# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tools for computing and plotting asymptotic exponents.
import logging
import numbers
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from reportengine import collect
from reportengine.checks import check_positive
from reportengine.figure import figuregen
from reportengine.floatformatting import format_number
from reportengine.table import table
from validphys.checks import check_pdf_normalize_to, check_xlimits, make_argcheck
from validphys.core import PDF
from validphys.pdfbases import Basis, check_basis
import validphys.pdfgrids as pdfgrids
from validphys.pdfplots import BandPDFPlotter, PDFPlotter
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def alpha_asy(
pdf: PDF,
xmin: numbers.Real = 1e-6,
xmax: numbers.Real = 1e-3,
npoints: int = 100,
Q: numbers.Real = 1.65,
basis: (str, Basis),
flavours: (list, tuple, type(None)) = None,
"""Returns a list of xplotting_grids containing the value of the asymptotic
exponent alpha, as defined by the first relationship in Eq. (4) of
[arXiv:1604.00024], at the specified value of Q (in GeV), in the interval [xmin, xmax].
basis: Is one of the bases defined in pdfbases.py. This includes 'flavour'
and 'evolution'.
flavours: A set of elements from the basis.
If None, the defaults for that basis will be selected.
npoints: the number of sub-intervals in the range [xmin, xmax] on which the
derivative is computed.
# Loading the filter map of the fit/PDF
checked = check_basis(basis, flavours)
basis = checked['basis']
flavours = checked['flavours']
if npoints == 2:
xGrid = np.array([xmin, xmax])
xGrid = pdfgrids.xgrid(xmin, xmax, 'log', npoints)
pdfGrid = pdfgrids.xplotting_grid(pdf, Q, xgrid=xGrid, basis=basis, flavours=flavours)
pdfGrid_values = pdfGrid.grid_values.data
# NOTE: without this I get "setting an array element with a sequence"
xGrid = pdfGrid.xgrid
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
dx = np.log(xGrid[1]) - np.log(xGrid[0])
alphaGrid_values = -np.log(abs(pdfGrid_values))
alphaGrid_values = np.gradient(alphaGrid_values, dx, axis=2, edge_order=2)
alphaGrid_values[alphaGrid_values == -np.inf] = np.nan # when PDF_i =0
alphaGrid = pdfGrid.copy_grid(grid_values=pdf.stats_class(alphaGrid_values))
return alphaGrid
def beta_asy(
xmin: numbers.Real = 0.6,
xmax: numbers.Real = 0.9,
npoints: int = 100,
Q: numbers.Real = 1.65,
basis: (str, Basis),
flavours: (list, tuple, type(None)) = None,
"""Returns a list of xplotting_grids containing the value of the asymptotic
exponent beta, as defined by the second relationship in Eq. (4) of
[arXiv:1604.00024], at the specified value of Q (in GeV), in the interval [xmin, xmax].
basis: Is one of the bases defined in pdfbases.py. This includes 'flavour'
and 'evolution'.
flavours: A set of elements from the basis.
If None, the defaults for that basis will be selected.
npoints: the number of sub-intervals in the range [xmin, xmax] on which the
derivative is computed.
checked = check_basis(basis, flavours)
basis = checked['basis']
flavours = checked['flavours']
if npoints == 2:
xGrid = np.array([xmin, xmax])
xGrid = pdfgrids.xgrid(xmin, xmax, 'linear', npoints)
pdfGrid = pdfgrids.xplotting_grid(pdf, Q, xgrid=xGrid, basis=basis, flavours=flavours)
pdfGrid_values = pdfGrid.grid_values.data
# NOTE: without this I get "setting an array element with a sequence"
xGrid = pdfGrid.xgrid
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
dx = xGrid[1] - xGrid[0]
betaGrid_values = np.log(abs(pdfGrid_values))
betaGrid_values = (xGrid - 1.0) * np.gradient(betaGrid_values, dx, axis=2, edge_order=2)
betaGrid_values[betaGrid_values == -np.inf] = np.nan # when PDF_i =0
betaGrid = pdfGrid.copy_grid(grid_values=pdf.stats_class(betaGrid_values))
return betaGrid
[docs]class AsyExponentBandPlotter(BandPDFPlotter):
"""Class inheriting from BandPDFPlotter, changing title and ylabel to reflect the asymptotic
exponent being plotted.
