Filters for NNPDF fits
from collections.abc import Mapping
import dataclasses
import functools
from importlib.resources import read_text
import logging
import re
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from reportengine.checks import check, make_check
import validphys.cuts
from validphys.process_options import PROCESSES
from validphys.utils import generate_path_filtered_data, yaml_safe
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"DIS": ("x", "Q2", "y"),
"DYP": ("y", "M2", "sqrts"),
"JET": ("eta", "pT2", "sqrts"),
"DIJET": ("eta", "m_12", "sqrts"),
"PHT": ("eta_gamma", "E_{T,gamma)2", "sqrts"),
"INC": ("0", "mu2", "sqrts"),
"SHP_ASY": ("eta", "pT", "sqrts"),
"EWK_RAP": ("etay", "M2", "sqrts"),
"EWK_RAP_ASY": ("etay", "M2", "sqrts"),
"EWK_PT": ("p_T", "M2", "sqrts"),
"EWK_PTRAP": ("etay", "pT2", "sqrts"),
"EWK_MLL": ("M_ll", "M_ll2", "sqrts"),
"EWJ_RAP": ("etay", "M2", "sqrts"),
"EWJ_PT": ("p_T", "M2", "sqrt(s)"),
"EWJ_PTRAP": ("etay", "pT2", "sqrts"),
"EWJ_JRAP": ("etay", "M2", "sqrts"),
"EWJ_JPT": ("p_T", "M2", "sqrts"),
"EWJ_MLL": ("M_ll", "M_ll2", "sqrts"),
"HQP_YQQ": ("yQQ", "mu2", "sqrts"),
"HQP_MQQ": ("MQQ", "mu2", "sqrts"),
"HQP_PTQQ": ("p_TQQ", "mu2", "sqrts"),
"HQP_YQ": ("yQ", "mu2", "sqrts"),
"HQP_PTQ": ("p_TQ", "mu2", "sqrts"),
"HIG_RAP": ("y", "M_H2", "sqrts"),
"SIA": ("z", "Q2", "y"),
"JET_POL": ("eta", "pT2", "sqrts"),
"DIJET_POL": ("m_12", "eta_1", "eta_2"),
def _get_kinlabel_process_type(process_type):
"""Get KIN_LABEL from the dictionary above according
to the process type
This requires some extra digestion for DIS
if isinstance(process_type, str):
process_type = PROCESSES.get(process_type.upper(), process_type.upper())
if hasattr(process_type, "accepted_variables"):
return process_type.accepted_variables
process_type = str(process_type)
if process_type[:3] == "DIS":
return KIN_LABEL["DIS"]
if process_type[:3] == "DYP":
return KIN_LABEL["DYP"]
return KIN_LABEL[process_type]
# TODO: in the new commondata instead of having this, let's always use the same
# variables
def _variable_understanding(variables_raw, process_vars):
"""Given a set of variable, check whether it might be a variation of existing
variables for a process type"""
variables = [i for i in variables_raw]
def substitute(pr_v, cd_x):
if pr_v in process_vars and cd_x in variables:
variables[variables.index(cd_x)] = pr_v
substitute("eta", "y")
substitute("eta", "eta")
substitute("etay", "eta")
substitute("etay", "y")
substitute("yQQ", "y_ttBar")
substitute("yQ", "y_t")
return variables
class RuleProcessingError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when we couldn't process a rule."""
class BadPerturbativeOrder(ValueError):
"""Exception raised when the perturbative order string is not
class MissingRuleAttribute(RuleProcessingError, AttributeError):
"""Exception raised when a rule is missing required attributes."""
class FatalRuleError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when a rule application failed at runtime."""
class FilterDefaults:
Dataclass carrying default values for filters (cuts) taking into
account the values of ``q2min``, ``w2min`` and ``maxTau``.
q2min: float = None
w2min: float = None
maxTau: float = None
def to_dict(self):
return dataclasses.asdict(self)
class FilterRule:
Dataclass which carries the filter rule information.
