Definition of the imposition of the Momentum Sum Rule and Valence Sum Rules to in the PDF fit.
In the module level constants ``{MSR/VSR}_COMPONENTS`` the flavours affected by the MSR and VSR are defined.
For the Valence Sum Rule instead `VSR_DENOMINATOR` defines the integral of which flavour are used
to compute the normalization. Note that for a Nf=4 fit `v35=v24=v`.
If the number of flavours were to be changed in the future, this would need to be updated accordingly.
import numpy as np
from n3fit.backends import MetaLayer
from n3fit.backends import operations as op
IDX = {
'photon': 0,
'sigma': 1,
'g': 2,
'v': 3,
'v3': 4,
'v8': 5,
'v15': 6,
'v24': 7,
'v35': 8,
't3': 9,
't8': 10,
't15': 11,
't24': 12,
't35': 13,
# The VSR normalization factor of component f is given by
VSR_COMPONENTS = ['v', 'v35', 'v24', 'v3', 'v8', 'v15']
VSR_CONSTANTS = {'v': 3.0, 'v35': 3.0, 'v24': 3.0, 'v3': 1.0, 'v8': 3.0, 'v15': 3.0}
VSR_DENOMINATORS = {'v': 'v', 'v35': 'v', 'v24': 'v', 'v3': 'v3', 'v8': 'v8', 'v15': 'v15'}
CSR_COMPONENTS = ['v', 'v35', 'v24']
CSR_DENOMINATORS = {'v': 'v', 'v35': 'v', 'v24': 'v'}
NOV15_COMPONENTS = ['v3', 'v8']
NOV15_CONSTANTS = {'v3': 1.0, 'v8': 3.0}
NOV15_DENOMINATORS = {'v3': 'v3', 'v8': 'v8'}
# The following lays out the SR for Polarised PDFs
TSR_COMPONENTS = ['t3', 't8']
TSR_DENOMINATORS = {'t3': 't3', 't8': 't8'}
# Sum Rules defined as in PDG 2023 (cv, std)
TSR_CONSTANTS = {'t3': 1.2756, 't8': 0.5850}
TSR_CONSTANTS_UNC = {'t3': 0.0013, 't8': 0.025}
def sample_tsr(sampler, component) -> list:
Sample the Triplets sum rules according to the PDG uncertainties.
sampler: np.random.Generator
Numpy Generator from which to sample the TSR
c: str
Component for which to sample from according to TSR_CONSTANTS
value of the sum rule for this replica for this component
sampled according to a normal distribution
cv = TSR_CONSTANTS[component]
std = TSR_CONSTANTS_UNC[component]
return sampler.normal(cv, std)
class MSR_Normalization(MetaLayer):
Computes the normalisation factors for the sum rules of the PDFs.
mode: str
The type of sum rule to apply, it can be one of ALL, MSR, VSR, TSR, ALLBUTCSR.
replica_seeds: List[int]
A list of seed-per-replica. Used to sample the polarized sum rules.
_msr_enabled = False
_vsr_enabled = False
_tsr_enabled = False
_csr_enabled = False
def __init__(self, mode: str = "ALL", replica_seeds=None, **kwargs):
if mode == True or mode.upper() == "ALL":
self._msr_enabled = True
self._vsr_enabled = True
elif mode.upper() == "MSR":
self._msr_enabled = True
elif mode.upper() == "VSR":
self._vsr_enabled = True
elif mode.upper() == "TSR":
self._tsr_enabled = True
elif mode.upper() == "ALLBUTCSR":
self._msr_enabled = True
self._csr_enabled = True
raise ValueError(f"Mode {mode} not accepted for sum rules")
if replica_seeds is None:
self._replicas = 1
self._replicas = len(replica_seeds)
indices = []
self.divisor_indices = []
if self._msr_enabled:
indices += [IDX[c] for c in MSR_COMPONENTS]
self.divisor_indices += [IDX[MSR_DENOMINATORS[c]] for c in MSR_COMPONENTS]
if self._vsr_enabled:
self.divisor_indices += [IDX[VSR_DENOMINATORS[c]] for c in VSR_COMPONENTS]
indices += [IDX[c] for c in VSR_COMPONENTS]
self.vsr_factors = op.numpy_to_tensor(
[np.repeat(VSR_CONSTANTS[c], self._replicas) for c in VSR_COMPONENTS]
if self._tsr_enabled:
if replica_seeds is None:
raise ValueError("To use sum_rules=TSR a list of seeds must be provided")
self.divisor_indices += [IDX[TSR_DENOMINATORS[c]] for c in TSR_COMPONENTS]
indices += [IDX[c] for c in TSR_COMPONENTS]
tsr_factors_per_replica = []
for seed in replica_seeds:
sampler = np.random.default_rng(seed)
tsr_factors_per_replica.append([sample_tsr(sampler, c) for c in TSR_COMPONENTS])
self.tsr_factors = op.numpy_to_tensor(np.array(tsr_factors_per_replica).T)
if self._csr_enabled:
# modified vsr for V, V24, V35
indices += [IDX[c] for c in CSR_COMPONENTS]
self.divisor_indices += [IDX[CSR_DENOMINATORS[c]] for c in CSR_COMPONENTS]
# no V15 vsr
self.divisor_indices += [IDX[NOV15_DENOMINATORS[c]] for c in NOV15_COMPONENTS]
indices += [IDX[c] for c in NOV15_COMPONENTS]
self.vsr_factors = op.numpy_to_tensor(
[np.repeat(NOV15_CONSTANTS[c], self._replicas) for c in NOV15_COMPONENTS]
# Need this extra dimension for the scatter_to_one operation
self.indices = [[i] for i in indices]
def call(self, pdf_integrated, photon_integral):
Computes the normalization factors for the PDFs:
A_g = (1-sigma-photon)/g
A_v = A_v24 = A_v35 = 3/V
A_v3 = 1/V_3
A_v8 = 3/V_8
A_v15 = 3/V_15
Note that both the input and the output are in the 14-flavours fk-basis
pdf_integrated: (Tensor(1, replicas, 14))
the integrated PDF
photon_integral: (Tensor(1, replicas, 1))
the integrated photon PDF
normalization_factor: Tensor(replicas, 1, 14)
The normalization factors per flavour.
# get rid of batch dimension and put replicas last
reshape = lambda x: op.transpose(x[0])
y = reshape(pdf_integrated)
photon_integral = reshape(photon_integral)
numerators = []
if self._msr_enabled:
numerators += [
op.batchit(1.0 - y[IDX['sigma']] - photon_integral[0], batch_dimension=0)
if self._vsr_enabled:
numerators += [self.vsr_factors]
if self._tsr_enabled:
numerators += [self.tsr_factors]
if self._csr_enabled:
numerators += len(CSR_COMPONENTS) * [
op.batchit(4.0 - 1.0 / 3.0 * y[IDX['v15']], batch_dimension=0)
numerators += [self.vsr_factors]
numerators = op.concatenate(numerators, axis=0)
divisors = op.gather(y, self.divisor_indices, axis=0)
# Fill in the rest of the flavours with 1
num_flavours = y.shape[0]
norm_constants = op.scatter_to_one(
numerators / divisors, indices=self.indices, output_shape=(num_flavours, self._replicas)
return op.batchit(op.transpose(norm_constants), batch_dimension=1)