Source code for validphys.closuretest.multiclosure_pdf


Module containing all of the actions related to statistical estimators across
multiple closure fits or proxy fits defined in PDF space. The actions
in this module are used to produce results which are plotted in

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import scipy.special

from reportengine import collect
from validphys.calcutils import calc_chi2
from validphys.closuretest.multiclosure import DEFAULT_SEED
from validphys.core import PDF
from validphys.pdfgrids import xplotting_grid

# Define the NN31IC basis with the charm PDF excluded. It is excluded because
# the exercises carried out with this module are intended to be done in the
# data region and at the fitting scale, where the charm is noisy. Results
# obtained with it are therefore likely to be dominated by fluctuations
XI_FLAVOURS = (r"\Sigma", "gluon", "V", "V3", "V8", "T3", "T8")

[docs]def internal_singlet_gluon_xgrid(multiclosure_nx=4): """Given the number of x points, set up the singlet and gluon xgrids, which are defined as half the points being logarithmically spaced between 10^-3 and 0.1 and the other half of the points being linearly spaced between 0.1 and 0.5 """ return np.concatenate( ( np.logspace(-3, -1, int(multiclosure_nx / 2), endpoint=False), np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, int(multiclosure_nx / 2)), ), axis=0, )
[docs]def internal_nonsinglet_xgrid(multiclosure_nx=4): """Given the number of x points, set up the xgrid for flavours which are not singlet or gluon, defined as being linearly spaced points between 0.1 and 0.5 """ return np.linspace(0.1, 0.5, multiclosure_nx)
[docs]def xi_pdfgrids(pdf: PDF, Q: (float, int), internal_singlet_gluon_xgrid, internal_nonsinglet_xgrid): """Generate PDF grids which are required for calculating xi in PDF space in the NN31IC basis, excluding the charm. We want to specify different xgrids for different flavours to avoid sampling PDFs in deep extrapolation regions. The limits are chosen to achieve this and specifically they are chosen to be: gluon and singlet: 10^-3 < x < 0.5 other non-singlets: 0.1 < x < 0.5 Returns ------- tuple of xplotting_grids, one for gluon and singlet and one for other non-singlets """ # NOTE: Could we hardcode Q to the initial scale/infer from fits? singlet_gluon_grid = xplotting_grid( pdf, Q, xgrid=internal_singlet_gluon_xgrid, basis="NN31IC", flavours=XI_FLAVOURS[:2], ) nonsinglet_grid = xplotting_grid( pdf, Q, xgrid=internal_nonsinglet_xgrid, basis="NN31IC", flavours=XI_FLAVOURS[2:], ) return singlet_gluon_grid, nonsinglet_grid
[docs]def xi_grid_values(xi_pdfgrids): """Grid values from the xi_pdfgrids concatenated as single numpy array""" glu_sin_grid, nonsin_grid = xi_pdfgrids # grid values have shape: replica, flavour, x # concatenate along flavour return np.concatenate( (glu_sin_grid.grid_values.error_members(), nonsin_grid.grid_values.error_members()), axis=1 )
[docs]def underlying_xi_grid_values( multiclosure_underlyinglaw: PDF, Q: (float, int), internal_singlet_gluon_xgrid, internal_nonsinglet_xgrid, ): """Like xi_pdfgrids but setting the PDF as the underlying law, extracted from a set of fits """ underlying_grid = xi_pdfgrids( multiclosure_underlyinglaw, Q, internal_singlet_gluon_xgrid, internal_nonsinglet_xgrid, ) return xi_grid_values(underlying_grid)
[docs]def pdf_central_difference(xi_grid_values, underlying_xi_grid_values, multiclosure_underlyinglaw): """Calculate the difference between underlying law and central PDF for, specifically: underlying_grid - mean(grid_vals) where mean is across replicas. Returns: diffs: np.array array of diffs with shape (flavour, x) """ underlying_central = multiclosure_underlyinglaw.stats_class( underlying_xi_grid_values ).central_value() return underlying_central - np.mean(xi_grid_values, axis=0)
[docs]def pdf_replica_difference(xi_grid_values): """Calculate the difference between the central PDF and the replica PDFs, specifically: mean(grid_vals) - grid_vals where the mean is across replicas. Returns: diffs: np.array array of diffs with shape (replicas, flavour, x) """ return xi_grid_values.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) - xi_grid_values
fits_replica_difference = collect("pdf_replica_difference", ("fits", "fitpdf")) fits_central_difference = collect("pdf_central_difference", ("fits", "fitpdf"))