dataset: str = None
process_type: str = None
rule: str = None
reason: str = None
local_variables: Mapping[str, Union[str, float]] = None
PTO: str = None
FNS: str = None
IC: str = None
def to_dict(self):
rule_dict = dataclasses.asdict(self)
filtered_dict = {k: v for k, v in rule_dict.items() if v is not None}
return filtered_dict
class AddedFilterRule(FilterRule):
Dataclass which carries extra filter rule that is added to the
default rule.
def check_nonnegative(var: str):
"""Ensure that `var` is positive"""
def run_check(ns, **kwargs):
val = ns[var]
check(val >= 0, f"'{var}' must be positive or equal zero, but it is {val!r}.")
return run_check
def make_dataset_dir(path):
"""Creates directory at path location."""
if path.exists():
log.warning(f"Dataset output folder exists: {path} Overwriting contents")
def export_mask(path, mask):
"""Dump mask to file"""
np.savetxt(path, mask, fmt='%d')
def filter_closure_data_by_experiment(
filter_path, experiments_data, fakepdf, fakenoise, filterseed, data_index, sep_mult
Applies :py:func:`_filter_closure_data` on each experiment in the closure test.
This function just peforms a ``for`` loop over ``experiments``, the reason
we don't use ``reportengine.collect`` is that it can permute the order
in which closure data is generate, which means that the pseudodata is
not reproducible.
res = []
for exp in experiments_data:
experiment_index = data_index[data_index.isin([exp.name], level=0)]
filter_path, exp, fakepdf, fakenoise, filterseed, experiment_index, sep_mult
return res
def filter_real_data(filter_path, data):
"""Filter real data, cutting any points which do not pass the filter rules."""
log.info('Filtering real data.')
return _filter_real_data(filter_path, data)
def filter(filter_data):
"""Summarise filters applied to all datasets"""
total_data, total_cut_data = np.atleast_2d(filter_data).sum(axis=0)
log.info(f'Summary: {total_cut_data}/{total_data} datapoints passed kinematic cuts.')
def _write_ds_cut_data(path, dataset):
all_dsndata = dataset.commondata.ndata
datamask = dataset.cuts.load()
if datamask is None:
filtered_dsndata = all_dsndata
log.info("All {all_ndata} points in in {dataset.name} passed kinematic cuts.")
filtered_dsndata = len(datamask)
f"{len(datamask)}/{all_dsndata} datapoints " f"in {dataset.name} passed kinematic cuts."
# save to disk
if datamask is not None:
export_mask(path / f'FKMASK_{dataset.name}.dat', datamask)
return all_dsndata, filtered_dsndata
def _filter_real_data(filter_path, data):
"""Filter real experimental data."""
total_data_points = 0
total_cut_data_points = 0
for dataset in data.datasets:
path = filter_path / dataset.name
nfull, ncut = _write_ds_cut_data(path, dataset)
total_data_points += nfull
total_cut_data_points += ncut
return total_data_points, total_cut_data_points
def _filter_closure_data(filter_path, data, fakepdf, fakenoise, filterseed, data_index, sep_mult):
This function is accessed within a closure test only, that is, the fakedata
namespace has to be True (If fakedata = False, the _filter_real_data function
will be used to write the commondata files).
The function writes commondata and systypes files within the
name_closure_test/filter folder.
If fakenoise is True, Level 1 type data is written to the filter folder, otherwise
Level 0 data is written.
