#!/usr/bin/env python
n3fit - performs fit using ml external frameworks
import argparse
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import sys
from ruamel.yaml import error
from reportengine import colors
from reportengine.namespaces import NSList
from validphys.app import App
from validphys.config import Config, ConfigError, Environment, EnvironmentError_
from validphys.core import FitSpec
from validphys.utils import yaml_safe
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG = dict(use_cuts='internal', use_t0=True, actions_=[], allow_legacy_names=False)
FIT_NAMESPACE = "datacuts::theory::fitting "
CLOSURE_NAMESPACE = "datacuts::theory::closuretest::fitting "
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
INPUT_FOLDER = "input"
TAB_FOLDER = "tables"
# Supress the arguments that we don't want the help of n3fit to show
# note that these would still be parsed by vp/reportengine
SUPPRESS = ["parallel", "no-parallel", "scheduler", "style", "format"]
class N3FitError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when n3fit cannot succeed and knows why"""
class N3FitEnvironment(Environment):
"""Container for information to be filled at run time"""
def init_output(self):
# check file exists, is a file, has extension.
if not self.config_yml.exists():
raise N3FitError("Invalid runcard. File not found.")
if not self.config_yml.is_file():
raise N3FitError("Invalid runcard. Must be a file.")
# check if results folder exists
self.output_path = pathlib.Path(self.output_path).absolute()
if not (self.output_path / "nnfit").is_dir():
if not re.fullmatch(r"[\w.\-]+", self.output_path.name):
raise N3FitError("Invalid output folder name. Must be alphanumeric.")
(self.output_path / "nnfit").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
except OSError as e:
raise EnvironmentError_(e) from e
shutil.copy2(self.config_yml, self.output_path / RUNCARD_COPY_FILENAME)
except shutil.SameFileError:
# create output folder for the fit
self.replica_path = self.output_path / "nnfit"
for replica in self.replicas:
path = self.replica_path / f"replica_{replica}"
log.info(f"Creating replica output folder in {path}")
except OSError as e:
raise EnvironmentError_(e) from e
# place tables in last replica path, folder already exists.
self.table_folder = path
# make lockfile input inside of replica folder
# avoid conflict with setupfit
self.input_folder = self.replica_path / INPUT_FOLDER
def ns_dump_description(cls):
return {
"replicas": "The MC replica number/s",
"replica_path": "The replica output path",
"output_path": "The runcard name",
"hyperopt": "The hyperopt flag",
class N3FitConfig(Config):
"""Specialization for yaml parsing"""
def from_yaml(cls, o, *args, **kwargs):
file_content = yaml_safe.load(o)
except error.YAMLError as e:
raise ConfigError(f"Failed to parse yaml file: {e}")
if not isinstance(file_content, dict):
raise ConfigError(
f"Expecting input runcard to be a mapping, not '{type(file_content)}'."
if file_content.get('closuretest') is not None:
namespace = FIT_NAMESPACE
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['actions_'].append(namespace + "performfit")
if fps := file_content["fitting"].get("savepseudodata", True):
if fps != True:
raise TypeError(f"fitting::savepseudodata is neither True nor False ({fps})")
training_action = namespace + "replicas_training_pseudodata"
validation_action = namespace + "replicas_validation_pseudodata"
all_data_action = namespace + "replicas_pseudodata"
(training_action, validation_action, all_data_action)
if thconfig := file_content.get('fiatlux'):
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['fiatlux'] = thconfig
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['fiatlux'] = None
if thconfig := file_content.get('positivity_bound'):
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['positivity_bound'] = thconfig
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['positivity_bound'] = None
# Theorycovmat flags and defaults
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['use_thcovmat_in_fitting'] = False
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['use_thcovmat_in_sampling'] = False
if (thconfig := file_content.get('theorycovmatconfig')) is not None:
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['use_thcovmat_in_fitting'] = thconfig.get(
'use_thcovmat_in_fitting', True
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['use_thcovmat_in_sampling'] = thconfig.get(
'use_thcovmat_in_sampling', True
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['point_prescriptions'] = thconfig.get('point_prescriptions')
N3FIT_FIXED_CONFIG['user_covmat_path'] = thconfig.get('user_covmat_path')
return cls(file_content, *args, **kwargs)
def produce_fit(self):
"""Produces a FitSpec which points at the current fit, to load
fit_commondata from.
