Module containing the actions which produce some output in validphys
reports i.e figures or tables for multiclosure estimators in the space of
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.special as special
import scipy.stats
from reportengine.figure import figure, figuregen
from reportengine.table import table
from validphys import plotutils
def plot_dataset_fits_bias_variance(fits_dataset_bias_variance, dataset):
"""For a set of closure fits, calculate the bias and variance across fits
and then plot scatter points so we can see the distribution of each quantity
with fits. The spread of the variance across fits is assumed to be small
compared to the spread of the biases, deviation from this assumption could
suggest that there are finite size effects due to too few replicas.
biases, variances, _ = fits_dataset_bias_variance
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
ax.plot(biases, "*", label=f"bias, std. dev. = {np.std(biases):.2f}")
ax.axhline(np.mean(biases), label=f"bias, mean = {np.mean(biases):.2f}", linestyle="-")
ax.plot(variances, ".", label=f"variance, std. dev. = {np.std(variances):.2f}")
np.mean(variances), label=f"variance, mean = {np.mean(variances):.2f}", linestyle=":"
ax.set_title(f"Bias and variance for {dataset} for each fit (unnormalised)")
ax.set_xlabel("fit index")
return fig
def plot_data_fits_bias_variance(fits_data_bias_variance, data):
"""Like `plot_dataset_fits_bias_variance` but for all data. Can use
alongside ``group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment`` to plot for each experiment.
return plot_dataset_fits_bias_variance(fits_data_bias_variance, data)
def plot_total_fits_bias_variance(fits_total_bias_variance):
"""Like `plot_dataset_fits_bias_variance` but for the total bias/variance
for all data, with the total calculated by summing up contributions from each
return plot_dataset_fits_bias_variance(fits_total_bias_variance, "all data")
def table_datasets_bias_variance_fits(fits_datasets_bias_variance, each_dataset):
Table with ratio bias variance value and associated uncertainty
computed with simple gaussian error propagation for each dataset.
records = []
# compute expectation and uncertainty on bias variance ratio
for ds, (bias, var, ndata) in zip(each_dataset, fits_datasets_bias_variance):
mean_bias = np.mean(bias)
mean_var = np.mean(var)
rbv = mean_bias / mean_var
# compute uncertainy on rbv
delta_rbv = np.sqrt(
((1 / mean_var) * np.std(bias)) ** 2 + (mean_bias / mean_var**2 * np.std(var)) ** 2
sqrt_rbv = np.sqrt(rbv)
delta_sqrt_rbv = 0.5 * delta_rbv / np.sqrt(rbv)
"dataset": str(ds),
"ndata": ndata,
"bias": mean_bias,
"variance": mean_var,
"ratio": rbv,
"error ratio": delta_rbv,
"sqrt(ratio)": sqrt_rbv,
"error sqrt(ratio)": delta_sqrt_rbv,
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
"error ratio",
"error sqrt(ratio)",
return df
def datasets_bias_variance_ratio(datasets_expected_bias_variance, each_dataset):
"""For each dataset calculate the expected bias and expected variance
across fits, then calculate the ratio
ratio = expected bias / expected variance
and tabulate the results.
This gives an idea of how faithful uncertainties are for a set of
If uncertainties are faithfully estimated then we would expect to see
ratio = 1. We should note that the ratio is a squared quantity and
sqrt(ratio) is more appropriate for seeing how much uncertainties are
over or underestimated. An over-estimate of uncertainty leads to
sqrt(ratio) < 1, similarly an under-estimate of uncertainty leads to
sqrt(ratio) > 1.
records = []
for ds, (bias, var, ndata) in zip(each_dataset, datasets_expected_bias_variance):
records.append(dict(dataset=str(ds), ndata=ndata, ratio=bias / var))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records, index="dataset", columns=("dataset", "ndata", "ratio"))
df.columns = ["ndata", "bias/variance"]
return df
def experiments_bias_variance_ratio(
experiments_expected_bias_variance, experiments_data, expected_total_bias_variance
"""Like datasets_bias_variance_ratio except for each experiment. Also
calculate and tabulate
(total expected bias) / (total expected variance)
where the total refers to summing over all experiments.
