Data containers backed by Python managed memory (Numpy arrays and Pandas
import dataclasses
import logging
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from validphys.utils import generate_path_filtered_data, yaml_safe
KIN_NAMES = ["kin1", "kin2", "kin3"]
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FKTableData:
Data contained in an FKTable
hadronic : bool
Whether a hadronic (two PDFs) or a DIS (one PDF) convolution is needed.
Q0 : float
The scale at which the PDFs should be evaluated (in GeV).
ndata : int
The number of data points in the grid.
xgrid : array, shape (nx)
The points in x at which the PDFs should be evaluated.
sigma : pd.DataFrame
For hadronic data, the columns are the indexes in the ``NfxNf`` list of
possible flavour combinations of two PDFs. The MultiIndex contains
three keys, the data index, an index into ``xgrid`` for the first PDF
and an idex into ``xgrid`` for the second PDF, indicating if the points in
``x`` where the PDF should be evaluated.
For DIS data, the columns are indexes in the ``Nf`` list of flavours.
The MultiIndex contains two keys, the data index and an index into
``xgrid`` indicating the points in ``x`` where the PDF should be
convolution_types: tuple[str]
The type of convolution that the FkTable is expecting for each of the
functions to be convolved with (usually the two types of PDF from the two
incoming hadrons).
metadata : dict
Other information contained in the FKTable.
protected: bool
When a fktable is protected cuts will not be applied.
The most common use-case is when a total cross section is used
as a normalization table for a differential cross section,
in legacy code (<= NNPDF4.0) both fktables would be cut using the differential index.
hadronic: bool
Q0: float
ndata: int
xgrid: np.ndarray
sigma: pd.DataFrame
convolution_types: tuple[str] = None
metadata: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict, repr=False)
protected: bool = False
def with_cfactor(self, cfactor):
"""Returns a copy of the FKTableData object with cfactors applied to the fktable"""
if all(c == 1.0 for c in cfactor):
return self
if len(cfactor) != self.ndata:
if self.protected:
cfactor = cfactor[0]
name = self.metadata.get("target_dataset")
raise ValueError(
f"The length of cfactor for {name} differs from the number of datapoints in the grid"
new_sigma = self.sigma.multiply(pd.Series(cfactor), axis=0, level=0)
return dataclasses.replace(self, sigma=new_sigma)
def with_cuts(self, cuts):
"""Return a copy of the FKTable with the cuts applied. The data index
of the sigma operator (the outermost level), contains the data point
that have been kept. The ndata property is updated to reflect the new
number of datapoints. If cuts is None, return the object unmodified.
cuts : array_like or validphys.core.Cuts or None.
The cuts to be applied.
res : FKTableData
A copy of the FKtable with the cuts applies.
The original number of points can be accessed with
>>> from validphys.fkparser import load_fktable
... from validphys.loader import Loader
... l = Loader()
... ds = l.check_dataset('ATLASTTBARTOT', theoryid=53, cfac=('QCD',))
... table = load_fktable(ds.fkspecs[0])
... newtable = table.with_cuts([0,1])
>>> assert set(newtable.sigma.index.get_level_values(0)) == {0,1}
>>> assert newtable.ndata == 2
>>> assert newtable.metadata['GridInfo'].ndata == 3
if hasattr(cuts, "load"):
cuts = cuts.load()
if cuts is None or self.protected:
return self
newndata = len(cuts)
newsigma = self.sigma.loc[cuts]
except KeyError as e:
# This will be an ugly erorr msg, but it should be scary anyway
log.error(f"Problem applying cuts to {self.metadata}")
raise e
return dataclasses.replace(self, ndata=newndata, sigma=newsigma)
def luminosity_mapping(self):
"""Return the flavour combinations that contribute to the fktable
in the form of a single array
The return shape is:
(nbasis,) for DIS
(nbasis*2,) for hadronic
basis = self.sigma.columns.to_numpy()
if self.hadronic:
ret = np.zeros(14 * 14, dtype=bool)
ret[basis] = True
basis = np.array(np.where(ret.reshape(14, 14))).T.reshape(-1)
return basis
def get_np_fktable(self):
"""Returns the fktable as a dense numpy array that can be directly
manipulated with numpy
The return shape is:
(ndata, nx, nbasis) for DIS
(ndata, nx, nx, nbasis) for hadronic
where nx is the length of the xgrid
and nbasis the number of flavour contributions that contribute
# Read up the shape of the output table
ndata = self.ndata
nx = len(self.xgrid)
nbasis = self.sigma.shape[1]
if ndata == 0:
if self.hadronic:
return np.zeros((ndata, nbasis, nx, nx))
return np.zeros((ndata, nbasis, nx))
# Make the dataframe into a dense numpy array
# First get the data index out of the way
# this is necessary because cuts/shifts and for performance reasons
# otherwise we will be putting things in a numpy array in very awkward orders
ns = self.sigma.unstack(level=("data",), fill_value=0)
x1 = ns.index.get_level_values(0)
if self.hadronic:
x2 = ns.index.get_level_values(1)
fk_raw = np.zeros((nx, nx, ns.shape[1]))
fk_raw[x2, x1, :] = ns.values
# The output is (ndata, basis, x1, x2)
fktable = fk_raw.reshape((nx, nx, nbasis, ndata)).T
fk_raw = np.zeros((nx, ns.shape[1]))
fk_raw[x1, :] = ns.values
# The output is (ndata, basis, x1)
fktable = fk_raw.reshape((nx, nbasis, ndata)).T
return fktable
def determine_pdfs(self, pdf):
"""Determine the PDF (or PDFs) that should be used to be convoluted with this fktable.