Level 1 data is generated from the Level 0 data by adding noise sampled from
the experimental covariance matrix using the validphys.pseudodata.make_replica
filter_path : str
path to filter folder
data : validphys.core.DataGroupSpec
fakepdf : validphys.core.PDF
fakenoise : bool
if fakenoise perform level1 shift of central data values
filterseed : int
random seed used for the generation of
random noise added to Level 0 data
data_index : pandas.MultiIndex
total data points and points passing the cuts
total_data_points = 0
total_cut_data_points = 0
# circular import generated @ core.py
from validphys.pseudodata import level0_commondata_wc, make_level1_data
closure_data = level0_commondata_wc(data, fakepdf)
# Keep track of the original commondata, since it is what will be used to export
# the data afterwards
all_raw_commondata = {}
for dataset in data.datasets:
# == print number of points passing cuts, make dataset directory and write FKMASK ==#
path = filter_path / dataset.name
nfull, ncut = _write_ds_cut_data(path, dataset)
total_data_points += nfull
total_cut_data_points += ncut
all_raw_commondata[dataset.name] = dataset.commondata.load()
if fakenoise:
# ======= Level 1 closure test =======#
closure_data = make_level1_data(data, closure_data, filterseed, data_index, sep_mult)
# ====== write commondata and systype files ======#
if fakenoise:
log.info("Writing Level1 data")
log.info("Writing Level0 data")
for cd in closure_data:
# Write the full dataset, not only the points that pass the filter
data_path, unc_path = generate_path_filtered_data(filter_path.parent, cd.setname)
data_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
raw_cd = all_raw_commondata[cd.setname]
data_range = np.arange(1, 1 + raw_cd.ndata)
# Now put the closure data into the raw original commondata
new_cv = cd.central_values.reindex(data_range, fill_value=0.0).values
output_cd = raw_cd.with_central_value(new_cv)
# And export it to file
with open(data_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
with open(unc_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return total_data_points, total_cut_data_points
def check_t0pdfset(t0pdfset):
"""T0 pdf check"""
log.info(f'{t0pdfset} T0 checked.')
def check_luxset(luxset):
"""Lux pdf check"""
log.info(f'{luxset} Lux pdf checked.')
def check_unpolarized_bc(unpolarized_bc):
"""Check that unpolarized PDF bound can be loaded normally."""
log.info(f"Unpolarized boundary PDF '{unpolarized_bc}' pdf checked.")
def check_additional_errors(additional_errors):
"""Lux additional errors pdf check"""
log.info(f'{additional_errors} Lux additional errors pdf checked.')
def check_positivity(posdatasets):
"""Verify positive datasets are ready for the fit."""
log.info('Verifying positivity tables:')
for pos in posdatasets:
f'{pos.name} checked, {len(pos.cuts.load())}/{pos.commondata.ndata} datapoints passed kinematic cuts.'
def check_integrability(integdatasets):
"""Verify positive datasets are ready for the fit."""
log.info('Verifying integrability tables:')
for integ in integdatasets:
log.info(f'{integ.name} checked.')
class PerturbativeOrder:
"""Class that conveniently handles
perturbative order declarations for use
within the Rule class filter.
string: str
A string in the format of NNLO or equivalently N2LO.
This can be followed by one of ! + - or none.
The syntax allows for rules to be executed only if the perturbative
order is within a given range. The following enumerates all 4 cases
as an example:
NNLO+ only execute the following rule if the pto is 2 or greater
NNLO- only execute the following rule if the pto is strictly less than 2
NNLO! only execute the following rule if the pto is strictly not 2
NNLO only execute the following rule if the pto is exactly 2
Any unrecognized string will raise a BadPerturbativeOrder exception.
>>> from validphys.filters import PerturbativeOrder
>>> pto = PerturbativeOrder("NNLO+")
>>> pto.numeric_pto
>>> 1 in pto
>>> 2 in pto
>>> 3 in pto
def __init__(self, string):
self.string = string.upper()
def parse(self):
# Change an input like NNNLO or N3LO
# to a numerical value for the pto.
# In this example, we assign
# self.numeric_pto to be 3.
exp = re.compile(
if not exp:
raise BadPerturbativeOrder(
f"String {self.string!r} does not represent a valid perturbative order specfication."
if exp.group("multiplens") is None:
self.numeric_pto = int(exp.group("nnumber"))
self.numeric_pto = len(exp.group("multiplens"))
self.operator = exp.group("operator")
def __contains__(self, i):
if self.operator == "!":
return i != self.numeric_pto
elif self.operator == "+":
return i >= self.numeric_pto
elif self.operator == "-":
return i < self.numeric_pto
return i == self.numeric_pto
class Rule:
"""Rule object to be used to generate cuts mask.
