This module contains checks to be perform by n3fit on the input
import logging
import numbers
import os
from n3fit.hyper_optimization import penalties as penalties_module
from n3fit.hyper_optimization.rewards import IMPLEMENTED_LOSSES, IMPLEMENTED_STATS
from reportengine.checks import CheckError, make_argcheck
from validphys.loader import FallbackLoader
from validphys.pdfbases import check_basis
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NN_PARAMETERS = ["nodes_per_layer", "optimizer", "activation_per_layer"]
def _is_floatable(num):
"""Check that num is a number or, worst case scenario, a number that can
be casted to a float (such as a tf scalar)"""
if isinstance(num, numbers.Number):
return True
return True
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
# Checks on the NN parameters
def check_existing_parameters(parameters):
"""Check that non-optional parameters are defined and are not empty"""
for param_name in NN_PARAMETERS:
if param_name in parameters:
val = parameters[param_name]
if len(val) == 0:
raise CheckError(f"The parameter {param_name} cannot be empty")
raise CheckError(f"Missing {param_name} parameter in the runcard")
# Check that positivity is not defined wrong
if "pos_initial" in parameters or "pos_multiplier" in parameters:
raise CheckError(
"The definition of the positivity parameters is deprecated, please "
"use instead:\nparameters:\n positivity\n"
" multiplier: x\n initial: y\n"
"as can be seen in the example runcard: n3fit/runcards/Basic_runcard.yml"
def check_consistent_layers(parameters):
"""Checks that all layers have an activation function defined
and that a final-activation function is not being used half-way through.
final_activations = ["square_singlet"]
npl = len(parameters["nodes_per_layer"])
act_per_layer = parameters["activation_per_layer"]
apl = len(act_per_layer)
if npl != apl:
raise CheckError(f"Number of layers ({npl}) does not match activation functions: {apl}")
for fin_act in final_activations:
if fin_act in act_per_layer[:-1]:
raise CheckError(f"The activation {fin_act} can only be used as last layer")
def check_stopping(parameters):
"""Checks whether the stopping-related options are sane:
stopping patience as a ratio between 0 and 1
and positive number of epochs
spt = parameters.get("stopping_patience")
if spt is not None and not 0.0 <= spt <= 1.0:
raise CheckError(f"The stopping_patience must be between 0 and 1, got: {spt}")
epochs = parameters["epochs"]
if epochs < 1:
raise CheckError(f"Needs to run at least 1 epoch, got: {epochs}")
def check_basis_with_layers(basis, validphys_basis, parameters):
"""Check that the last layer matches the number of flavours defined in the runcard.
And that the activation functions are compatible with the basis.
number_of_flavours = len(basis)
last_layer = parameters["nodes_per_layer"][-1]
if number_of_flavours != last_layer:
raise CheckError(
f"The number of nodes in the last layer ({last_layer}) does not"
f" match the number of flavours: ({number_of_flavours})"
flavours = [i["fl"] for i in basis]
if parameters["activation_per_layer"][-1] == "square_singlet":
if not (("sng" in flavours) and ("g" in flavours)):
raise CheckError(
"square_singlet can only be used when `gluon` (g) and `singlet` (sng) are being fitted"
if (val := validphys_basis.indexes.get("sng")) > 1:
raise CheckError(
f"When using square_singlet, \\Sigma must be either element 0 or 1, found {val}"
if (val := validphys_basis.indexes.get("g")) > 1:
raise CheckError(
f"When using square_singlet, gluon must be either element 0 or 1, found {val}"
def check_optimizer(optimizer_dict):
"""Checks whether the optimizer setup is valid"""
name_key = "optimizer_name"
name = optimizer_dict[name_key]
from n3fit.backends import MetaModel
accepted_optimizers = MetaModel.accepted_optimizers
optimizer_data = accepted_optimizers.get(name)
if optimizer_data is None:
raise CheckError(f"Optimizer {name} not accepted by MetaModel")
# Get the dictionary of accepted parameters
data = optimizer_data[1]
for key in optimizer_dict.keys():
if key not in data and key != name_key:
raise CheckError(f"Optimizer {name} does not accept the option: {key}")
def check_initializer(initializer):
"""Checks whether the initializer is implemented"""
from n3fit.backends import MetaLayer
accepted_init = MetaLayer.initializers
if initializer not in accepted_init:
raise CheckError(f"Initializer {initializer} not accepted by {MetaLayer}")
def check_layer_type_implemented(parameters):
"""Checks whether the layer_type is implemented"""
layer_type = parameters.get("layer_type")
implemented_types = ["dense", "dense_per_flavour"]
if layer_type not in implemented_types:
raise CheckError(
f"Layer type {layer_type} not implemented, must be one of {implemented_types}"
def check_dropout(parameters):
"""Checks the dropout setup (positive and smaller than 1.0)"""
dropout = parameters.get("dropout")
if dropout is not None and not 0.0 <= dropout <= 1.0:
raise CheckError(f"Dropout must be between 0 and 1, got: {dropout}")
layer_type = parameters.get("layer_type")