# don't reinvent wheel
df_in = datasets_bias_variance_ratio(experiments_expected_bias_variance, experiments_data)
bias_tot, var_tot, ntotal = expected_total_bias_variance
tot_df = pd.DataFrame([[ntotal, bias_tot / var_tot]], index=["Total"], columns=df_in.columns)
df = pd.concat((df_in, tot_df), axis=0)
df.index.rename("experiment", inplace=True) # give index appropriate name
return df
def experiments_bias_variance_table(
"""Tabulate the values of bias and variance for each experiment as well
as the sqrt ratio of the two as in
:py:func`sqrt_experiments_bias_variance_ratio`. Used as a performance
records = []
for exp, (bias, var, ndata) in zip(
group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment, experiments_expected_bias_variance
bias=bias / ndata,
variance=var / ndata,
sqrt_ratio=np.sqrt(bias / var),
bias_tot, var_tot, ntotal = expected_total_bias_variance
bias=bias_tot / ntotal,
variance=var_tot / ntotal,
sqrt_ratio=np.sqrt(bias_tot / var_tot),
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records, index="experiment")
df.columns = ["ndata", "bias", "variance", "sqrt(bias/variance)"]
return df
def sqrt_datasets_bias_variance_ratio(datasets_bias_variance_ratio):
"""Given `datasets_bias_variance_ratio` take the sqrt and tabulate the
results. This gives an idea of how
faithful the uncertainties are in sensible units. As noted in
`datasets_bias_variance_ratio`, bias/variance is a squared quantity and
so when considering how much uncertainty has been over or underestimated
it is more natural to consider sqrt(bias/variance).
df_in = datasets_bias_variance_ratio
vals = np.array(df_in.values) # copy just in case
vals[:, 1] = np.sqrt(vals[:, 1])
return pd.DataFrame(vals, index=df_in.index, columns=["ndata", "sqrt(bias/variance)"])
def sqrt_experiments_bias_variance_ratio(experiments_bias_variance_ratio):
"""Like sqrt_datasets_bias_variance_ratio except for each experiment."""
return sqrt_datasets_bias_variance_ratio(experiments_bias_variance_ratio)
def total_bias_variance_ratio(
experiments_bias_variance_ratio, datasets_bias_variance_ratio, experiments_data
"""Combine datasets_bias_variance_ratio and experiments_bias_variance_ratio
into single table with MultiIndex of experiment and dataset.
exps_df_in = experiments_bias_variance_ratio.iloc[:-1] # Handle total separately
lvs = exps_df_in.index
# The explicit call to list is because pandas gets confused otherwise
expanded_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((list(lvs), ["Total"]))
exp_df = exps_df_in.set_index(expanded_index)
dset_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(
[str(experiment) for experiment in experiments_data for ds in experiment.datasets],
ds_df = datasets_bias_variance_ratio.set_index(dset_index)
dfs = []
for lv in lvs:
dfs.append(pd.concat((exp_df.loc[lv], ds_df.loc[lv]), copy=False, axis=0))
total_df = pd.DataFrame(
experiments_bias_variance_ratio.iloc[[-1]].values, columns=exp_df.columns, index=["Total"]
keys = [*lvs, "Total"]
res = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, keys=keys)
return res
def expected_xi_from_bias_variance(sqrt_experiments_bias_variance_ratio):
"""Given the ``sqrt_experiments_bias_variance_ratio`` calculate a predicted
value of :math:`\\xi_{1 \sigma}` for each experiment. The predicted value is based of
the assumption that the difference between replica and central prediction
and the difference between central prediction and underlying prediction are
both gaussians centered on zero.
For example, if sqrt(expected bias/expected variance) is 0.5, then we would
expect xi_{1 sigma} to be given by performing an integral of the
distribution of
diffs = (central - underlying predictions)
over the domain defined by the variance. In this case the sqrt(variance) is
twice as large as the sqrt(bias) which is the same as integrating a normal
distribution mean = 0, std = 1 over the interval [-2, 2], given by
integral = erf(2/sqrt(2))
where erf is the error function.
