Source code for n3fit.tests.test_penalties

    Test the penalties for n3fit hyperopt
from types import SimpleNamespace

from n3fit.hyper_optimization.penalties import integrability, patience, saturation
from n3fit.model_gen import generate_pdf_model

[docs]def test_saturation(): """Check that the saturation penalty runs and returns a float""" fake_fl = [ {"fl": i, "largex": [0, 1], "smallx": [1, 2]} for i in ["u", "ubar", "d", "dbar", "c", "g", "s", "sbar"] ] pdf_model = generate_pdf_model( nodes=[8], activations=["linear"], seed=0, flav_info=fake_fl, fitbasis="FLAVOUR" ) assert isinstance(saturation(pdf_model, 5)[0], float)
[docs]def test_patience(): """Check that the patience penalty runs and returns a float""" fake_stopping = SimpleNamespace( e_best_chi2=1000, stopping_patience=500, total_epochs=5000, vl_chi2=2.42 ) res = patience(stopping_object=fake_stopping, alpha=1e-4) assert isinstance(res, float)
[docs]def test_integrability_numbers(): """Check that the integrability penalty runs and returns a float""" fake_fl = [ {"fl": i, "largex": [0, 1], "smallx": [1, 2]} for i in ["u", "ubar", "d", "dbar", "c", "g", "s", "sbar"] ] pdf_model = generate_pdf_model( nodes=[8], activations=["linear"], seed=0, flav_info=fake_fl, fitbasis="FLAVOUR" ) assert isinstance(integrability(pdf_model), float)