A rule object is created for each rule in ./cuts/filters.yaml
Old commondata relied on the order of the kinematical variables
to be the same as specified in the `KIN_LABEL` dictionary set in this module.
The new commondata specification instead defines explicitly the name of the
variables in the metadata.
Therefore, when using a new-format commondata, the KIN_LABEL dictionary
will not be used and the variables defined in it will be used instead.
initial_data: dict
A dictionary containing all the information regarding the rule.
This contains the name of the dataset the rule to applies to
and/or the process type the rule applies to. Additionally, the
rule itself is defined, alongside the reason the rule is used.
Finally, the user can optionally define their own custom local
By default these are defined in cuts/filters.yaml
defaults: dict
A dictionary containing default values to be used globally in
all rules.
By default these are defined in cuts/defaults.yaml
Dict containing pairs of (theory_parameter, value)
loader: validphys.loader.Loader, optional
A loader instance used to retrieve the datasets.
numpy_functions = {"sqrt": np.sqrt, "log": np.log, "fabs": np.fabs}
def __init__(
self, initial_data: FilterRule, *, defaults: dict, theory_parameters: dict, loader=None
self.dataset = None
self.process_type = None
self._local_variables_code = {}
# For compatibility with legacy code that passed a dictionary
if isinstance(initial_data, FilterRule):
initial_data = initial_data.to_dict()
elif isinstance(initial_data, Mapping):
initial_data = dict(initial_data)
raise RuleProcessingError(
"Expecting initial_data to be an instance of a FilterRule dataclass."
for key in initial_data:
setattr(self, key, initial_data[key])
if not hasattr(self, "rule"):
raise MissingRuleAttribute("No rule defined.")
if self.dataset is None and self.process_type is None:
raise MissingRuleAttribute("Please define either a process type or dataset.")
if self.process_type is None:
from validphys.loader import Loader, LoaderError
if loader is None:
loader = Loader()
cd = loader.check_commondata(self.dataset)
except LoaderError as e:
raise RuleProcessingError(f"Could not find dataset {self.dataset}") from e
if cd.legacy:
self.variables = _get_kinlabel_process_type(cd.process_type)
if cd.metadata.is_ported_dataset:
self.variables = _get_kinlabel_process_type(cd.process_type)
self.variables = cd.metadata.kinematic_coverage
self.variables = _get_kinlabel_process_type(self.process_type)
# TODO: for now this will be a string within this class
if hasattr(self, "local_variables"):
if not isinstance(self.local_variables, Mapping):
raise RuleProcessingError(
f"Expecting local_variables to be a Mapping, not {type(self.local_variables)}."
self.local_variables = {}
if hasattr(self, "PTO"):
if not isinstance(self.PTO, str):
raise RuleProcessingError(f"Expecting PTO to be a string, not {type(self.PTO)}.")
self.PTO = PerturbativeOrder(self.PTO)
except BadPerturbativeOrder as e:
raise RuleProcessingError(e) from e
self.rule_string = self.rule
self.defaults = defaults
self.theory_params = theory_parameters
ns = {
for k, v in self.local_variables.items():
self._local_variables_code[k] = lcode = compile(
str(v), f"local variable {k}", "eval"
except Exception as e:
raise RuleProcessingError(
f"Could not process local variable {k!r} ({v!r}): {e}"
) from e
for name in lcode.co_names:
if name not in ns:
raise RuleProcessingError(
f"Could not process local variable {k!r}: Unknown name {name!r}"
self.rule = compile(self.rule, "rule", "eval")
except Exception as e:
raise RuleProcessingError(f"Could not process rule {self.rule_string!r}: {e}") from e
for name in self.rule.co_names:
if name not in ns:
raise RuleProcessingError(
f"Could not process rule {self.rule_string!r}: Unknown name {name!r}"
# Before returning, set the process type as a string for the rest of the filter
if self.process_type is not None:
self.process_type = str(self.process_type)
def _properties(self):
"""Attributes of the Rule class that are defining. Two
Rules with identical ``_properties`` are considered equal.