if dropout is not None and dropout > 0.0 and layer_type == "dense_per_flavour":
raise CheckError(
"Dropout is not compatible with the dense_per_flavour layer type, "
"please use instead `parameters::layer_type: dense`"
def check_tensorboard(tensorboard):
"""Check that the tensorbard callback can be enabled correctly"""
if tensorboard is not None:
# Check that Tensorflow is installed
import tensorflow
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"The tensorboard callback requires `tensorflow` to be installed"
) from e
weight_freq = tensorboard.get("weight_freq", 0)
if weight_freq < 0:
raise CheckError(
f"The frequency at which weights are saved must be greater than 0, received {weight_freq}"
def check_lagrange_multipliers(parameters, key):
"""Checks the parameters in a lagrange multiplier dictionary
are correct, e.g. for positivity and integrability"""
lagrange_dict = parameters.get(key)
if lagrange_dict is None:
multiplier = lagrange_dict.get("multiplier")
if multiplier is not None and multiplier < 0:
log.warning("The %s multiplier is below 0, it will produce a negative loss", key)
elif multiplier is not None and multiplier == 0:
log.warning("The %s multiplier is 0 so it won't contribute to the loss", key)
threshold = lagrange_dict.get("threshold")
if threshold is not None and not _is_floatable(threshold):
raise CheckError(f"The {key}::threshold must be a number, received: {threshold}")
def check_model_file(save, load):
"""Checks whether the model_files given in the runcard are acceptable"""
if save:
if not isinstance(save, str):
raise CheckError(f"Model file to save to: {save} not understood")
# Since the file to save to will be found inside the replica folder, it should writable as all the others
if load:
if not isinstance(load, str):
raise CheckError(f"Model file to load: {load} not understood, str expected")
if not os.path.isfile(load):
raise CheckError(f"Model file to load: {load} can not be opened, does it exist?")
if not os.access(load, os.R_OK):
raise CheckError(f"Model file to load: {load} cannot be read, permission denied")
if os.stat(load).st_size == 0:
raise CheckError(f"Model file {load} seems to be empty")
def wrapper_check_NN(tensorboard, save, load, parameters):
"""Wrapper function for all NN-related checks"""
check_model_file(save, load)
check_lagrange_multipliers(parameters, "integrability")
check_lagrange_multipliers(parameters, "positivity")
# Checks that need to import the backend (and thus take longer) should be done last
def check_hyperopt_architecture(architecture):
"""Checks whether the scanning setup for the NN architecture works
- Initializers are valid
- Dropout setup is valid
- No 'min' is greater than its corresponding 'max'
if architecture is None:
initializers = architecture.get("initializers")
if initializers is not None:
for init in initializers:
# Check that max-min are correct
dropout = architecture.get("max_drop")
if dropout is not None and not 0.0 <= dropout <= 1.0:
raise CheckError(f"max_drop must be between 0 and 1, got: {dropout}")
min_u = architecture.get("min_units", 1)
# Set a minimum number of units in case none is defined to check later if the maximum is sane
if min_u <= 0:
raise CheckError(f"All layers must have at least 1 unit, got min_units: {min_u}")
max_u = architecture.get("max_units")
if max_u is not None and max_u < min_u:
raise CheckError(
"The maximum number of units must be bigger than the minimum "
f" but got min: {min_u}, max: {max_u}"
def check_hyperopt_positivity(positivity_dict):
"""Checks that the positivity multiplier and initial values are sensible and valid"""
if positivity_dict is None:
min_mul = positivity_dict.get("min_multiplier")
max_mul = positivity_dict.get("max_multiplier")
if max_mul is not None or min_mul is not None:
if max_mul is None:
raise CheckError("Need to set a maximum positivity multiplier if the minimum is set")
if min_mul is not None and max_mul <= min_mul:
raise CheckError("The minimum multiplier cannot be greater than the maximum")
min_ini = positivity_dict.get("min_initial")
max_ini = positivity_dict.get("max_initial")
if max_ini is not None or min_ini is not None:
if max_ini is None or min_ini is None:
raise CheckError(
"Need to set both the max_initial and the min_initial positivity values"
if max_ini <= min_ini:
raise CheckError("The minimum initial value cannot be greater than the maximum")
def check_kfold_options(kfold):
"""Warns the user about potential bugs on the kfold setup"""
threshold = kfold.get("threshold")
if threshold is not None and threshold < 2.0:
log.warning("The kfolding loss threshold might be too low: %f", threshold)
penalty_selection = kfold.get("penalties", [])
for penalty in penalty_selection:
if not hasattr(penalties_module, penalty):
raise CheckError(
f"The penalty '{penalty}' is not recognized, ensure it is implemented in hyper_optimization/penalties.py"
loss_type = kfold.get("loss_type")
if loss_type is not None:
if loss_type not in IMPLEMENTED_LOSSES:
raise CheckError(
f"Loss type '{loss_type}' is not recognized, "
"ensure it is implemented in the HyperLoss class in hyper_optimization/rewards.py."