Uses the `convolution_types` key to decide the PDFs.
If `convolution_types` is not defined, it returns the pdf object.
if self.convolution_types is None:
if self.hadronic:
return [pdf, pdf]
return [pdf]
conv_pdfs = []
for convolution_type in self.convolution_types:
# Check the type of convolutions that the fktable is asking for and match it to the PDF
if convolution_type == "UnpolPDF":
if pdf.is_polarized:
if pdf.unpolarized_bc is None:
raise ValueError(
"The FKTable asked for an unpolarized PDF but received only polarized PDFs"
elif convolution_type == "PolPDF":
if not pdf.is_polarized:
raise ValueError(
"""The FKTable asked for a polarized PDF, but the PDF received cannot be understood as polarized.
When using a polarized PDF make sure to include a boundary condition `unpolarized_bc: <pdf name>` whenever needed (`t0`, `dataspecs`...)."""
return conv_pdfs
class CFactorData:
Data contained in a CFactor
description : str
Information on how the data was obtained.
central_value : array, shape(ndata)
The value of the cfactor for each data point.
uncertainty : array, shape(ndata)
The absolute uncertainty on the cfactor if available.
description: str
central_value: np.array
uncertainty: np.array
class CommonData:
Data contained in Commondata files, relevant cuts applied.
setname : str
Name of the dataset
ndata : int
Number of data points
commondataproc : str
Process type, one of 21 options
nkin : int
Number of kinematics specified
nsys : int
Number of systematics
commondata_table : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing the commondata
systype_table : pd.DataFrame
Pandas dataframe containing the systype index
for each systematic alongside the uncertainty
type (ADD/MULT/RAND) and name
systematics_table: pd.DataFrame
Panda dataframe containing the table of systematics
setname: str
ndata: int
commondataproc: str
nkin: int
nsys: int
commondata_table: pd.DataFrame = dataclasses.field(repr=False)
systype_table: pd.DataFrame = dataclasses.field(repr=False)
legacy: bool = False
systematics_table: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = dataclasses.field(init=None, repr=False)
legacy_names: Optional[list] = None
kin_variables: Optional[list] = None
def __post_init__(self):
self.systematics_table = self.commondata_table.drop(
columns=["process", "data", "stat"] + KIN_NAMES
# TODO: set for now commondataproc as a string
self.commondataproc = str(self.commondataproc)
def with_cuts(self, cuts):
"""A method to return a CommonData object where
an integer mask has been applied, keeping only data
points which pass cuts.
Note if the first data point passes cuts, the first entry
of ``cuts`` should be ``0``.
cuts: list or validphys.core.Cuts or None
# Ensure that the cuts we're applying applies to this dataset
# only check, however, if the cuts is of type :py:class:`validphys.core.Cuts`
if hasattr(cuts, "name") and self.setname != cuts.name:
raise ValueError(
f"The cuts provided are for {cuts.name} which does not apply "
f"to this commondata file: {self.setname}"
if hasattr(cuts, "load"):
cuts = cuts.load()
if cuts is None:
return self
# We must shift the cuts up by 1 since a cut of 0 implies the first data point
# while commondata indexing starts at 1.
cuts = list(map(lambda x: x + 1, cuts))
newndata = len(cuts)
new_commondata_table = self.commondata_table.loc[cuts]
return dataclasses.replace(self, ndata=newndata, commondata_table=new_commondata_table)
def kinematics(self):
return self.commondata_table[KIN_NAMES]
def get_kintable(self):
return self.kinematics.values
def central_values(self):
return self.commondata_table["data"]
def with_central_value(self, cv):
tb = self.commondata_table.copy()
tb["data"] = cv
return dataclasses.replace(self, commondata_table=tb)
def get_cv(self):
return self.central_values.values
def stat_errors(self):
return self.commondata_table["stat"]
def multiplicative_errors(self):
"""Returns the systematics which are multiplicative (systype is MULT)
in a percentage format, with SKIP uncertainties removed.
mult_systype = self.systype_table[self.systype_table["treatment"] == "MULT"]
mult_table = self.systematics_table.filter(like="MULT")
if self.legacy:
# Needed in legacy because every uncertainty appears as both mult and add
# so it is necessary to select the uncertainties that are to be consireded as MULT/ADD
# Minus 1 because iloc starts from 0, while the systype counting starts from 1
mult_table = mult_table.iloc[:, mult_systype.index - 1]
mult_table.columns = mult_systype["name"].to_numpy()
return mult_table.loc[:, mult_table.columns != "SKIP"]
def additive_errors(self):
"""Returns the systematics which are additive (systype is ADD) as
absolute uncertainties (same units as data), with SKIP uncertainties
add_systype = self.systype_table[self.systype_table["treatment"] == "ADD"]
add_table = self.systematics_table.filter(like="ADD")
if self.legacy:
# Minus 1 because iloc starts from 0, while the systype counting starts from 1
add_table = add_table.iloc[:, add_systype.index - 1]
add_table.columns = add_systype["name"].to_numpy()
return add_table.loc[:, add_table.columns != "SKIP"]
def systematic_errors(self, central_values=None):
"""Returns all systematic errors as absolute uncertainties, with a
single column for each uncertainty. Converts
:py:attr:`multiplicative_errors` to units of data and then appends
onto :py:attr:`additive_errors`. By default uses the experimental
central values to perform conversion, but the user can supply a
1-D array of central values, with length :py:attr:`self.ndata`, to use
instead of the experimental central values to calculate the absolute
contribution of the multiplicative systematics.
central_values: None, np.array
1-D array containing alternative central values to combine with
multiplicative uncertainties. This array must have length equal
to :py:attr:`self.ndata`. By default ``central_values`` is None, and
the central values of the commondata are used.
systematic_errors: pd.DataFrame
Dataframe containing systematic errors.
if central_values is None:
central_values = self.central_values.to_numpy()
converted_mult_errors = self.multiplicative_errors * central_values[:, np.newaxis] / 100
return pd.concat((self.additive_errors, converted_mult_errors), axis=1)
def export_data(self, buffer):
"""Exports the central data defined by this commondata instance to the given buffer"""
ret = {"data_central": self.central_values.tolist()}
yaml_safe.dump(ret, buffer)
def export_uncertainties(self, buffer):
"""Exports the uncertainties defined by this commondata instance to the given buffer"""
definitions = {}
for idx, row in self.systype_table.iterrows():
if row["name"] != "SKIP":
definitions[f"sys_{idx}"] = {"treatment": row["treatment"], "type": row["name"]}
# Order the definitions by treatment as ADD, MULT
# TODO: make it so that it corresponds to the original order exactly
sorted_definitions = {
k: v for k, v in sorted(definitions.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["treatment"])
bins = []
for idx, row in self.systematic_errors().iterrows():
tmp = {"stat": float(self.stat_errors[idx])}
# Hope things come in the right order...
for key_name, val in zip(sorted_definitions, row):
tmp[key_name] = float(val)
sorted_definitions["stat"] = {
"description": "Uncorrelated statistical uncertainties",
"treatment": "ADD",
"type": "UNCORR",
ret = {"definitions": sorted_definitions, "bins": bins}
yaml_safe.dump(ret, buffer)
def export(self, folder_path):
"""Wrapper around export_data and export_uncertainties
to write both uncertainties and data after filtering to a given folder
# Get the same names as one would use for the filters
data_path, unc_path = generate_path_filtered_data(folder_path, self.setname)
# And attach it to the given folder
data_path = folder_path / data_path.name
unc_path = folder_path / unc_path.name
# Export data and uncertainties
with open(data_path, "w") as file:
with open(unc_path, "w") as file:
return data_path, unc_path