.. _vpexamples: ======== Examples ======== Example validphys runcards can be found `here `_. These are useful when trying to gain familiarity with how to produce results with validphys or when you want to carry out a common task, e.g. plotting some PDFs, and you do not want to write the runcard yourself. It is strongly encouraged to capitalise namespaces, e.g. ``PDFscalespecs`` rather than ``pdfscalespecs``. This is to avoid confusion between namespaces, which are relevant only to that runcard, and any actions within ``validphys``, which by convention are lower case. Here we detail the examples that already exist and list the resources which it is recommended that you use when writing a new example runcard. Existing examples ================= ============================= =========================== ========================================================= Runcard/folder name Tutorial What it does ============================= =========================== ========================================================= API_example.ipynb :ref:`vpapi` Jupyter notebook example with API closure_templates/ :ref:`tut_closure` Running closure tests cuts_options.yaml N/A Shows results for different cuts policites dataspecs.yaml N/A Shows how to use ``dataspecs`` data_theory_comparison.yaml :ref:`datthcomp` Data theory comparison export_data.yaml N/A Makes tables of experimental data and covariance matrices generate_a_report.yaml :ref:`tut_report` Shows how to generate a report kiplot.yaml N/A Plot kinematic coverage of data looping_example.yaml N/A Shows how to do actions in a loop over resources mc_gen_example.yaml N/A Analysis of pseudodata generation new_data_specification.yaml N/A Shows how to specify data in runcards pdfdistanceplots.yaml How to plot PDFs Distance PDF plots simple_runcard.yaml N/A Simple runcard example spiderplots.yaml N/A Plot spider/radar diagram for χ2 and ϕ taking_data_from_fit.yaml N/A Shows how to take ``theoryids`` and ``pdfs`` from a fit theory_covariance/ :ref:`vptheorycov-index` Runcards for the ``theorycovariance`` module ============================= =========================== ========================================================= Recommended resources ===================== The resources that should be used in example runcards, where possible, match the defaults used in the `tests `_. It is recommended that these are used to avoid situations when the user has to download different resources, which can be costly in terms of time and memory, to run each example runcard. The recommended resources are: =================================== =================================== ================================================================== Resource ID Description =================================== =================================== ================================================================== NLO theoryid 208 NNPDF4.0 NLO theory predictions with central scales NNLO theoryid 162 Low precision NNLO theory predictions with central scales NLO theoryid for scale variations 1 163 Central scales, :math:`k_F = 1, k_R = 1` NLO theoryid for scale variations 2 173 :math:`k_F = 0.5, k_R = 0.5` NLO theoryid for scale variations 3 174 :math:`k_F = 1, k_R = 0.5` NLO theoryid for scale variations 4 175 :math:`k_F = 2, k_R = 0.5` NLO theoryid for scale variations 5 176 :math:`k_F = 0.5, k_R = 1` NLO theoryid for scale variations 6 177 :math:`k_F = 2, k_R = 1` NLO theoryid for scale variations 7 178 :math:`k_F = 0.5, k_R = 2` NLO theoryid for scale variations 8 179 :math:`k_F = 1, k_R = 2` NLO theoryid for scale variations 9 180 :math:`k_F = 2, k_R = 2` NLO pdf NNPDF40_nlo_as_01180 NNPDF4.0 NLO PDF set with 100 replicas (+ central replica) NNLO pdf NNPDF40_nnlo_as_01180 NNPDF4.0 NNLO PDF set with 100 replicas (+ central replica) NNLO pdf hessian NNPDF40_nnlo_as_01180_hessian NNPDF4.0 NNLO hessian PDF set generated from replicas NLO fit NNPDF40_nlo_as_01180 NNPDF4.0 NLO fit with 100 replicas (+ central replica) NNLO fit NNPDF40_nnlo_lowprecision NNPDF4.0 NNLO low precision fit (theory 162) with 50 replicas (+ central replica) NNLO fit (iterated) NNPDF40_nnlo_low_precision_iterated Iteration of NNPDF40_nnlo_lowprecision fit NNPDF40_example_closure_test ``n3fit`` closure test fit with 30 replicas before and after postfit =================================== =================================== ==================================================================