"Options so far are 'chi2' or 'phi2'."
replica_statistic = kfold.get("replica_statistic")
if replica_statistic is not None:
if replica_statistic not in IMPLEMENTED_STATS:
raise CheckError(
f"The replica statistic '{replica_statistic}' is not recognized, "
"ensure it is implemented in the HyperLoss class in hyper_optimization/rewards.py"
fold_statistic = kfold.get("fold_statistic")
if fold_statistic is not None:
if fold_statistic not in IMPLEMENTED_STATS:
raise CheckError(
f"The fold statistic '{fold_statistic}' is not recognized, "
"ensure it is implemented in the HyperLoss class in hyper_optimization/rewards.py"
partitions = kfold["partitions"]
# Check specific errors for specific targets
loss_target = kfold.get("fold_statistic") # TODO: haven't updated this
if loss_target == "fit_future_tests":
if len(partitions) == 1:
raise CheckError("Cannot use target 'fit_future_tests' with just one partition")
if partitions[-1]["datasets"]:
log.warning("Last partition in future test is not empty, some datasets will be ignored")
def check_correct_partitions(kfold, data):
"""Ensures that all experimennts in all partitions
are included in the fit definition"""
# Get all datasets
datasets = list(map(str, data))
for partition in kfold["partitions"]:
fold_sets = partition["datasets"]
for dset in fold_sets:
if dset not in datasets:
raise CheckError(f"The k-fold defined dataset {dset} is not part of the fit")
def check_hyperopt_stopping(stopping_dict):
"""Checks that the options selected for the stopping are consistent"""
if stopping_dict is None:
min_ep = stopping_dict.get("min_epochs")
max_ep = stopping_dict.get("max_epochs")
if max_ep is not None or min_ep is not None:
if min_ep is None or max_ep is None:
raise CheckError("Need to set both the max_epochs and the min_epochs")
if min_ep < 1:
raise CheckError(f"Can't run for less than 1 epoch: selected min_ep = {min_ep}")
if max_ep <= min_ep:
raise CheckError(f"min_epochs cannot be greater than max_epochs: ({min_ep} > {max_ep})")
min_pat = stopping_dict.get("min_patience")
max_pat = stopping_dict.get("max_patience")
if min_pat is not None or max_pat is not None:
if min_pat is not None and min_pat < 0.0:
raise CheckError(f"min_patience cannot be less than 0.0: selected min_pat = {min_pat}")
if max_pat is not None:
if max_pat > 1.0:
raise CheckError(
f"max_patience cannot be greater than 1.0: selected max_pat = {max_pat}"
if min_pat is not None and max_pat < min_pat:
raise CheckError(
f"min_patience cannot be greater than max_patience: ({min_pat} > {max_pat})"
def wrapper_hyperopt(hyperopt, hyperscan_config, kfold, data):
"""Wrapper function for all hyperopt-related checks
No check is performed if hyperopt is not active
if not hyperopt:
if hyperscan_config is None:
raise CheckError("Can't perform hyperoptimization without the hyperscan_config key")
if kfold is None:
raise CheckError("Can't perform hyperoptimization without folds")
check_correct_partitions(kfold, data)
def check_sumrules(sum_rules):
"""Checks that the chosen option for the sum rules are sensible"""
if isinstance(sum_rules, bool):
accepted_options = ["ALL", "MSR", "VSR", "TSR", "ALLBUTCSR"]
if sum_rules.upper() in accepted_options:
raise CheckError(f"The only accepted options for the sum rules are: {accepted_options}")
# Checks on the physics
def check_consistent_basis(sum_rules, fitbasis, basis, theoryid, parameters):
"""Checks the fitbasis setup for inconsistencies
- Checks the sum rules can be imposed
- Correct flavours for the selected basis
- Correct ranges (min < max) for the small and large-x exponents
# Check that there are no duplicate flavours and that parameters are sane
flavs = []
for flavour_dict in basis:
name = flavour_dict["fl"]
smallx = flavour_dict["smallx"]
