Source code for validphys.checks

from collections import Counter
import logging
import platform
import tempfile

from matplotlib import scale as mscale

from reportengine.checks import CheckError, check, make_argcheck, make_check
from validphys import lhaindex
from validphys.core import CutsPolicy

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @make_check def check_use_t0(ns, **kwargs): """Checks use_t0 is set to true""" if not ns.get("use_t0"): raise CheckError("The flag 'use_t0' needs to be set to 'true' for this action.")
[docs] @make_check def check_pdf_is_montecarlo(ns, **kwargs): pdf = ns['pdf'] etype = pdf.error_type if etype != 'replicas': raise CheckError(f"Error type of PDF {pdf} must be 'replicas' and not {etype}")
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_pdf_is_montecarlo_or_hessian(pdf, **kwargs): etype = pdf.error_type check( etype in {'replicas', 'symmhessian', 'hessian'}, f"Error type of PDF {pdf} must be either 'replicas' or 'symmhessian' and not {etype}", )
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_pdf_is_hessian(pdf, **kwargs): etype = pdf.error_type check( etype in {'symmhessian', 'hessian'}, f"Error type of PDF {pdf} must be 'symmhessian' or 'hessian' and not '{etype}'", )
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_not_using_pdferr(use_pdferr=False, **kwargs): check( not use_pdferr, "The flag 'use_pdferr' must be `False` to use this function. This is to avoid including the PDF error in the uncertainty bars of the experimental datapoints.", )
[docs] @make_check def check_know_errors(ns, **kwargs): pdf = ns['pdf'] try: pdf.stats_class except NotImplementedError as e: raise CheckError(e) from e
[docs] @make_check def check_can_save_grid(ns, **kwags): if not ns['installgrid']: return write_path = lhaindex.get_lha_datapaths() try: tempfile.TemporaryFile(dir=write_path) except OSError as e: raise CheckError( f"""Cannot write to the LHAPDF path {write_path}." This is required because the 'installgrid' parameter is set to True: {e}""" )
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_xlimits(xmax, xmin): if not (0 <= xmin < xmax <= 1): raise CheckError(f'xmin ({xmin}) and xmax ({xmax}) must satisfy \n' '0 <= xmin < xmax <= 1')
[docs] @make_check def check_has_fitted_replicas(ns, **kwargs): name, path = ns['fit'] postfit_path = path / 'postfit' / 'postfit.log' old_postfit_path = path / 'nnfit' / 'postfit.log' if not postfit_path.exists(): if not old_postfit_path.exists(): raise CheckError( f"Fit {name} does not appear to be completed. " f"Expected to find file {postfit_path}" ) else: f"Cannot find postfit log at: {postfit_path}. " f"Falling back to old location: {old_postfit_path}" ) if not lhaindex.isinstalled(name): raise CheckError( f"The PDF corresponding to the fit, '{name}'" "needs to be installed in LHAPDF (i.e. copied to " f"{lhaindex.get_lha_datapath()})." )
[docs] def check_scale(scalename, allow_none=False): """Check that we have a valid matplotlib scale. With allow_none=True, also None is valid.""" @make_check def check(ns, *args, **kwargs): val = ns[scalename] if val is None and allow_none: return valid_scales = mscale.get_scale_names() if not val in valid_scales: e = CheckError( "Invalid plotting scale: %s" % scalename, bad_item=val, alternatives=valid_scales, display_alternatives='all', ) e.alternatives_header = "No such scale '%s'. The allowed values are:" raise e return check
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_cuts_fromfit(use_cuts): check(use_cuts == CutsPolicy.FROMFIT, f"Cuts must be fromfit, not {use_cuts.value}")
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_cuts_considered(use_cuts): if use_cuts == CutsPolicy.NOCUTS: raise CheckError( f"Cuts must be computed for this action, but they are set to {use_cuts.value}" )
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_dataset_cuts_match_theorycovmat(dataset, fitthcovmat): if fitthcovmat: ds_index = fitthcovmat.load().index.get_level_values(1) ncovmat = (ds_index == cuts = dataset.cuts if cuts: ndata = len(dataset.cuts.load()) else: ndata = dataset.commondata.ndata check(ndata == ncovmat)
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_data_cuts_match_theorycovmat(data, fitthcovmat): for dataset in data.datasets: if fitthcovmat: ds_index = fitthcovmat.load().index.get_level_values(1) ncovmat = (ds_index == cuts = dataset.cuts if cuts: ndata = len(dataset.cuts.load()) else: ndata = dataset.commondata.ndata check(ndata == ncovmat)
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_have_two_pdfs(pdfs): check(len(pdfs) == 2, 'Expecting exactly two pdfs.')
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_at_least_two_replicas(pdf): # The get_members function also includes the central value replica, # therefore we need it to be larger than 3 check(pdf.get_members() >= 3, 'Expecting at least two replicas.')
