Source code for n3fit.hyper_optimization.hyper_scan

The HyperScanner class is basically a dictionary containing all parameters,
the functions defined as hp_ (from hyperspace)

The goal of this module is to read all parameters in the `hyperopt` section of the runcard
and modify the parameter dictionary so that now it is filled with the `hyperop` sampler objects

The idea behind the wrappers if that if you ever want to use
another hyperoptimization library, assuming that it also takes just
    - a function
    - a dictionary of spaces of parameters
you can do so by simply modifying the wrappers to point somewhere else
(and, of course the function in the fitting action that calls the minimization).
import copy
import logging
import os

import hyperopt
from hyperopt.pyll.base import scope
import numpy as np

from n3fit.backends import MetaLayer, MetaModel
from n3fit.hyper_optimization.filetrials import FileTrials
from n3fit.hyper_optimization.mongofiletrials import MongodRunner, MongoFileTrials

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Hyperopt uses these strings for a passed and failed run
# it also has statuses "new", "running" and "suspended", but we don't use them
HYPEROPT_STATUSES = {True: "ok", False: "fail"}


# These are just wrapper around some hyperopt's sampling expresions defined in here
# with a bit of extra documentation for the ones that are not obvious
[docs]def hp_uniform(key, lower_end, higher_end): """Sample uniformly between lower_end and higher_end""" if lower_end is None or higher_end is None: return None return hyperopt.hp.uniform(key, lower_end, higher_end)
[docs]def hp_quniform(key, lower_end, higher_end, step_size=None, steps=None, make_int=False): """Like uniform but admits a step_size""" if lower_end is None or higher_end is None: return None if not step_size: step_size = lower_end if steps: step_size = (higher_end - lower_end) / steps ret = hyperopt.hp.quniform(key, lower_end, higher_end, step_size) if make_int: ret = return ret
[docs]def hp_loguniform(key, lower_end, higher_end): """ Sample from lower_end to higher_end lograithmically. Note that it is different from numpy's logspace in that it takes the lower and higher boundaries, not the value of the exponent """ if lower_end is None or higher_end is None: return None log_lower_end = np.log(lower_end) log_higher_end = np.log(higher_end) return hyperopt.hp.loguniform(key, log_lower_end, log_higher_end)
[docs]def hp_choice(key, choices): """Sample from the list or array ``choices``""" if len(choices) == 0: return None return hyperopt.hp.choice(key, choices)
# Wrapper for options that work the same
[docs]def optimizer_arg_wrapper(hp_key, option_dict): # Let's accept the learning rate as a fixed float if isinstance(option_dict, float): choice = option_dict else: # Get the min-max of the learing rate max_lr = option_dict["max"] min_lr = option_dict["min"] # Get the sampling type, if not given use uniform sampling = option_dict.get("sampling", "uniform") if sampling == "uniform": choice = hp_uniform(hp_key, min_lr, max_lr) elif sampling == "log": choice = hp_loguniform(hp_key, min_lr, max_lr) return choice
# Wrapper for the hyperscanning
[docs]def hyper_scan_wrapper(replica_path_set, model_trainer, hyperscanner, max_evals=1): """ This function receives a ``ModelTrainer`` object as well as the definition of the hyperparameter scan (``hyperscanner``) and performs ``max_evals`` evaluations of the hyperparametrizable function of ``model_trainer``. A ``tries.json`` file will be saved in the ``replica_path_set`` folder with the information of all trials. An additional ``tries.pkl`` file will also be generated in the same folder that stores the previous states of `FileTrials`, this file can be used for restarting purposes. Parameters ----------- replica_path_set: path folder where to create the ``tries.json`` and ``tries.pkl`` files model_trainer: :py:class:`n3fit.ModelTrainer.ModelTrainer` a ``ModelTrainer`` object with the ``hyperparametrizable`` method hyperscanner: :py:class:`n3fit.hyper_optimization.hyper_scan.HyperScanner` a ``HyperScanner`` object defining the scan max_evals: int Number of trials to run Returns ------- dict parameters of the best trial as found by ``hyperopt`` """ # Tell the trainer we are doing hpyeropt