import numpy as np
from n3fit.backends import MetaLayer
from n3fit.backends import operations as op
class Mask(MetaLayer):
This layers applies a boolean mask to an input tensor.
The mask admit a multiplier for all outputs which will be internally
saved as a weight so it can be updated during trainig.
Typical usage is to apply training/validation split masks
or applying a multiplier to a given layer
bool_mask: np.array of shape (n_replicas, n_features)
numpy array with the boolean mask to be applied
c: float
constant multiplier for every output
def __init__(self, bool_mask=None, c=None, **kwargs):
self._raw_mask = bool_mask
self._flattened_indices = None
if bool_mask is None:
self.mask = None
self.last_dim = -1
self.mask = op.numpy_to_tensor(bool_mask, dtype=bool)
self.last_dim = np.count_nonzero(bool_mask[0, ...])
self.c = c
self.masked_output_shape = None
def build(self, input_shape):
if self.c is not None:
initializer = MetaLayer.init_constant(value=self.c)
self.kernel = self.builder_helper("mask", (1,), initializer, trainable=False)
# Make sure reshape will succeed: set the last dimension to the unmasked data length and before-last to
# the number of replicas
if self.mask is not None:
# Prepare the indices to mask
indices = np.where(self._raw_mask)
# The batch dimension can be ignored
nreps = self.mask.shape[-2]
self._flattened_indices = np.ravel_multi_index(indices, self._raw_mask.shape)
self.masked_output_shape = [-1 if d is None else d for d in input_shape]
self.masked_output_shape[-1] = self.last_dim
self.masked_output_shape[-2] = nreps
def call(self, ret):
Apply the mask to the input tensor, and multiply by the constant if present.
ret: Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_replicas, n_features)
Tensor of shape (batch_size, n_replicas, n_features)
if self.mask is not None:
ret = op.gather(op.flatten(ret), self._flattened_indices)
ret = op.reshape(ret, self.masked_output_shape)
if self.c is not None:
ret = ret * self.kernel
return ret