if smallx[0] > smallx[1]:
raise CheckError(f"Wrong smallx range for flavour {name}: {smallx}")
largex = flavour_dict["largex"]
if largex[0] > largex[1]:
raise CheckError(f"Wrong largex range for flavour {name}: {largex}")
if name in flavs:
raise CheckError(f"Repeated flavour name: {name}. Check basis dictionary")
# Finally check whether the basis considers or not charm
# Check that the basis given in the runcard is one of those defined in validphys.pdfbases
vp_basis = check_basis(fitbasis, flavs)["basis"]
# Now check that basis and theory id are consistent
has_c = vp_basis.has_element("c") or vp_basis.has_element("T15") or vp_basis.has_element("cp")
if theoryid.get_description()["IC"] and not has_c:
raise CheckError(f"{theoryid} (intrinsic charm) is incompatible with basis {fitbasis}")
if not theoryid.get_description()["IC"] and has_c:
raise CheckError(f"{theoryid} (perturbative charm) is incompatible with basis {fitbasis}")
check_basis_with_layers(basis, vp_basis, parameters)
def check_consistent_parallel(parameters, parallel_models):
"""Checks whether the multiple-replica fit options are consistent among them
i.e., that the trvl seed is fixed and the layer type is correct
if not parallel_models:
if parameters.get("layer_type") not in ("dense"):
raise CheckError("Parallelization has only been tested with layer_type=='dense'")
def can_run_multiple_replicas(replicas, parallel_models):
"""Warns the user if trying to run just one replica in parallel"""
if not parallel_models:
if len(replicas) == 1:
log.warning("parallel_models is set to true for only one replica")
def check_deprecated_options(fitting):
"""Checks whether the runcard is using deprecated options"""
options_outside = ["trvlseed", "nnseed", "mcseed", "save", "load", "genrep", "parameters"]
for option in options_outside:
if option in fitting:
raise CheckError(
f"The key '{option}' should be top-level key and not part of the 'fitting' namespace"
if "epochs" in fitting:
raise CheckError("The key 'epoch' should only appear as part of the 'parameters' namespace")
nnfit_options = ["seed", "rnalgo", "fitmethod", "nmutants", "paramtype", "nnodes"]
for option in nnfit_options:
if option in fitting:
log.warning("'fitting::%s' is an nnfit-only key, it will be ignored", option)
def check_fiatlux_pdfs_id(replicas, fiatlux):
if fiatlux is not None:
luxset = fiatlux["luxset"]
pdfs_ids = luxset.get_members() - 1 # get_members counts also replica0
max_id = max(replicas)
if max_id > pdfs_ids:
raise CheckError(
f"Cannot generate a photon replica with id larger than the number of replicas of the PDFs set {luxset.name}:\nreplica id={max_id}, replicas of {luxset.name} = {pdfs_ids}"
def check_multireplica_qed(replicas, fiatlux):
if fiatlux is not None:
if len(replicas) > 1:
raise CheckError("At the moment, running a multireplica QED fits is not allowed.")
def check_polarized_configs(fitting, fitbasis, positivity_bound):
if fitbasis.startswith("POLARIZED_"):
if positivity_bound is None:
raise CheckError(
"For polarized fits, the 'positivity_bound' key has to be defined in the runcard."
if positivity_bound.get("unpolarized_bc") is None:
raise CheckError(
"For polarized fits, the unpolarized PDF has to be defined in positivity_bound::unpolarized_bc."
if fitting.get("sum_rules", True) and fitting.get("sum_rules") != "TSR":
raise CheckError("The 'sum_rules' key needs to be 'TSR' for polarised PDF fits.")
def check_eko_exists(theoryid):
"""Check that an eko for this theory exists.
Since there might still be theories without an associated eko,
this function raises a logger' error instead of an Exception."""
_ = FallbackLoader().check_eko(theoryid.id)
except FileNotFoundError:
log.error(f"No eko found for {theoryid}")