In general the equation is
integral = erf(sqrt(variance / (2*bias)))
df_in = sqrt_experiments_bias_variance_ratio
n_sigma_in_variance = 1 / df_in.values[:, -1, np.newaxis]
# pylint can't find erf here, disable error in this function
# pylint: disable=no-member
estimated_integral = special.erf(n_sigma_in_variance / np.sqrt(2))
return pd.DataFrame(
np.concatenate((df_in.values[:, 0, np.newaxis], estimated_integral), axis=1),
columns=["ndata", r"estimated $\xi_{1\sigma} \,$ from bias/variance"],
def fits_measured_xi(experiments_xi_measured, experiments_data):
r"""Tabulate the measure value of \xi_{1\sigma} for each experiment, as
calculated by data_xi (collected over experiments). Note that the mean is
taken across eigenvectors of the covariance matrix.
records = []
tot_xi = 0
tot_n = 0
for exp, xi in zip(experiments_data, experiments_xi_measured):
records.append(dict(experiment=str(exp), ndata=len(xi), xi=np.mean(xi)))
tot_xi += len(xi) * np.mean(xi)
tot_n += len(xi)
records.append(dict(experiment="Total", ndata=tot_n, xi=tot_xi / tot_n))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
records, index="experiment", columns=("experiment", "ndata", "xi")
df.columns = ["ndata", r"measured $\xi_{1\sigma}$"]
return df
def compare_measured_expected_xi(fits_measured_xi, expected_xi_from_bias_variance):
"""Table with measured xi and expected xi from bias/variance for each
experiment and total. For details on expected xi, see
expected_xi_from_bias_variance. For more details on measured xi see
# don't want ndata twice
df = pd.concat((fits_measured_xi, expected_xi_from_bias_variance.iloc[:, 1]), axis=1)
return df
def plot_dataset_xi(dataset_xi, dataset):
r"""For a given dataset, plot the value of \xi_{1 \sigma} for each eigenvector
of the covariance matrix, along with the expected value of \xi_{1 \sigma}
if the replicas distribution perfectly matches the central distribution
(0.68). In the legend include the mean across eigenvectors.
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
label=r"$\xi_{1\sigma}$ = " + f"{dataset_xi.mean():.2f}, from multifits",
ax.axhline(0.68, linestyle=":", color="k", label=r"$\xi_{1\sigma}$ " + "expected value")
ax.axhline(0.95, linestyle=":", color="r", label=r"$\xi_{2\sigma}$ " + "expected value")
ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
ax.set_xlabel("eigenvector index (ascending order)")
ax.set_title(r"$\xi_{1\sigma}$ for " + str(dataset))
return fig
def plot_dataset_xi_histogram(dataset_xi, dataset):
r"""For a given dataset, bin the values of \xi_{1 \sigma} for each eigenvector
of the covariance matrix, plot as a histogram with a vertical line for the
expected value: 0.68. In the legend print the mean and standard deviation
of the distribution.
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
r"$\xi_{1\sigma}$ = "
+ f"{dataset_xi.mean():.2f}, "
+ r"std($\xi_{1\sigma}$) = "
+ f"{dataset_xi.std():.2f}"
ax.axvline(0.68, linestyle=":", color="k", label=r"$\xi_{1\sigma}$ " + "expected value")
ax.set_xlim((0, 1))
ax.set_title("Histogram of " + r"$\xi^{i}_{1\sigma}$ for " + str(dataset))
return fig
def plot_data_xi(data_xi, data):
"""Like plot_dataset_xi except for all data. Can be used alongside
``group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment`` to plot for each experiment.
return plot_dataset_xi(data_xi, data)
def plot_data_xi_histogram(data_xi, data):
"""Like plot_dataset_xi_histogram but for all data. Can be used alongside
``group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment`` to plot for each experiment.
return plot_dataset_xi_histogram(data_xi, data)
def plot_data_central_diff_histogram(experiments_replica_central_diff):
"""Histogram of the difference between central prediction
and underlying law prediction normalised by the corresponding replica
standard deviation by concatenating the difference across all data. plot a
scaled gaussian for reference. Total xi is the number of central differences
which fall within the 1-sigma confidence interval of the scaled gaussian.
scaled_diffs = np.concatenate(
(central_diff / sigma).flatten()
for sigma, central_diff in experiments_replica_central_diff
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
ax.hist(scaled_diffs, bins=50, density=True, label="Central prediction distribution")
xlim = (-5, 5)
x = np.linspace(*xlim, 100)
ax.plot(x, scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x), "-k", label="Normal distribution")
ax.set_xlabel("Difference to underlying prediction")
return fig
def dataset_ratio_error_finite_effects(
bias_variance_resampling_dataset, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples
"""For a single dataset vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of expected bias and variance. For each combination of
n_rep and n_fit tabulate the std deviation across bootstrap samples of
ratio = bias / variance
The resulting table gives and approximation of how error varies with
number of fits and number of replicas for each dataset.
