Source code for n3fit.scripts.vp_setupfit

#!/usr/bin/env python
    setup-fit - prepare and apply data cuts before fit
    setup-fit constructs the fit [results] folder where data used by nnfit
    will be stored.

# Implementation notes
# This is a validphys-like app in disguise. It takes an nnfit runcard and adds
# a fixed list of actions and some associated resourced to it so as to make it
# a proper validphys runcard. These config options are defined in the
# SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG mapping below. Similarly, defult options are specified
# Extensions to the setup procedure can be implemented by adding suitable
# actions_ to the mapping (making sure that they are executed in the right
# namespace that pulls all the required resources from the fit runcard),
# together with the additional non variable resources required by said actions
# (such as `use_cuts: "internal"`) in the current code. vp-setupfit also gets
# its own provider modules, so you may need to add the modules of your actions
# The state of the output folder must be such that the nnfit code can be run on
# top.

import hashlib
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import sys
import warnings

from reportengine import colors
from reportengine.compat import yaml
from import App
from validphys.config import Config, ConfigError, Environment, EnvironmentError_

        'datacuts check_t0pdfset',
        'theory check_positivity',



log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MD5_FILENAME = "md5"
INPUT_FOLDER = "input"

[docs]class SetupFitError(Exception): """Exception raised when setup-fit cannot succeed and knows why""" pass
[docs]class SetupFitEnvironment(Environment): """Container for information to be filled at run time"""
[docs] def init_output(self): # check file exists, is a file, has extension. if not self.config_yml.exists(): raise SetupFitError("Invalid runcard. File not found.") else: if not self.config_yml.is_file(): raise SetupFitError("Invalid runcard. Must be a file.") # check if results folder exists self.output_path = pathlib.Path(self.output_path).absolute() if self.output_path.is_dir(): log.warning(f"Output folder exists: {self.output_path} Overwriting contents") else: if not re.fullmatch(r'[\w\-]+', raise SetupFitError("Invalid output folder name. Must be alphanumeric.") try: self.output_path.mkdir() except OSError as e: raise EnvironmentError_(e) from e try: shutil.copy2(self.config_yml, self.output_path / RUNCARD_COPY_FILENAME) except shutil.SameFileError: pass except Exception as e: raise EnvironmentError_(e) from e # create output folder self.filter_path = self.output_path / FILTER_OUTPUT_FOLDER self.filter_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.table_folder = self.output_path / TABLE_OUTPUT_FOLDER self.table_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # put lockfile input inside of filter output self.input_folder = self.filter_path / INPUT_FOLDER self.input_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
[docs] def save_md5(self): """Generate md5 key from file""" output_filename = self.output_path / MD5_FILENAME with open(self.config_yml, 'rb') as f: hash_md5 = hashlib.md5( with open(output_filename, 'w') as g: g.write(hash_md5)"md5 {hash_md5} stored in {output_filename}")
[docs] @classmethod def ns_dump_description(cls): return {'filter_path': "The filter output folder", **super().ns_dump_description()}
[docs]class SetupFitConfig(Config): """Specialization for yaml parsing"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, o, *args, **kwargs): try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', yaml.error.MantissaNoDotYAML1_1Warning) # We need to specify the older version 1.1 to support the # older configuration files, which liked to use on/off for # booleans. # The floating point parsing yields warnings everywhere, which # we suppress. file_content = yaml.safe_load(o, version='1.1') except yaml.error.YAMLError as e: raise ConfigError(f"Failed to parse yaml file: {e}") if not isinstance(file_content, dict): raise ConfigError( f"Expecting input runcard to be a mapping, " f"not '{type(file_content)}'." ) if file_content.get('closuretest') is not None: filter_action = 'datacuts::closuretest::theory::fitting filter' check_n3fit_action = 'datacuts::theory::closuretest::fitting n3fit_checks_action' else: filter_action = 'datacuts::theory::fitting filter' check_n3fit_action = 'datacuts::theory::fitting n3fit_checks_action' SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'] += [check_n3fit_action, filter_action] if file_content.get('theorycovmatconfig') is not None: SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append( 'datacuts::theory::theorycovmatconfig nnfit_theory_covmat' ) if file_content.get('fiatlux') is not None: SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append('fiatlux check_luxset') if file_content.get('fiatlux')["additional_errors"]: SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append('fiatlux check_additional_errors') if file_content.get('positivity_bound') is not None: SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append('positivity_bound check_unpolarized_bc') for k, v in SETUPFIT_DEFAULTS.items(): file_content.setdefault(k, v) file_content.update(SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG) return cls(file_content, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SetupFitApp(App): """The class which parsers and perform the filtering""" environment_class = SetupFitEnvironment config_class = SetupFitConfig def __init__(self): super(SetupFitApp, self).__init__(name='setup-fit', providers=SETUPFIT_PROVIDERS) @property def argparser(self): parser = super().argparser parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help="Output folder and name of the fit", default=None ) return parser
[docs] def get_commandline_arguments(self, cmdline=None): args = super().get_commandline_arguments(cmdline) if args['output'] is None: args['output'] = pathlib.Path(args['config_yml']).stem return args
[docs] def run(self): try: # set folder output name self.environment.config_yml = pathlib.Path(self.args['config_yml']).absolute() # proceed with default run super().run() # if succeeded print md5 self.environment.save_md5() except SetupFitError as e: log.error(f"Error in setup-fit:\n{e}") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: log.critical(f"Bug in setup-fit ocurred. Please report it.") print(colors.color_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def main(): a = SetupFitApp() a.main()