Source code for n3fit.tests.test_modelgen

    Test for the model generation

    These tests check that the generated NN are as expected
    It checks that both the number of layers and the shape
    of the weights of the layers are what is expected
from n3fit.backends import NN_PREFIX
from n3fit.model_gen import generate_nn

OUT_SIZES = (4, 3)

    "nodes_in": INSIZE,
    "nodes": OUT_SIZES,
    "activations": ["sigmoid", "tanh"],
    "initializer_name": "glorot_uniform",
    "replica_seeds": [0],
    "dropout": 0.0,
    "regularizer": None,
    "regularizer_args": {},
    "last_layer_nodes": BASIS_SIZE,

[docs]def test_generate_dense_network(): nn = generate_nn("dense", **COMMON_ARGS) # The number of layers should be input layer + len(OUT_SIZES) assert len(nn.layers) == len(OUT_SIZES) + 1 # Check that the number of parameters is as expected expected_sizes = [ (1, INSIZE, OUT_SIZES[0]), (1, 1, OUT_SIZES[0]), (1, *OUT_SIZES), (1, 1, OUT_SIZES[1]), ] for weight, esize in zip(nn.weights, expected_sizes): assert weight.shape == esize
[docs]def test_generate_dense_per_flavour_network(): nn = generate_nn("dense_per_flavour", **COMMON_ARGS).get_layer(f"{NN_PREFIX}_0") # The number of layers should be input + BASIS_SIZE*len(OUT_SIZES) + concatenate assert len(nn.layers) == BASIS_SIZE * len(OUT_SIZES) + 2 # The shape for this network of denses for flavours will depend on the basis_size expected_sizes = [] expected_sizes += BASIS_SIZE * [(INSIZE, OUT_SIZES[0]), (OUT_SIZES[0],)] expected_sizes += BASIS_SIZE * [(OUT_SIZES[0], 1), (1,)] for weight, esize in zip(nn.weights, expected_sizes): assert weight.shape == esize