return (
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._properties == other._properties
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._properties)
def __call__(self, dataset, idat):
central_value = dataset.get_cv()[idat]
process_name = dataset.commondataproc
# We return None if the rule doesn't apply. This
# is different to the case where the rule does apply,
# but the point was cut out by the rule.
if (
not (
dataset.setname == self.dataset
# for old rules, we might be using an old name of this dataset
(dataset.legacy_names is not None and self.dataset in dataset.legacy_names)
and process_name != self.process_type
and self.process_type != "DIS_ALL"
return None
# Handle the generalised DIS cut
if self.process_type == "DIS_ALL" and not process_name.startswith("DIS"):
return None
ns = self._make_point_namespace(dataset, idat)
for k, v in self.theory_params.items():
if k == "PTO" and hasattr(self, "PTO"):
if v not in self.PTO:
return None
elif hasattr(self, k) and (getattr(self, k) != v):
return None
# Will return True if datapoint passes through the filter
return eval(
{**{"idat": idat, "central_value": central_value}, **self.defaults.to_dict(), **ns},
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
raise FatalRuleError(f"Error when applying rule {self.rule_string!r}: {e}") from e
def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
return self.rule_string
def _make_kinematics_dict(self, dataset, idat) -> dict:
"""Fill in a dictionary with the kinematics for each point"""
# When applying a "process-type" rule the variables are as given
# at the top of the module. However, for new commondata is important
# that the variables come in the right order
# This "understanding" should not be necessary and the process-variable
# mapping in this module should only serve to check which variables are allowed
kinematics = dataset.kinematics.values[idat]
if dataset.legacy or "k1" in dataset.kin_variables:
# For ported dataset, the naming is k1/k2/k3 and
# thus it needs to rely on the process
return dict(zip(self.variables, kinematics))
# Use the order of the commondata and the sintax of KIN_LABEL
new_vars = _variable_understanding(dataset.kin_variables, self.variables)
return dict(zip(new_vars, kinematics))
def _make_point_namespace(self, dataset, idat) -> dict:
"""Return a dictionary with kinematics and local
variables evaluated for each point"""
ns = self._make_kinematics_dict(dataset, idat)
for key, value in self._local_variables_code.items():
ns[key] = eval(value, {**self.numpy_functions, **ns})
return ns
def get_cuts_for_dataset(commondata, rules) -> list:
"""Function to generate a list containing the index
of all experimental points that passed kinematic
cut rules stored in ./cuts/filters.yaml
commondata: validphys.coredata.CommonData
rules: List[Rule]
A list of Rule objects specifying the filters.
mask: list
List object containing index of all passed experimental
>>> from validphys.filters import (get_cuts_for_dataset, Rule,
... default_filter_settings, default_filter_rules_input)
>>> from validphys.loader import Loader
>>> l = Loader()
>>> cd = l.check_commondata("NMC")
>>> theory = l.check_theoryID(53)
>>> filter_defaults = default_filter_settings()
>>> params = theory.get_description()
>>> rule_list = [Rule(initial_data=i, defaults=filter_defaults, theory_parameters=params)
... for i in default_filter_rules_input()]
>>> get_cuts_for_dataset(cd, rules=rule_list)
dataset = commondata.load()
mask = []
for idat in range(dataset.ndata):
broken = False
for rule in rules:
rule_result = rule(dataset, idat)
if rule_result is not None and not rule_result:
broken = True
if not broken:
return mask