bias_samples, var_samples = bias_variance_resampling_dataset
ratio = bias_samples / var_samples
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
return pd.DataFrame(ratio.std(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
def total_ratio_error_finite_effects(
bias_variance_resampling_total, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples
"""Like dataset_ratio_relative_error_finite_effects except for the total
bias / variance (across all data).
return dataset_ratio_error_finite_effects(
bias_variance_resampling_total, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples
def total_ratio_means_finite_effects(
bias_variance_resampling_total, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples
"""Vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of expected bias and variance. For each combination of
n_rep and n_fit tabulate the the mean across bootstrap samples of
ratio = total bias / total variance
which can give context to `total_ratio_relative_error_finite_effects`.
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
bias_total, var_total = bias_variance_resampling_total
return pd.DataFrame((bias_total / var_total).mean(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
def dataset_xi_error_finite_effects(xi_resampling_dataset, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For a single dataset vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the mean of xi across datapoints (note that points
here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises the covmat) and then
tabulate the standard deviation of xi_1sigma across bootstrap samples.
means_xi_table = xi_resampling_dataset.mean(axis=-1)
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
return pd.DataFrame(means_xi_table.std(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
def dataset_xi_means_finite_effects(xi_resampling_dataset, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For a single dataset vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the mean of xi across datapoints (note that points
here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises the covmat) and then
tabulate the mean of xi_1sigma across bootstrap samples.
means_xi_table = xi_resampling_dataset.mean(axis=-1)
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
return pd.DataFrame(means_xi_table.mean(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
# NOTE: This action was written when trying to understand the finite size effects
# and is largely redundant.
def dataset_std_xi_error_finite_effects(xi_resampling_dataset, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For a single dataset vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the standard deviation of xi across datapoints
(note that points here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises the
covmat) and then tabulate the standard deviation of std(xi_1sigma) across
bootstrap samples.
means_xi_table = xi_resampling_dataset.std(axis=-1)
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
return pd.DataFrame(means_xi_table.std(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
def dataset_std_xi_means_finite_effects(xi_resampling_dataset, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For a single dataset vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the standard deviation of xi across datapoints
(note that points here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises the
covmat) and then tabulate the mean of std(xi_1sigma) across
bootstrap samples.
means_xi_table = xi_resampling_dataset.std(axis=-1)
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
return pd.DataFrame(means_xi_table.mean(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
def total_xi_error_finite_effects(total_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For all data vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the mean of xi across datapoints (note that points
here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises the covmat) and then
tabulate the standard deviation of xi_1sigma across bootstrap samples.
return dataset_xi_error_finite_effects(total_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples)
def total_xi_means_finite_effects(total_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For all data vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the mean of xi across datapoints (note that points
here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises the covmat) and then
tabulate the standard deviation of xi_1sigma across bootstrap samples.
return dataset_xi_means_finite_effects(total_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples)
def total_expected_xi_means_finite_effects(
total_expected_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples
"""Given the resampled ratio of bias/variance, returns table of mean of
resampled expected xi across bootstrap samples.
See `expected_xi_from_bias_variance` for more details on how to calculate
expected xi.
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
return pd.DataFrame(total_expected_xi_resample.mean(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
def total_expected_xi_error_finite_effects(
total_expected_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples
"""Given the resampled ratio of bias/variance, returns table of mean of
resampled expected xi across bootstrap samples.
