Tests for the layers of n3fit
This module checks that the layers do what they would do with numpy
import dataclasses
import numpy as np
from n3fit.backends import operations as op
import n3fit.layers as layers
from validphys.loader import Loader
from validphys.pdfbases import fitbasis_to_NN31IC
"dataset_name": "NULL",
"operation_name": "NULL",
"nfl": FLAVS,
"boundary_condition": None,
class _fake_FKTableData:
"""Fake validphys.coredata.FKTableData to be used in the tests"""
fktable: np.array
luminosity_mapping: np.array
xgrid: np.array
convolution_types: tuple = ("UnpolPDF",)
def hadronic(self):
return len(self.convolution_types) == 2
# Helper functions
# Generate an FK table, PDF and combinations list for DIS
def generate_DIS(nfk=1):
fktables = []
for _ in range(nfk):
fk, comb = generate_input_DIS(
flavs=FLAVS, xsize=XSIZE, ndata=NDATA, n_combinations=FLAVS - 1
fktables.append(_fake_FKTableData(fk, comb, np.ones((1, XSIZE))))
return fktables
def generate_had(nfk=1):
fktables = []
for _ in range(nfk):
fk, comb = generate_input_had(flavs=FLAVS, xsize=XSIZE, ndata=NDATA, n_combinations=FLAVS)
fk, comb, np.ones((1, XSIZE)), convolution_types=("UnpolPDF", "UnpolPDF")
return fktables
# Tests
def test_DIS_basis():
fktables = generate_DIS(2)
fks = [i.fktable for i in fktables]
obs_layer = layers.DIS(fktables, fks, **PARAMS)
# Get the masks from the layer
all_masks = obs_layer.all_masks
for result, fk in zip(all_masks, fktables):
comb = fk.luminosity_mapping
# Compute the basis with numpy
reference = np.zeros(FLAVS, dtype=bool)
for i in comb:
reference[i] = True
assert np.alltrue(result == reference)
def test_DY_basis():
fktables = generate_had(2)
fks = [i.fktable for i in fktables]
obs_layer = layers.DY(fktables, fks, **PARAMS)
# Get the mask from the layer
all_masks = obs_layer.all_masks
for result, fk in zip(all_masks, fktables):
comb = fk.luminosity_mapping
reference = np.zeros((FLAVS, FLAVS))
for i, j in comb:
reference[i, j] = True
assert np.alltrue(result == reference)
def test_DIS():
tests = [(2, "ADD"), (1, "NULL")]
for nfk, ope in tests:
# Input values
kwargs = dict(PARAMS)
kwargs["operation_name"] = ope
fktables = generate_DIS(nfk)
fks = [i.fktable for i in fktables]
obs_layer = layers.DIS(fktables, fks, **kwargs)
pdf = np.random.rand(XSIZE, FLAVS)
kp = op.numpy_to_tensor([[pdf]]) # add batch and replica dimension
# generate the n3fit results
result_tensor = obs_layer(kp)
result = op.tensor_to_numpy_or_python(result_tensor)
# Compute the numpy version of this layer
all_masks = obs_layer.all_masks
if len(all_masks) < nfk:
all_masks *= nfk
reference = 0
for fktabledata, mask in zip(fktables, all_masks):
fk = fktabledata.fktable
pdf_masked = pdf.T[mask.numpy()].T
reference += np.tensordot(fk, pdf_masked, axes=[[2, 1], [0, 1]])
assert np.allclose(result, reference, THRESHOLD)
def test_DY():
tests = [(2, "ADD"), (1, "NULL")]
for nfk, ope in tests:
# Input values
kwargs = dict(PARAMS)
kwargs["operation_name"] = ope
fktables = generate_had(nfk)
fks = [i.fktable for i in fktables]
obs_layer = layers.DY(fktables, fks, **kwargs)
pdf = np.random.rand(XSIZE, FLAVS)
kp = op.numpy_to_tensor([[pdf]]) # add batch and replica dimension
# generate the n3fit results
result_tensor = obs_layer(kp)
result = op.tensor_to_numpy_or_python(result_tensor)
# Compute the numpy version of this layer
all_masks = obs_layer.all_masks
if len(all_masks) < nfk:
all_masks *= nfk
reference = 0
for fktabledata, mask in zip(fktables, all_masks):
fk = fktabledata.fktable
lumi = np.tensordot(pdf, pdf, axes=0)
