Source code for n3fit.scripts.vp_setupfit

#!/usr/bin/env python
    setup-fit - prepare and apply data cuts before fit
    setup-fit constructs the fit [results] folder where data used by nnfit
    will be stored.

# Implementation notes
# This is a validphys-like app in disguise. It takes an nnfit runcard and adds
# a fixed list of actions and some associated resourced to it so as to make it
# a proper validphys runcard. These config options are defined in the
# SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG mapping below. Similarly, defult options are specified
# Extensions to the setup procedure can be implemented by adding suitable
# actions_ to the mapping (making sure that they are executed in the right
# namespace that pulls all the required resources from the fit runcard),
# together with the additional non variable resources required by said actions
# (such as `use_cuts: "internal"`) in the current code. vp-setupfit also gets
# its own provider modules, so you may need to add the modules of your actions
# The state of the output folder must be such that the nnfit code can be run on
# top.

import hashlib
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import sys

from ruamel.yaml import error

from reportengine import colors
from import App
from validphys.config import Config, ConfigError, Environment, EnvironmentError_
from validphys.utils import yaml_safe

        'datacuts check_t0pdfset',
        'theory check_positivity',
        'theory evolven3fit_checks_action',


SETUPFIT_DEFAULTS = dict(use_cuts='internal')

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MD5_FILENAME = "md5"
INPUT_FOLDER = "input"

[docs] class SetupFitError(Exception): """Exception raised when setup-fit cannot succeed and knows why"""
[docs] class SetupFitEnvironment(Environment): """Container for information to be filled at run time"""
[docs] def init_output(self): # check file exists, is a file, has extension. if not self.config_yml.exists(): raise SetupFitError("Invalid runcard. File not found.") else: if not self.config_yml.is_file(): raise SetupFitError("Invalid runcard. Must be a file.") # check if results folder exists self.output_path = pathlib.Path(self.output_path).absolute() if self.output_path.is_dir(): log.warning(f"Output folder exists: {self.output_path} Overwriting contents") else: if not re.fullmatch(r'[\w\-]+', raise SetupFitError("Invalid output folder name. Must be alphanumeric.") try: self.output_path.mkdir() except OSError as e: raise EnvironmentError_(e) from e try: shutil.copy2(self.config_yml, self.output_path / RUNCARD_COPY_FILENAME) except shutil.SameFileError: pass except Exception as e: raise EnvironmentError_(e) from e # create output folder self.filter_path = self.output_path / FILTER_OUTPUT_FOLDER self.filter_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.table_folder = self.output_path / TABLE_OUTPUT_FOLDER self.table_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # put lockfile input inside of filter output self.input_folder = self.filter_path / INPUT_FOLDER self.input_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
[docs] def save_md5(self): """Generate md5 key from file""" output_filename = self.output_path / MD5_FILENAME with open(self.config_yml, 'rb') as f: hash_md5 = hashlib.md5( with open(output_filename, 'w') as g: g.write(hash_md5)"md5 {hash_md5} stored in {output_filename}")
[docs] @classmethod def ns_dump_description(cls): return {'filter_path': "The filter output folder", **super().ns_dump_description()}
[docs] class SetupFitConfig(Config): """Specialization for yaml parsing"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, o, *args, **kwargs): try: file_content = yaml_safe.load(o) except error.YAMLError as e: raise ConfigError(f"Failed to parse yaml file: {e}") if not isinstance(file_content, dict): raise ConfigError( f"Expecting input runcard to be a mapping, " f"not '{type(file_content)}'." ) if file_content.get('closuretest') is not None: filter_action = 'datacuts::closuretest::theory::fitting filter' check_n3fit_action = 'datacuts::theory::closuretest::fitting n3fit_checks_action' else: filter_action = 'datacuts::theory::fitting filter' check_n3fit_action = 'datacuts::theory::fitting n3fit_checks_action' SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'] += [check_n3fit_action, filter_action] if (thconfig := file_content.get('theorycovmatconfig')) is not None: if thconfig.get('point_prescription') is not None: raise ConfigError( "`point_prescription` has been removed in favor of a list of " "`point_prescriptions`. The options that can be included in the list are found " "in pointprescriptions.yaml. E.g. \n" "`point_prescriptions: ['9 point', '3 point']`" ) SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append( 'datacuts::theory::theorycovmatconfig nnfit_theory_covmat' ) if file_content.get('fiatlux') is not None: SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append('fiatlux check_luxset') if file_content.get('fiatlux')["additional_errors"]: SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append('fiatlux check_additional_errors') if file_content.get('positivity_bound') is not None: SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append('positivity_bound check_unpolarized_bc') for k, v in SETUPFIT_DEFAULTS.items(): file_content.setdefault(k, v) file_content.update(SETUPFIT_FIXED_CONFIG) return cls(file_content, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class SetupFitApp(App): """The class which parsers and perform the filtering""" environment_class = SetupFitEnvironment config_class = SetupFitConfig def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='setup-fit', providers=SETUPFIT_PROVIDERS) @property def argparser(self): parser = super().argparser parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help="Output folder and name of the fit", default=None ) return parser
[docs] def get_commandline_arguments(self, cmdline=None): args = super().get_commandline_arguments(cmdline) if args['output'] is None: args['output'] = pathlib.Path(args['config_yml']).stem return args
[docs] def run(self): try: # set folder output name self.environment.config_yml = pathlib.Path(self.args['config_yml']).absolute() # proceed with default run super().run() # if succeeded print md5 self.environment.save_md5() except SetupFitError as e: log.error(f"Error in setup-fit:\n{e}") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: log.critical(f"Bug in setup-fit ocurred. Please report it.") print(colors.color_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def main(): a = SetupFitApp() a.main()