# The indexing to one instead of zero is so that we can be consistent with # how plot_fancy works, so normalize_to: 1 would normalize to the first pdf # for both.
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_pdf_normalize_to(pdfs, normalize_to): """Transforn normalize_to into an index.""" msg = "normalize_to should be, a pdf id or an index of the pdf (starting from one)" if normalize_to is None: return names = [ for pdf in pdfs] if isinstance(normalize_to, int): normalize_to -= 1 if not normalize_to < len(names) or normalize_to < 0: raise CheckError(msg) return {'normalize_to': normalize_to} if isinstance(normalize_to, str): try: normalize_to = names.index(normalize_to) except ValueError: raise CheckError(msg, normalize_to, alternatives=names) return {'normalize_to': normalize_to} raise RuntimeError("Should not be here")
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_pdfs_noband(pdfs, pdfs_noband): """Allows pdfs_noband to be specified as a list of PDF IDs or a list of PDF indexes (starting from one).""" msg = ( "pdfs_noband should be a list of PDF IDs (strings) or a list of " "PDF indexes (integers, starting from one)" ) msg_range = ( "At least one of your pdf_noband indexes is out of range. " "Note that pdf_noband indexing starts at 1, not 0." ) if pdfs_noband is None: return names = [ for pdf in pdfs] # A list to which PDF IDs can be added, when the PDF is specified by either # its PDF ID (i.e. a string) or an index (i.e. an int) pdfs_noband_combined = [] for pdf_noband in pdfs_noband: if isinstance(pdf_noband, int): if not pdf_noband <= len(names) or pdf_noband < 0: raise CheckError(msg_range) # Convert PDF index to list index (i.e. starting from zero) pdf_noband -= 1 pdfs_noband_combined.append(pdfs[pdf_noband]) elif isinstance(pdf_noband, str): try: pdf_index = names.index(pdf_noband) pdfs_noband_combined.append(pdfs[pdf_index]) except ValueError: raise CheckError(msg, pdf_noband, alternatives=names) else: raise CheckError(msg) return {'pdfs_noband': pdfs_noband_combined}
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_mixband_as_replicas(pdfs, mixband_as_replicas): """Same as check_pdfs_noband, but for the mixband_as_replicas key. Allows mixband_as_replicas to be specified as a list of PDF IDs or a list of PDF indexes (starting from one).""" msg = ( "mixband_as_replicas should be a list of PDF IDs (strings) or a list of " "PDF indexes (integers, starting from one)" ) msg_range = ( "At least one of the choices in mixband_as_replicas indexes is out of range. " "Note that pdf_noband indexing starts at 1, not 0." ) if mixband_as_replicas is None: return {'mixband_as_replicas': []} names = [ for pdf in pdfs] # A list to which PDF IDs can be added, when the PDF is specified by either # its PDF ID (i.e. a string) or an index (i.e. an int) mixband_as_replicas_combined = [] for pdf_noband in mixband_as_replicas: if isinstance(pdf_noband, int): if not pdf_noband <= len(names) or pdf_noband < 0: raise CheckError(msg_range) # Convert PDF index to list index (i.e. starting from zero) pdf_noband -= 1 mixband_as_replicas_combined.append(pdfs[pdf_noband]) elif isinstance(pdf_noband, str): try: pdf_index = names.index(pdf_noband) mixband_as_replicas_combined.append(pdfs[pdf_index]) except ValueError: raise CheckError(msg, pdf_noband, alternatives=names) else: raise CheckError(msg) return {'mixband_as_replicas': mixband_as_replicas_combined}
def _check_list_different(l, name): strs = [str(item) for item in l] if not len(set(strs)) == len(l): counter = Counter(strs) duplicates = [k for k, v in counter.items() if v > 1] raise CheckError(f"{name} must be all different but there are duplicates: {duplicates}")
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_fits_different(fits): """Need this check because oterwise the pandas object gets confused""" return _check_list_different(fits, 'fits')
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_dataspecs_fits_different(dataspecs_fit): """Need this check because oterwise the pandas object gets confused""" return _check_list_different(dataspecs_fit, 'fits')
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_speclabels_different(dataspecs_speclabel): """This is needed for grouping dataframes (and because generally indecated a bug)""" return _check_list_different(dataspecs_speclabel, 'dataspecs_speclabel')
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_two_dataspecs(dataspecs): l = len(dataspecs) check(l == 2, f"Expecting exactly 2 dataspecs, not {l}")
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_norm_threshold(norm_threshold): """Check norm_threshold is not None""" check(norm_threshold is not None)
[docs] @make_argcheck def check_darwin_single_process(NPROC): """Check that if we are on macOS (platform is Darwin), NPROC is equal to 1. This is related to the infamous issues with multiprocessing on macOS. The "solution" is to run the code sequentially if NPROC is 1 and enforce that macOS users don't set NPROC as anything else. TODO: Once pseudodata is generated in python, try using spawn instead of fork with multiprocessing. Notes -------- for the specific NNPDF issue: General discussion: """ if platform.system() == "Darwin" and NPROC != 1: raise CheckError("NPROC must be set to 1 on OSX, because multithreading is not supported.")