lumi_perm = np.moveaxis(lumi, [1, 3], [0, 1])
lumi_masked = lumi_perm[mask.numpy()]
reference += np.tensordot(fk, lumi_masked, axes=3)
assert np.allclose(result, reference, THRESHOLD)
def test_rotation_flavour():
# Input dictionary to build the rotation matrix using vp2 functions
flav_info = [
{"fl": "u"},
{"fl": "ubar"},
{"fl": "d"},
{"fl": "dbar"},
{"fl": "s"},
{"fl": "sbar"},
{"fl": "c"},
{"fl": "g"},
# Apply the rotation using numpy tensordot
pdf = np.ones(8) # Vector in the flavour basis v_i
pdf = np.expand_dims(pdf, axis=[0, 1, 2]) # Add batch, replica, x dimensions
mat = fitbasis_to_NN31IC(flav_info, "FLAVOUR") # Rotation matrix R_ij, i=flavour, j=evolution
res_np = np.tensordot(pdf, mat, (3, 0)) # Vector in the evolution basis u_j=R_ij*vi
# Apply the rotation through the rotation layer
pdf = op.numpy_to_tensor(pdf)
rotmat = layers.FlavourToEvolution(flav_info, "FLAVOUR")
res_layer = rotmat(pdf)
assert np.alltrue(res_np == res_layer)
def test_rotation_evol():
# Input dictionary to build the rotation matrix using vp2 functions
flav_info = [
{"fl": "sng"},
{"fl": "v"},
{"fl": "v3"},
{"fl": "v8"},
{"fl": "t3"},
{"fl": "t8"},
{"fl": "t15"},
{"fl": "g"},
# Apply the rotation using numpy tensordot
pdf = np.ones(8) # Vector in the flavour basis v_i
pdf = np.expand_dims(pdf, axis=[0, 1, 2]) # Add batch, replica, x dimensions
mat = fitbasis_to_NN31IC(flav_info, "EVOL") # Rotation matrix R_ij, i=flavour, j=evolution
res_np = np.tensordot(pdf, mat, (3, 0)) # Vector in the evolution basis u_j=R_ij*vi
# Apply the rotation through the rotation layer
pdf = op.numpy_to_tensor(pdf)
rotmat = layers.FlavourToEvolution(flav_info, "EVOL")
res_layer = rotmat(pdf)
assert np.alltrue(res_np == res_layer)
def test_mask():
"""Test the mask layer"""
batch_size, replicas, points = 1, 1, 100
shape = (batch_size, replicas, points)
fi = np.random.rand(*shape)
# Check that the multiplier works
vals = [0.0, 2.0, np.random.rand()]
for val in vals:
masker = layers.Mask(c=val)
ret = masker(fi)
np.testing.assert_allclose(ret, val * fi, rtol=1e-5)
# Check that the boolean works
np_mask = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=shape[1:], dtype=bool)
masker = layers.Mask(bool_mask=np_mask)
ret = masker(fi)
masked_fi = fi[np.newaxis, :, np_mask]
np.testing.assert_allclose(ret, masked_fi, rtol=1e-5)
# Check that the combination works!
rn_val = vals[-1]
masker = layers.Mask(bool_mask=np_mask, c=rn_val)
ret = masker(fi)
np.testing.assert_allclose(ret, masked_fi * rn_val, rtol=1e-5)
def test_addphoton_init():
"""Test AddPhoton class."""
addphoton = layers.AddPhoton(photons=None)
np.testing.assert_equal(addphoton._photons_generator, None)
addphoton = layers.AddPhoton(photons=1234)
np.testing.assert_equal(addphoton._photons_generator, 1234)
np.testing.assert_equal(addphoton._pdf_ph, None)
class FakePhoton:
def __call__(self, xgrid):
return [np.exp(-xgrid)]
def test_compute_photon():
photon = FakePhoton()
addphoton = layers.AddPhoton(photons=photon)
xgrid = np.geomspace(1e-4, 1.0, 10)
np.testing.assert_allclose(addphoton._pdf_ph, [np.exp(-xgrid)])
def test_computation_bc():
"""Test the computation of the boundary conditions."""
n_replicas = 25
xgrid = np.geomspace(1e-4, 1.0, num=100)
pdf = Loader().check_pdf("NNPDF40_nnlo_as_01180")
respdf_bc = layers.observable.compute_pdf_boundary(
pdf=pdf, q0_value=10.0, xgrid=xgrid, n_std=0.0, n_replicas=n_replicas
exp_shape = [1, n_replicas, xgrid.size, 14] # (batch, replicas, x, flavours)
np.testing.assert_allclose(respdf_bc.shape.as_list(), exp_shape)