model_trainer.set_hyperopt(True, keys=hyperscanner.hyper_keys) if hyperscanner.restart_hyperopt: # For parallel hyperopt restarts, extract the database tar file if hyperscanner.parallel_hyperopt: tar_file_to_extract = f"{replica_path_set}/{hyperscanner.db_name}.tar.gz""Restarting hyperopt run using the MongoDB database %s", tar_file_to_extract) MongoFileTrials.extract_mongodb_database(tar_file_to_extract, path=os.getcwd()) else: # For sequential hyperopt restarts, reset the state of `FileTrials` saved in the pickle file pickle_file_to_load = f"{replica_path_set}/tries.pkl""Restarting hyperopt run using the pickle file %s", pickle_file_to_load) trials = FileTrials.from_pkl(pickle_file_to_load) if hyperscanner.parallel_hyperopt: # start MongoDB database by launching `mongod` hyperscanner.mongod_runner.ensure_database_dir_exists() mongod = hyperscanner.mongod_runner.start() # Generate the trials object if hyperscanner.parallel_hyperopt: # Instantiate `MongoFileTrials` # Mongo database should have already been initiated at this point trials = MongoFileTrials( replica_path_set, db_host=hyperscanner.db_host, db_port=hyperscanner.db_port, db_name=hyperscanner.db_name, num_workers=hyperscanner.num_mongo_workers, parameters=hyperscanner.as_dict(), ) else: # Instantiate `FileTrials` trials = FileTrials(replica_path_set, parameters=hyperscanner.as_dict()) # Initialize seed for hyperopt trials.rstate = np.random.default_rng(HYPEROPT_SEED) # Call to hyperopt.fmin fmin_args = dict( fn=model_trainer.hyperparametrizable, space=hyperscanner.as_dict(), algo=hyperopt.tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_evals, trials=trials, rstate=trials.rstate, ) if hyperscanner.parallel_hyperopt: trials.start_mongo_workers() best = hyperopt.fmin(**fmin_args, show_progressbar=True, max_queue_len=trials.num_workers) trials.stop_mongo_workers() # stop mongod command and compress database hyperscanner.mongod_runner.stop(mongod) trials.compress_mongodb_database() else: best = hyperopt.fmin(**fmin_args, show_progressbar=False, trials_save_file=trials.pkl_file) return hyperscanner.space_eval(best)
[docs]class ActivationStr: """ Upon call this class returns an array where the activation function `fun_name` repeated as many times as hidden layers we have # Arguments: - `fun_name`: name of the activation function """ def __init__(self, fun_name): self.function_name = fun_name def __str__(self): return self.function_name def __call__(self, n_of_layers): acts = [self.function_name] * (n_of_layers - 1) acts.append("linear") return acts
[docs]class HyperScanner: """ The HyperScanner generates a dictionary of parameters for scanning It takes cares of known correlation between parameters by tying them together It also provides methods for updating the parameter dictionaries after using hyperopt It takes as inpujt the dictionaries defining the NN/fit and the hyperparameter scan from the NNPDF runcard and substitutes in `parameters` samplers according to the `hyper_scan` dictionary. # Arguments: - `parameters`: the `fitting[parameters]` dictionary of the NNPDF runcard - `sampling_dict`: the `hyperscan` dictionary of the NNPDF runcard defining the search space of the scan - `steps`: when taking discrete steps between two parameters, number of steps to take # Parameters accepted by `sampling_dict`: - `stopping`: - min_epochs, max_epochs - min_patience, max_patience """ def __init__(self, parameters, sampling_dict, steps=5): self._original_parameters = parameters self.parameter_keys = parameters.keys() self.parameters = copy.deepcopy(parameters) self.steps = steps # adding extra options for restarting restart_config = sampling_dict.get("restart") self.restart_hyperopt = True if restart_config else False # adding extra options for parallel execution parallel_config = sampling_dict.get("parallel") self.parallel_hyperopt = True if parallel_config else False # setting up MondoDB options if self.parallel_hyperopt: # add output_path to db name to avoid conflicts db_name = f'{sampling_dict.get("db_name")}-{sampling_dict.get("output_path")}' self.db_host = sampling_dict.get("db_host") self.db_port = sampling_dict.get("db_port") self.db_name = db_name self.num_mongo_workers = sampling_dict.get("num_mongo_workers") self.mongod_runner = MongodRunner(self.db_name, self.db_port) self.hyper_keys = set([]) if "parameters" in sampling_dict: parameter_choices = hp_choice("parameters", sampling_dict["parameters"]) # Drop the parameters dictionary self.parameters = {} self._update_param("parameters", parameter_choices) return # A hyperparameter scan will contain either a "parameters" or one of: stopping_dict = sampling_dict.get("stopping") optimizer_list = sampling_dict.get("optimizer") positivity_dict = sampling_dict.get("positivity") nn_dict = sampling_dict.get("architecture") if stopping_dict: self.stopping( min_epochs=stopping_dict.get("min_epochs"), max_epochs=stopping_dict.get("max_epochs"), min_patience=stopping_dict.get("min_patience"), max_patience=stopping_dict.get("max_patience"), ) if optimizer_list: self.optimizer(optimizers=optimizer_list) if positivity_dict: self.positivity( min_multiplier=positivity_dict.get("min_multiplier"), max_multiplier=positivity_dict.get("max_multiplier"), min_initial=positivity_dict.get("min_initial"), max_initial=positivity_dict.get("max_initial"), ) if nn_dict: self.architecture( initializers=nn_dict.get("initializers"), activations=nn_dict.get("activations"), max_drop=nn_dict.get("max_drop"), n_layers=nn_dict.get("n_layers"), min_units=nn_dict.get("min_units"), max_units=nn_dict.get("max_units"), layer_types=nn_dict.get("layer_types"), output_size=parameters['nodes_per_layer'][-1], )
[docs] def as_dict(self): return self.parameters
def _update_param(self, key, sampler): """ Checks whether the key exists in the parameter dictionary and updates the dictionary with the given sampler # Arguments: - `key`: key to update - `sampler`: sampler which will be used instead of the original value """ if key is None or sampler is None: return if key not in self.parameter_keys and key != "parameters": raise ValueError( "Trying to update a parameter not declared in the `parameters` dictionary: {0} @ HyperScanner._update_param".format( key ) ) self.hyper_keys.add(key)"Adding key {0} with value {1}".format(key, sampler)) self.parameters[key] = sampler
[docs] def stopping(self, min_epochs=None, max_epochs=None, min_patience=None, max_patience=None): """ Modifies the following entries of the `parameters` dictionary: - `epochs` - `stopping_patience` Takes `self.steps` between the min and maximum values given """ epochs_key = "epochs" stopping_key = "stopping_patience" if min_epochs is not None and max_epochs is not None: epochs = hp_quniform(epochs_key, min_epochs, max_epochs, step_size=1, make_int=True) self._update_param(epochs_key, epochs) if min_patience is not None or max_patience is not None: if min_patience is None: min_patience = 0.0 if max_patience is None: max_patience = 1.0 stopping_patience = hp_quniform( stopping_key, min_patience, max_patience, steps=self.steps ) self._update_param(stopping_key, stopping_patience)
[docs] def optimizer(self, optimizers): """ This function look at the optimizers implemented in MetaModel Since each optimizer can take different parameters, the input to this function, `optimizer` is a list of dictionaries, each defining the name of the optimizer (which needs to be implemented in `n3fit`) and the options to modify. The accepted options are: - learning_rate - clipnorm but for hyperopt it will look as a list of dictionaries [ { optimizer_name: optimizer_name, learning_rate: sampler }, { optimizer_name: optimizer_name, learning_rate: sampler }, ... ] and will sample one from this list. Note that the keys within the dictionary (`optimizer_name` and `learning_rate`) should be named as the keys used by the compiler of the model as they are used as they come. """ # Get all accepted optimizer to check against all_optimizers = MetaModel.accepted_optimizers # We will have a list of dictionaries to choose from choices = [] opt_key = "optimizer" optname_key = "optimizer_name" lr_key = "learning_rate" clip_key = "clipnorm" for optimizer in optimizers: name = optimizer[optname_key] optimizer_dictionary = {optname_key: name} if name not in all_optimizers.keys(): raise NotImplementedError( f"HyperScanner: Optimizer {name} not implemented in" ) lr_dict = optimizer.get(lr_key) if lr_dict is not None: # Check whether this optimizer is implemented with a learning rate args = all_optimizers[name][1] if lr_key not in args.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Optimizer {name} does not accept {lr_key}") hp_key = f"{name}_{lr_key}" optimizer_dictionary[lr_key] = optimizer_arg_wrapper(hp_key, lr_dict) clip_dict = optimizer.get(clip_key) if clip_dict is not None: hp_key = f"{name}_{clip_key}" optimizer_dictionary[clip_key] = optimizer_arg_wrapper(hp_key, clip_dict) choices.append(optimizer_dictionary) # Make the list of options into a list sampler opt_val = hp_choice(opt_key, choices) # Tell the HyperScanner this key might contain a dictionary so we save the extra keys self._update_param(opt_key, opt_val)