def __init__(self, exponent, *args, **kwargs):
self.exponent = exponent
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_title(self, parton_name):
return fr"$\{self.exponent}_a$ for ${parton_name}$ at {format_number(self.Q, 3)} GeV"
[docs] def get_ylabel(self, parton_name):
if self.normalize_to is not None:
return "Ratio to {}".format(self.normalize_pdf.label)
return fr"$\{self.exponent}_a$ for ${parton_name}$"
alpha_asy_pdfs = collect('alpha_asy', ('pdfs',))
def plot_alpha_asy(
normalize_to: (int, str, type(None)) = None,
"""Plots the alpha asymptotic exponent"""
yield from AsyExponentBandPlotter(
'alpha', pdfs, alpha_asy_pdfs, 'log', normalize_to, ybottom, ytop
beta_asy_pdfs = collect('beta_asy', ('pdfs',))
def plot_beta_asy(
normalize_to: (int, str, type(None)) = None,
"""Plots the beta asymptotic exponent"""
yield from AsyExponentBandPlotter(
'beta', pdfs, beta_asy_pdfs, 'linear', normalize_to, ybottom, ytop
def asymptotic_exponents_table(
pdf: PDF,
x_alpha: numbers.Real = 1e-6,
x_beta: numbers.Real = 0.90,
Q: numbers.Real = 1.65,
basis: (str, Basis),
flavours: (list, tuple, type(None)) = None,
"""Returns a table with the values of the asymptotic exponents alpha and beta, as defined
in Eq. (4) of [arXiv:1604.00024], at the specified value of x and Q.
basis: Is one of the bases defined in pdfbases.py. This includes 'flavour'
and 'evolution'.
flavours: A set of elements from the basis.
If None, the defaults for that basis will be selected.
npoints: the number of sub-intervals in the range [xmin, xmax] on which the
derivative is computed.
alpha_a = alpha_asy(
pdf, xmin=x_alpha, xmax=1e-3, npoints=npoints, Q=Q, basis=basis, flavours=flavours
beta_a = beta_asy(
pdf, xmin=0.60, xmax=x_beta, npoints=npoints, Q=Q, basis=basis, flavours=flavours
alphastats = alpha_a.grid_values
betastats = beta_a.grid_values
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
alpha_cv = alphastats.central_value()
beta_cv = betastats.central_value()
alpha_er = alphastats.std_error()
beta_er = betastats.std_error()
alpha_68 = alphastats.errorbar68()
beta_68 = betastats.errorbar68()
flavours_label = []
asy_exp_mean = []
asy_exp_err = []
asy_exp_min = []
asy_exp_max = []
for j, fl in enumerate(flavours):
asy_exp_mean.extend((alpha_cv[j, 0], beta_cv[j, -1]))
asy_exp_err.extend((alpha_er[j, 0], beta_er[j, -1]))
asy_exp_min.extend((alpha_68[0][j, 0], beta_68[0][j, -1]))
asy_exp_max.extend((alpha_68[1][j, 0], beta_68[1][j, -1]))
asy_exp_data = {
"mean": asy_exp_mean,
"std": asy_exp_err,
"min(68% CL)": asy_exp_min,
"max(68% CL)": asy_exp_max,
ind = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([flavours_label, [r"$\alpha$", r"$\beta$"]])
df = pd.DataFrame(
asy_exp_data, index=ind, columns=["mean", "std", "min(68% CL)", "max(68% CL)"]
return df