[docs]def fits_covariance_matrix_by_flavour(fits_replica_difference): """Given a set of PDF grids from multiple closure tests, obtain an estimate of the covariance matrix for each flavour separately, return as a list of covmats """ # diffs should be calculated on the per fit level super_diffs = np.concatenate(fits_replica_difference, axis=0) covmats = [np.cov(super_diffs[:, i, :], rowvar=False) for i in range(len(XI_FLAVOURS))] return covmats
[docs]def xi_flavour_x( fits_replica_difference, fits_central_difference, fits_covariance_matrix_by_flavour, use_x_basis=False, ): """For a set of fits calculate the indicator function I_{[-sigma, sigma]}(delta) where sigma is the RMS difference between central and replicas PDF and delta is the difference between central PDF and underlying law. The differences are all rotated to basis which diagonalises the covariance matrix that was estimated from the super set of all fit replicas. Finally take the mean across fits to get xi in flavour and x. """ rep_diff = np.asarray(fits_replica_difference) central_diff = np.asarray(fits_central_difference) xis = [] for i in range(len(XI_FLAVOURS)): if use_x_basis: # put x on first axis diag_central_diff = central_diff[:, i, :].T # put x on second to last axis diag_rep_diff = rep_diff[:, :, i, :].transpose(1, 2, 0) else: _, e_vec = la.eigh(fits_covariance_matrix_by_flavour[i]) # put x on first axis diag_central_diff = e_vec.T @ central_diff[:, i, :].T # put x on second to last axis diag_rep_diff = e_vec.T @ rep_diff[:, :, i, :].transpose(1, 2, 0) var_diff = (diag_rep_diff) ** 2 sigma = np.sqrt(var_diff.mean(axis=0)) # mean across reps # indicator and mean across fits xi = np.asarray(abs(diag_central_diff) < sigma, dtype=int).mean(axis=1) xis.append(xi) return np.asarray(xis)
[docs]def fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf(fits_replica_difference, multiclosure_nx=4): """Given a set of PDF grids from multiple closure tests, obtain an estimate of the covariance matrix allowing for correlations across flavours """ # diffs should be calculated on the per fit level super_diffs = np.concatenate(fits_replica_difference, axis=0).reshape( -1, multiclosure_nx * len(XI_FLAVOURS) ) # reshape to correlate flavours return np.cov(super_diffs, rowvar=False)
fits_indicator_function_totalpdf = collect("pdf_indicator_function_totalpdf", ("fits", "fitpdf"))
[docs]def replica_and_central_diff_totalpdf( fits_replica_difference, fits_central_difference, fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf, multiclosure_nx=4, use_x_basis=False, ): """Calculate sigma and delta, like :py:func:`xi_flavour_x` but return before calculating xi. """ # keep fits and reps then reshape flavour x to one dim rep_diff = np.asarray(fits_replica_difference).reshape( len(fits_replica_difference), -1, multiclosure_nx * len(XI_FLAVOURS) ) central_diff = np.asarray(fits_central_difference).reshape( -1, multiclosure_nx * len(XI_FLAVOURS) ) if use_x_basis: diag_central_diff = central_diff.T diag_rep_diff = rep_diff.transpose(1, 2, 0) else: _, e_vec = la.eigh(fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf) # put flavourx on first axis diag_central_diff = e_vec.T @ central_diff.T # need reps on second axis diag_rep_diff = e_vec.T @ rep_diff.transpose(1, 2, 0) var_diff = (diag_rep_diff) ** 2 sigma = np.sqrt(var_diff.mean(axis=0)) # mean across reps return sigma, diag_central_diff
[docs]def xi_totalpdf(replica_and_central_diff_totalpdf): """Like :py:func:`xi_flavour_x` except calculate the total xi across flavours and x accounting for correlations """ sigma, delta = replica_and_central_diff_totalpdf # indicator and mean across all return np.asarray(abs(delta) < sigma, dtype=int).mean()
[docs]def fits_sqrt_covmat_by_flavour(fits_covariance_matrix_by_flavour): """For each flavour covariance matrix calculate the sqrt covmat (cholesky lower triangular) """ return [la.cholesky(cov, lower=True) for cov in fits_covariance_matrix_by_flavour]
[docs]def fits_pdf_flavour_ratio( fits_sqrt_covmat_by_flavour, fits_central_difference, fits_replica_difference ): """Calculate the bias (chi2 between central PDF and underlying PDF) for each flavour and the variance (mean chi2 between replica and central PDF), then return a numpy array with shape (flavours, 2) with second axis being bias, variance """ central_diff = np.asarray(fits_central_difference) rep_diff = np.asarray(fits_replica_difference) ratios = [] for i in range(len(XI_FLAVOURS)): bias = calc_chi2(fits_sqrt_covmat_by_flavour[i], central_diff[:, i, :].T) variance = np.mean( calc_chi2( fits_sqrt_covmat_by_flavour[i], rep_diff[:, :, i, :].transpose(2, 1, 0), # need x on first axis ), axis=0, ) ratios.append(np.mean(bias) / np.mean(variance)) return ratios