[docs] def positivity( self, min_multiplier=None, max_multiplier=None, min_initial=None, max_initial=None ): """ Modifies the following entries of the `parameters` dictionary: - pos_multiplier - pos_initial Sampling between max and min is uniform for the multiplier and loguniform for the initial """ mul_key = "multiplier" ini_key = "initial" params = {} if max_multiplier is not None: if min_multiplier is None: min_multiplier = 1.0 # I guess this is a sensible minimum mul_val = hp_uniform(mul_key, min_multiplier, max_multiplier) params[mul_key] = mul_val if min_initial is not None and max_initial is not None: ini_val = hp_loguniform(ini_key, min_initial, max_initial) params[ini_key] = ini_val self._update_param("positivity", params)
[docs] def architecture( self, initializers=None, activations=None, max_drop=None, n_layers=None, min_units=15, max_units=25, layer_types=None, output_size=None, ): """ Modifies the following entries of the `parameters` dictionary: - `initializer` - `dropout` - `nodes_per_layer` - `activation_per_layer` - `layer_type` """ if activations is None: activations = [] if initializers is None: initializers = [] if layer_types is None: layer_types = [] if n_layers is None: n_layers = [] else: if min_units is None or max_units is None: raise ValueError( "A max/min number of units must always be defined if the number of layers is to be sampled" "i.e., make sure you add the keywords 'min_units' and 'max_units' to the 'architecutre' dict" ) activation_key = "activation_per_layer" nodes_key = "nodes_per_layer" ini_key = "initializer" # Generate all possible activation choices activation_choices = [] for afun in activations: activation_str = ActivationStr(afun) activation_choices.append(activation_str) # this is strongly coupled with the total number of layers # so we will generate a list of layers to choose from # where each layer will be defined by an uniform sampler (the number of nodes) nodes_choices = [] for n in n_layers: units = [] for i in range(n): units_label = "nl{0}:-{1}/{0}".format(n, i) units_sampler = hp_quniform( units_label, min_units, max_units, step_size=1, make_int=True ) units.append(units_sampler) # The number of nodes in the last layer are read from the runcard units.append(output_size) nodes_choices.append(units) # For the initializer we need to check for the ones implemented in MetaLayer imp_inits = MetaLayer.initializers imp_init_names = imp_inits.keys() if initializers == "ALL": initializers = imp_init_names ini_choices = [] for ini_name in initializers: if ini_name not in imp_init_names: raise NotImplementedError( "HyperScanner: Initializer {0} not implemented in".format(ini_name) ) # For now we are going to use always all initializers and with default values ini_choices.append(ini_name) # Finally select the dropout rate, starting point always at 0 # Create the samplers act_functions = hp_choice(activation_key, activation_choices) nodes = hp_choice(nodes_key, nodes_choices) ini_choice = hp_choice(ini_key, ini_choices) # Finally select the layer types (not very well tested for now) layer_key = "layer_type" layer_choices = hp_choice(layer_key, layer_types) self._update_param(layer_key, layer_choices) # And update the dictionary self._update_param(activation_key, act_functions) self._update_param(nodes_key, nodes) self._update_param(ini_key, ini_choice) if max_drop is not None: # Finally select the dropout rate, starting point always at 0 drop_key = "dropout" drop_val = hp_quniform(drop_key, 0.0, max_drop, steps=self.steps) self._update_param(drop_key, drop_val)
[docs] def space_eval(self, trial): """Evaluate a trial using the original parameters dictionary""" return hyperopt.space_eval(self._original_parameters, trial)