See :py:func:`expected_xi_from_bias_variance` for more details on how to calculate
expected xi.
ind = pd.Index(n_replica_samples, name="n_rep samples")
col = pd.Index(n_fit_samples, name="n_fit samples")
return pd.DataFrame(total_expected_xi_resample.std(axis=2), index=ind, columns=col)
def total_std_xi_error_finite_effects(exps_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For all data vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the std deviation of xi across datapoints
(note that points here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises
the covmat) and then tabulate the mean of std(xi_1sigma) across bootstrap
xi_total = np.concatenate(exps_xi_resample, axis=-1)
return dataset_std_xi_error_finite_effects(xi_total, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples)
def total_std_xi_means_finite_effects(exps_xi_resample, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples):
"""For all data vary number of fits and number of replicas used to perform
bootstrap sample of xi. Take the std deviation of xi across datapoints
(note that points here refers to points in the basis which diagonalises the
covmat) and then tabulate the standard deviation of std(xi_1sigma) across
bootstrap samples.
xi_total = np.concatenate(exps_xi_resample, axis=-1)
return dataset_std_xi_means_finite_effects(xi_total, n_fit_samples, n_replica_samples)
def experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio_table(experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio, experiments_data):
"""Given experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio, which a bootstrap
resampling of the sqrt(bias/variance) for each experiment and the total
across all data, tabulate the mean and standard deviation across bootstrap
indices = list(map(str, experiments_data)) + ["Total"]
records = []
for i, exp in enumerate(indices):
ratio_boot = experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio[i]
mean_ratio=np.mean(ratio_boot, axis=0),
std_ratio=np.std(ratio_boot, axis=0),
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
records, index="experiment", columns=("experiment", "mean_ratio", "std_ratio")
df.columns = ["Bootstrap mean sqrt(bias/variance)", "Bootstrap std. dev. sqrt(bias/variance)"]
return df
def groups_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio_table(groups_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio, groups_data):
"""Like :py:func:`experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio_table` but for
metadata groups.
df = experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio_table(groups_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio, groups_data)
idx = df.index.rename("group")
return df.set_index(idx)
def experiments_bootstrap_expected_xi_table(experiments_bootstrap_expected_xi, experiments_data):
"""Tabulate the mean and standard deviation across bootstrap samples of the
expected xi calculated from the ratio of bias/variance. Returns a table with
two columns, for the bootstrap mean and standard deviation
and a row for each experiment plus the total across all experiments.
df = experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio_table(experiments_bootstrap_expected_xi, experiments_data)
# change the column headers
df.columns = [
r"Bootstrap mean expected $\xi_{1\sigma}$ from ratio",
r"Bootstrap std. dev. expected $\xi_{1\sigma}$ from ratio",
return df
def groups_bootstrap_expected_xi_table(groups_bootstrap_expected_xi, groups_data):
"""Like :py:func:`experiments_bootstrap_expected_xi_table` but for metadata
df = experiments_bootstrap_expected_xi_table(groups_bootstrap_expected_xi, groups_data)
idx = df.index.rename("group")
return df.set_index(idx)
def experiments_bootstrap_xi_table(experiments_bootstrap_xi, experiments_data, total_bootstrap_xi):
"""Tabulate the mean and standard deviation of xi_1sigma across bootstrap
samples. Note that the mean has already be taken across data points
(or eigenvectors in the basis which diagonalises the covariance
matrix) for each individual bootstrap sample.
Tabulate the results for each experiment and for the total xi across all data.
# take mean across data points for each experiment
xi_1sigma = [np.mean(exp_xi, axis=1) for exp_xi in experiments_bootstrap_xi]
# take mean across all data
xi_1sigma.append(np.mean(total_bootstrap_xi, axis=1))
df = experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio_table(xi_1sigma, experiments_data)
df.columns = [r"Bootstrap mean $\xi_{1\sigma}$", r"Bootstrap std. dev. $\xi_{1\sigma}$"]
return df
def groups_bootstrap_xi_table(groups_bootstrap_xi, groups_data, total_bootstrap_xi):
"""Like :py:func:`experiments_bootstrap_xi_table` but for metadata groups."""
df = experiments_bootstrap_xi_table(groups_bootstrap_xi, groups_data, total_bootstrap_xi)
idx = df.index.rename("group")
return df.set_index(idx)
def experiments_bootstrap_xi_comparison(
experiments_bootstrap_xi_table, experiments_bootstrap_expected_xi_table
"""Table comparing the mean and standard deviation across bootstrap samples of
the measured xi_1sigma and the expected xi_1sigma calculated from
return pd.concat(
(experiments_bootstrap_xi_table, experiments_bootstrap_expected_xi_table), axis=1
def groups_bootstrap_xi_comparison(groups_bootstrap_xi_table, groups_bootstrap_expected_xi_table):
"""Like :py:func:`experiments_bootstrap_xi_comparison` but for metadata
return experiments_bootstrap_xi_comparison(
groups_bootstrap_xi_table, groups_bootstrap_expected_xi_table
def plot_experiments_sqrt_ratio_bootstrap_distribution(
experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio, experiments_data
"""Plots a histogram for each experiment and the total, showing the
distribution of bootstrap samples. Takes the mean and std deviation of the
bootstrap sample and plots the corresponding scaled normal distribution
for comparison. The limits are set to be +/- 3 std deviations of the mean.
# experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio includes total. str(exp) is only used to
# generate title, so appending string is fine.
for sqrt_ratio_sample, exp in zip(
experiments_bootstrap_sqrt_ratio, experiments_data + ["Total"]
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
ax.hist(sqrt_ratio_sample, bins=20, density=True)
mean = np.mean(sqrt_ratio_sample)
std = np.std(sqrt_ratio_sample)
xlim = (mean - 3 * std, mean + 3 * std)
x = np.linspace(*xlim, 100)
scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x, mean, std),
label=f"Corresponding normal distribution: mean = {mean:.2g}, std = {std:.2g}",
ax.set_title(f"Bootstrap distribution of sqrt(bias/variance) for {exp}")
yield fig
def plot_experiments_xi_bootstrap_distribution(
experiments_bootstrap_xi, total_bootstrap_xi, experiments_data
"""Similar to :py:func:`plot_sqrt_ratio_bootstrap_distribution` except plots
the bootstrap distribution of xi_1sigma, along with a corresponding
scaled gaussian, for each experiment (and for all data).
# take mean across data points for each experiment
xi_1sigma = [np.mean(exp_xi, axis=1) for exp_xi in experiments_bootstrap_xi]
# take mean across all data
xi_1sigma.append(np.mean(total_bootstrap_xi, axis=1))
# use plotting function from above
xi_plots = plot_experiments_sqrt_ratio_bootstrap_distribution(xi_1sigma, experiments_data)
# Update the title and x label on each plot to reflect that we're plotting
# \xi_1sigma, don't forget Total plot.
for fig, exp in zip(xi_plots, experiments_data + ["Total"]):
ax = fig.gca()
ax.set_title(r"Bootstrap distribution of $\xi_{1\sigma}$ for " + str(exp))
yield fig
def plot_bias_variance_distributions(
experiments_fits_bias_replicas_variance_samples, group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment
"""For each experiment, plot the distribution across fits of bias
and the distribution across fits and replicas of
fit_rep_var = (E[g] - g)_i inv(cov)_ij (E[g] - g)_j
where g is the replica prediction for fit l, replica k and E[g] is the
mean across replicas of g for fit l.
for (exp_biases, exp_vars, _), group_spec in zip(
experiments_fits_bias_replicas_variance_samples, group_dataset_inputs_by_experiment
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
labels = ["fits bias distribution", "replicas variance distribution"]
ax.hist([exp_biases, exp_vars], density=True, label=labels)
ax.set_title(f"Bias and variance distributions for {group_spec['group_name']}.")
yield fig
total_bias, total_var, _ = np.sum(experiments_fits_bias_replicas_variance_samples, axis=0)
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
ax.hist([total_bias, total_var], density=True, label=labels)
ax.set_title("Total bias and variance distributions.")
yield fig
def xq2_data_prcs_maps(xq2_data_map, each_dataset):
Heat map of the ratio bias variance (and xi, quantile estimator) for each datapoint
in a dataset. The x and y axis are the x and Q2 coordinates of the datapoints.
The color of each point is determined by the value of the ratio bias variance (and xi, quantile estimator).
keys = ["std_devs", "xi"]
for j, elem in enumerate(xq2_data_map):
for k in keys:
if k == "std_devs":
title = r"$R_{bv}$"
if k == "xi":
title = r"$\xi$"
fig, ax = plotutils.subplots()
im = ax.scatter(
elem['x_coords'], elem['Q_coords'], c=(np.asarray(elem[k])), cmap='viridis'
fig.colorbar(im, label=title)
ax.set_xscale('log') # Set x-axis to log scale
ax.set_yscale('log') # Set y-axis to log scale
yield fig