fitpath = self.environment.output_path
return FitSpec(fitpath.name, fitpath)
def parse_fakedata(self, fakedata: bool):
"""Parses the `fakedata` key from the closuretest namespace, if True then
use generated closure test in fit
if fakedata:
log.warning("using filtered closure data")
if not (self.environment.output_path / 'filter').is_dir():
raise ConfigError(
"Could not find filter result at "
f"{self.environment.output_path/'filter'} "
"to load commondata from. Did you run filter on the "
return fakedata
def produce_use_fitcommondata(self, fakedata):
"""Produces the `use_fitcommondata` key from the `fakedata` key in
`closuretest` namespace
return fakedata
def produce_kfold_parameters(self, kfold=None, hyperopt=None):
"""Return None even if there are kfolds in the runcard if the hyperopt flag is not active"""
if hyperopt is not None:
return kfold
return None
def produce_kpartitions(self, kfold_parameters):
if kfold_parameters:
partitions = kfold_parameters["partitions"]
# Note that one of the partitions could be empty ([]) or, by yaml usual notation, None
for partition in partitions:
if partition["datasets"] is None:
partition["datasets"] = []
return partitions
return None
def produce_hyperscanner(self, parameters, hyperscan_config=None, hyperopt=None):
"""For a hyperparameter scan to be run, a hyperscanner must be
constructed from the original hyperscan_config"""
# This needs to be imported here because it needs Tensorflow and n3fit
from n3fit.hyper_optimization.hyper_scan import HyperScanner
if hyperscan_config is None or hyperopt is None:
return None
if hyperopt and self.environment.restart:
hyperscan_config.update({'restart': 'true'})
if hyperopt and self.environment.parallel_hyperopt:
hyperscan_config.update({'parallel': 'true'})
'db_host': self.environment.db_host,
'db_port': self.environment.db_port,
'db_name': self.environment.db_name,
'output_path': self.environment.output_path.name,
'num_mongo_workers': self.environment.num_mongo_workers,
return HyperScanner(parameters, hyperscan_config)
class N3FitApp(App):
"""The class which parsers and performs the fit"""
environment_class = N3FitEnvironment
config_class = N3FitConfig
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(name="n3fit", providers=N3FIT_PROVIDERS)
def argparser(self):
parser = super().argparser
for argo in SUPPRESS:
parser.add_argument(f"--{argo}", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
"-o", "--output", help="Output folder and name of the fit", default=None
def check_positive(value):
ivalue = int(value)
if ivalue <= 0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s is an invalid positive int value." % value)
return ivalue
parser.add_argument("--hyperopt", help="Enable hyperopt scan", default=None, type=int)
parser.add_argument("--restart", help="Enable hyperopt restarts", action="store_true")
help="Enable hyperopt run in parallel with MongoDB",
parser.add_argument("--db-host", help="MongoDB host", default="localhost")
parser.add_argument("--db-port", help="MongoDB port", default=27017)
parser.add_argument("--db-name", help="MongoDB dataset name", default="hyperopt-db")
help="Number of mongo workers to be launched simultaneously",
parser.add_argument("replica", help="MC replica number", type=check_positive)
help="End of the range of replicas to compute",
return parser
def get_commandline_arguments(self, cmdline=None):
args = super().get_commandline_arguments(cmdline)
# Validate dependencies related to the --hyperopt argument
if args["hyperopt"] is None:
if args["restart"]:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(
None, "The --restart option requires --hyperopt to be set."
if args["parallel_hyperopt"]:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(
None, "The --parallel-hyperopt option requires --hyperopt to be set."
if args["output"] is None:
args["output"] = pathlib.Path(args["config_yml"]).stem
return args
def run(self):
self.environment.config_yml = pathlib.Path(self.args["config_yml"]).absolute()
replica = self.args["replica"]
if self.args["replica_range"]:
replicas = list(range(replica, self.args["replica_range"] + 1))
replicas = [replica]
self.environment.replicas = NSList(replicas, nskey="replica")
self.environment.hyperopt = self.args["hyperopt"]
self.environment.restart = self.args["restart"]
self.environment.parallel_hyperopt = self.args["parallel_hyperopt"]
self.environment.db_host = self.args["db_host"]
self.environment.db_port = self.args["db_port"]
self.environment.db_name = self.args["db_name"]
self.environment.num_mongo_workers = self.args["num_mongo_workers"]
except N3FitError as e:
log.error(f"Error in n3fit:\n{e}")
except Exception as e:
log.critical(f"Bug in n3fit ocurred. Please report it.")
print(colors.color_exception(e.__class__, e, e.__traceback__), file=sys.stderr)
def main():
a = N3FitApp()
if __name__ == "__main__":