[docs]def fits_pdf_total_ratio( fits_central_difference, fits_replica_difference, fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf, multiclosure_nx=4, ): """Calculate the total bias and variance for all flavours and x allowing for correlations across flavour. Returns: ratio_data: tuple required data for calculating mean(bias) over mean(variance) across fits in form of tuple (bias, variance) """ central_diff = np.asarray(fits_central_difference).reshape( -1, multiclosure_nx * len(XI_FLAVOURS) ) rep_diff = np.asarray(fits_replica_difference).reshape( len(fits_replica_difference), -1, multiclosure_nx * len(XI_FLAVOURS) ) sqrtcov = la.cholesky(fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf, lower=True) bias = calc_chi2(sqrtcov, central_diff.T) # need flav x on first axis variance = np.mean(calc_chi2(sqrtcov, rep_diff.transpose(2, 1, 0)), axis=0) return np.mean(bias) / np.mean(variance)
fits_xi_grid_values = collect("xi_grid_values", ("fits", "fitpdf"))
[docs]def bootstrap_pdf_differences( fits_xi_grid_values, underlying_xi_grid_values, multiclosure_underlyinglaw, rng ): """Generate a single bootstrap sample of ``pdf_central_difference`` and ``pdf_replica_difference`` given the multiclosure fits grid values (``fits_xi_grid_values``); the underlying law grid values and the underlying law; and a numpy random state which is used to generate random indices for bootstrap sample. The bootstrap does include repeats and has the same number of fits and replicas as the original ``fits_xi_grid_values`` which is being resampled. Returns ------- pdf_difference: tuple a tuple of 2 lists: the central differences and the replica differences. Each list is n_fits long and each element is a resampled differences array for a randomly selected fit, randomly selected replicas. """ fit_boot_index = rng.choice(len(fits_xi_grid_values), size=len(fits_xi_grid_values)) boot_central_diff = [] boot_rep_diff = [] for i_fit in fit_boot_index: fit_xi_grid = fits_xi_grid_values[i_fit] rep_boot_index = rng.choice(fit_xi_grid.shape[0], size=fit_xi_grid.shape[0]) xi_gv = fit_xi_grid[rep_boot_index, ...] boot_central_diff.append( pdf_central_difference(xi_gv, underlying_xi_grid_values, multiclosure_underlyinglaw) ) boot_rep_diff.append(pdf_replica_difference(xi_gv)) return boot_central_diff, boot_rep_diff
[docs]def fits_bootstrap_pdf_ratio( fits_xi_grid_values, underlying_xi_grid_values, multiclosure_underlyinglaw, multiclosure_nx=4, n_boot=100, boot_seed=DEFAULT_SEED, ): """Perform a bootstrap sampling across fits and replicas of the sqrt ratio, by flavour and total and then tabulate the mean and error """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=boot_seed) ratio_boot = [] for _ in range(n_boot): # perform single bootstrap boot_central_diff, boot_rep_diff = bootstrap_pdf_differences( fits_xi_grid_values, underlying_xi_grid_values, multiclosure_underlyinglaw, rng, ) # need various dependencies for ratio actions flav_cov = fits_covariance_matrix_by_flavour(boot_rep_diff) flav_sqrt_cov = fits_sqrt_covmat_by_flavour(flav_cov) total_cov = fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf(boot_rep_diff, multiclosure_nx) ratio_flav = fits_pdf_flavour_ratio(flav_sqrt_cov, boot_central_diff, boot_rep_diff) ratio_tot = fits_pdf_total_ratio( boot_central_diff, boot_rep_diff, total_cov, multiclosure_nx ) ratio_data = np.concatenate((ratio_flav, [ratio_tot]), axis=0) ratio_boot.append(ratio_data) return ratio_boot
[docs]def fits_bootstrap_pdf_sqrt_ratio(fits_bootstrap_pdf_ratio): """Take the square root of fits_bootstrap_pdf_ratio""" return np.sqrt(fits_bootstrap_pdf_ratio)
[docs]def fits_bootstrap_pdf_expected_xi(fits_bootstrap_pdf_sqrt_ratio): """Using fits_bootstrap_pdf_sqrt_ratio calculate a bootstrap of the expected xi using the same procedure as in :py:func:`validphys.closuretest.multiclosure_output.expected_xi_from_bias_variance`. """ n_sigma_in_variance = 1 / fits_bootstrap_pdf_sqrt_ratio # pylint can't find erf here, disable error in this function # pylint: disable=no-member estimated_integral = scipy.special.erf(n_sigma_in_variance / np.sqrt(2)) return estimated_integral
[docs]def fits_correlation_matrix_totalpdf(fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf): """Given the fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf, returns the corresponding correlation matrix """ d = np.sqrt(np.diag(fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf)) return (fits_covariance_matrix_totalpdf / d) / d[:, np.newaxis]