Source code for validphys.datafiles

from functools import lru_cache
import pathlib

from reportengine.compat import yaml

path_vpdata = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
path_commondata = path_vpdata / "new_commondata"

# VP should not have access to this file, only to the products
_path_legacy_mapping = path_commondata / "dataset_names.yml"
legacy_to_new_mapping = yaml.YAML().load(_path_legacy_mapping)
theory_cards = path_vpdata / "theory_cards"

[docs]@lru_cache def legacy_to_new_map(dataset_name, sys=None): """Find the new dataset name and variant corresponding to an old dataset and systematics choice""" if dataset_name not in legacy_to_new_mapping: return dataset_name, None new_name = legacy_to_new_mapping[dataset_name] if isinstance(new_name, str): if sys is not None: raise KeyError( f"I cannot translate the combination of {dataset_name} and sys: {sys}. Please report this." ) return new_name, None variant = new_name.get("variant") new_name = new_name["dataset"] if sys is not None: if variant is None: raise KeyError( f"I cannot translate the combination of {dataset_name} and sys: {sys}. Please report this." ) variant += f"_{sys}" return new_name, variant
[docs]@lru_cache def new_to_legacy_map(dataset_name, variant_used): """Loop over the dictionary and find the right dataset""" # It is not possible to reverse the dictionary because # we can have 2 old dataset mapped to the same new one possible_match = None for old_name, new_name in legacy_to_new_mapping.items(): variant = None if not isinstance(new_name, str): variant = new_name.get("variant") new_name = new_name["dataset"] if new_name == dataset_name: if variant_used == variant: return old_name # Now, for legacy variants we might want to match (sys,) # so accept anything that starts with `legacy_` # so variant `legacy_10` will match `legacy` in the dictionary # but if an exact match if found before, the search ends if variant_used is not None and variant_used.startswith("legacy_"): possible_match = old_name return possible_match