Source code for n3fit.hyper_optimization.penalties

Penalties that can be applied to the hyperopt loss

Penalties in this module usually take as signature the positional arguments:

    pdf_model: :py:class:`n3fit.backends.keras_backend.MetaModel`
        model taking a ``(1, xgrid_size, 1)`` array as input
        and returning a ``(1, xgrid_size, 14, replicas)`` pdf.

    stopping_object: :py:class:`n3fit.stopping.Stopping`
        object holding the information about the validation model
        and the stopping parameters

although not all penalties use both.

And return a float to be added to the hyperscan loss.

New penalties can be added directly in this module.
The name in the runcard must match the name used in this module.
import numpy as np

from n3fit.vpinterface import N3PDF, integrability_numbers
from validphys import fitveto

[docs]def saturation(pdf_model=None, n=100, min_x=1e-6, max_x=1e-4, flavors=None, **_kwargs): """Checks the pdf models for saturation at small x by checking the slope from ``min_x`` to ``max_x``. Sum the saturation loss of all pdf models Parameters ---------- n: int Number of point to evaluate the saturation min_x: float Initial point for checking the slope max_x: float Final point for checking the slope flavors: list(int) indices of the flavors to inspect Returns ------- NDArray array of saturation penalties for each replica Example ------- >>> from n3fit.hyper_optimization.penalties import saturation >>> from n3fit.model_gen import pdfNN_layer_generator >>> fake_fl = [{'fl' : i, 'largex' : [0,1], 'smallx': [1,2]} for i in ['u', 'ubar', 'd', 'dbar', 'c', 'g', 's', 'sbar']] >>> pdf_model = pdfNN_layer_generator(nodes=[8], activations=['linear'], seed=0, flav_info=fake_fl, fitbasis="FLAVOUR") >>> isinstance(saturation(pdf_model, 5), float) True """ if flavors is None: flavors = [1, 2] x = np.logspace(np.log10(min_x), np.log10(max_x), n) extra_loss = 0.0 x_input = np.expand_dims(x, axis=[0, -1]) y = pdf_model.predict({"pdf_input": x_input}) xpdf = y[0, :, :, flavors] # this is now of shape (flavors, replicas, xgrid) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=[0, 1]) delta_logx = np.diff(np.log10(x), axis=2) delta_xpdf = np.diff(xpdf, axis=2) slope = delta_xpdf / delta_logx pen = abs(np.mean(slope, axis=2)) + np.std(slope, axis=2) # sum over flavors # Add a small offset to avoid ZeroDivisionError extra_loss += np.sum(1.0 / (1e-7 + pen), axis=0) return extra_loss
[docs]def patience(stopping_object, alpha: float = 1e-4, **_kwargs): """ Adds a penalty for fits that have finished too soon, which means the number of epochs or its patience is not optimal. The penalty is proportional to the validation loss and will be 0 when the best epoch is exactly at max_epoch - patience The ``alpha`` factor is chosen so that at 10k epochs distance the penalty is 2.7 * val_loss Parameters ---------- alpha: float dumping factor for the exponent Returns ------- NDArray patience penalty for each replica Example ------- >>> from n3fit.hyper_optimization.penalties import patience >>> from types import SimpleNamespace >>> fake_stopping = SimpleNamespace(e_best_chi2=1000, stopping_patience=500, total_epochs=5000, vl_loss=2.42) >>> patience(fake_stopping, alpha=1e-4) 3.434143467595683 """ epoch_best = np.array(stopping_object.e_best_chi2) patience = stopping_object.stopping_patience max_epochs = stopping_object.total_epochs diff = abs(max_epochs - patience - epoch_best) vl_loss = np.array(stopping_object.vl_chi2) return vl_loss * np.exp(alpha * diff)
[docs]def integrability(pdf_model=None, **_kwargs): """Adds a penalty proportional to the value of the integrability integration It adds a 0-penalty when the value of the integrability is equal or less than the value of the threshold defined in validphys::fitveto The penalty increases exponentially with the growth of the integrability number Returns ------- NDArray array of integrability penalties for each replica Example ------- >>> from n3fit.hyper_optimization.penalties import integrability >>> from n3fit.model_gen import pdfNN_layer_generator >>> fake_fl = [{'fl' : i, 'largex' : [0,1], 'smallx': [1,2]} for i in ['u', 'ubar', 'd', 'dbar', 'c', 'g', 's', 'sbar']] >>> pdf_model = pdfNN_layer_generator(nodes=[8], activations=['linear'], seed=0, flav_info=fake_fl, fitbasis="FLAVOUR") >>> isinstance(integrability(pdf_model), float) True """ pdf_instance = N3PDF(pdf_model.split_replicas()) integ_values = integrability_numbers(pdf_instance) # set components under the threshold to 0 integ_values[integ_values <= fitveto.INTEG_THRESHOLD] = 0.0 # sum over flavours integ_overflow = np.sum(integ_values, axis=-1) # -1 rather than 1 so it works with 1 replica # Limit components to 50 to avoid overflow if isinstance(integ_overflow, np.ndarray): # Case: multi-replica scenario integ_overflow[integ_overflow > 50.0] = 50.0 elif isinstance(integ_overflow, (float, np.float64)): # Case: single replica scenario integ_overflow = min(integ_overflow, 50.0) return np.exp(integ_overflow) - 1.0