)
vetoes[key] = integrability_veto(values, integ_threshold=integ_threshold)
# Distribution vetoes
while True:
for key in distributions:
values, threshold = distributions[key]
vetoes[key] = distribution_veto(values, total_mask, nsigma_threshold=threshold)
new_total_mask = np.all(list(vetoes.values()), axis=0)
if sum(new_total_mask) == sum(total_mask):
total_mask = new_total_mask
pass_chi2 = np.asarray(distributions["ChiSquared"][0])[total_mask]
log.info(f"Passing average chi2: {np.mean(pass_chi2)}")
vetoes["Total"] = total_mask
return vetoes
[docs]def save_vetoes_info(
veto_dict: dict, chi2_threshold, arclength_threshold, integ_threshold, filepath
"""Saves to file the chi2 and arclength thresholds used by postfit as well as veto
dictionaries which contain information on which replicas pass each veto."""
if filepath.exists():
log.warning(f"Veto file {filepath} already exists. Overwriting file")
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
thresholds_dict = {
"chi2_threshold": chi2_threshold,
"arclength_threshold": arclength_threshold,
"integrability_threshold": integ_threshold,
veto_dict_tolist = {key: val.tolist() for key, val in veto_dict.items()}
combined_dict = {**thresholds_dict, **veto_dict_tolist}
json.dump(combined_dict, f)